$stripAttrib = 'javascript:|onclick|ondblclick|onmousedown|onmouseup|onmouseover|'.
return stripslashes(preg_replace("/$stripAttrib/i", '', $tagSource));
+function banana_cleanStyles($tag, $attributes)
+ static $td_style, $conv, $size_conv;
+ if (!isset($td_style)) {
+ $conv = array('style' => 'style', 'width' => 'width', 'height' => 'height', 'border' => 'border-size',
+ 'size' => 'font-size', 'align' => 'text-align', 'valign' => 'vertical-align', 'face' => 'font',
+ 'bgcolor' => 'background-color', 'color' => 'color', 'style' => 'style',
+ 'cellpadding' => 'padding', 'cellspacing' => 'border-spacing');
+ $size_conv = array(1 => 'xx-small', 2 => 'x-small', 3 => 'small', 4 => 'medium', 5 => 'large',
+ 6 => 'x-large', 7 => 'xx-large',
+ '-2' => 'xx-small', '-1' => 'x-small', '+1' => 'medium', '+2' => 'large',
+ '+3' => 'x-large', '+4' => 'xx-large');
+ $td_style = array();
+ }
+ if ($tag == 'table') {
+ array_unshift($td_style, '');
+ }
+ if ($tag == '/table') {
+ array_shift($td_style);
+ }
+ if ($tag{0} == '/') {
+ return '';
+ }
+ if ($tag == 'td') {
+ $style = $td_style[0];
+ } else {
+ $style = '';
+ }
+ $attributes = str_replace("\n", ' ', stripslashes($attributes));
+ $attributes = str_replace('= "', '="', $attributes);
+ foreach ($conv as $att=>$stl) {
+ $pattern = '/\b' . preg_quote($att, '/') . '="(.+?)"/i';
+ if (preg_match($pattern, $attributes, $matches)) {
+ $attributes = preg_replace($pattern, '', $attributes);
+ $val = $matches[1];
+ if ($att == 'cellspacing' && strpos($style, 'border-collapse') === false) {
+ $style .= "border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: $val $val; ";
+ } elseif ($att == 'cellpadding' && $tag == 'table') {
+ $td_style[0] = "$stl: {$val}px; ";
+ } elseif ($att == 'style') {
+ $val = rtrim($val, ' ;');
+ $style .= "$val; ";
+ } elseif ($att == 'size') {
+ $val = $size_conv[$val];
+ $style .= "$stl: $val; ";
+ } elseif (is_numeric($val)) {
+ $style .= "$stl: {$val}px; ";
+ } else {
+ $style .= "$stl: $val; ";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!empty($style)) {
+ $style = 'style="' . $style . '" ';
+ }
+ return ' ' . $style . trim($attributes);
* @return string
function banana_cleanHtml($source)
- $allowedTags = '<h1><b><i><a><ul><li><pre><hr><blockquote><img><br><font><div>'
- . '<u><p><small><big><sup><sub><code><em><strong><table><tr><td><th>';
- $source = strip_tags($source, $allowedTags);
- $source = preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ie', "'<'.banana_removeEvilAttributes('\\1').'>'", $source);
if (function_exists('tidy_repair_string')) {
$tidy_on = Array(
'drop-empty-paras', 'drop-proprietary-attributes',
'hide-comments', 'logical-emphasis', 'output-xhtml',
- 'replace-color', 'show-body-only'
+ 'replace-color',
- $tidy_off = Array('join-classes', 'clean'); // 'clean' may be a good idea, but it is too aggressive
+ $tidy_off = Array('join-classes', 'clean', 'show-body-only'); // 'clean' may be a good idea, but it is too aggressive
foreach($tidy_on as $opt) {
tidy_setopt($opt, true);
tidy_setopt('alt-text', '[ inserted by TIDY ]');
tidy_setopt('wrap', '120');
- return tidy_repair_string($source);
+ $source = tidy_repair_string($source);
+ }
+ // To XHTML
+ // catch inline CSS
+ $css = null;
+ if (preg_match('/<head.*?>(.*?)<\/head>/is', $source, $matches)) {
+ $source = preg_replace('/<head.*?>.*?<\/head>/is', '', $source);
+ preg_match_all('/<style.*?type="text\/css".*?>(.*?)<\/style>/is', $matches[1], $matches);
+ foreach ($matches[1] as &$match) {
+ $css .= $match;
+ }
+ $css = preg_replace("/(^|\n|,)\s*(\w+[^\{\}\<]+\{)/s", '\1.banana .message .body .html \2', $css);
+ $css = preg_replace('/ body\b/i', '', $css);
+ Banana::$page->addCssInline($css);
- return $source;
+ // clean DTD
+ $source = str_replace('<font', '<span', $source);
+ $source = preg_replace('/<u\b/', '<span style="text-decoration: underline"', $source);
+ $source = preg_replace('/<\/(font|u)>/', '</span>', $source);
+ $source = str_replace('<body', $css ? '<div class="html"' : '<div class="html default"', $source);
+ $source = str_replace('</body>', '</div>', $source);
+ $allowedTags = '<h1><h2><h3><b><i><a><ul><li><pre><hr><blockquote><img><br><div><span>'
+ . '<p><small><big><sup><sub><code><em><strong><table><tr><td><th>';
+ $source = strip_tags($source, $allowedTags);
+ // Use inlined style instead of old html attributes
+ $source = preg_replace('/<(\/?\w+)(.*?)(\/?>)/ise', "'<\\1' . banana_cleanStyles('\\1', '\\2') . '\\3'", $source);
+ return preg_replace('/<(.*?)>/ie', "'<'.banana_removeEvilAttributes('\\1').'>'", $source);
function banana_catchHtmlSignature($res)
function banana_catchPartLinks($text)
- return preg_replace('/cid:([^\'" ]+)/e', "banana__linkAttachment('\\1')", $text);
+ $article = Banana::$page->makeURL(array('group' => Banana::$group, 'artid' => Banana::$artid, 'part' => Banana::$part));
+ $article = banana_htmlentities($article);
+ $text = preg_replace('/cid:([^\'" ]+)/e', "banana__linkAttachment('\\1')", $text);
+ $text = preg_replace('/href="(#.*?)"/i', 'href="' . $article . '\1"', $text);
+ return $text;
// {{{ HTML to Plain Text tools