* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-define("WATCH_FICHE", 1);
-define("WATCH_INSCR", 2);
-define("WATCH_DEATH", 3);
+define('WATCH_FICHE', 1);
+define('WATCH_INSCR', 2);
+define('WATCH_DEATH', 3);
+define('WATCH_BIRTH', 4);
// {{{ function inscription_notifs_base
'contact_sql' => '1'
'watch_promo' => Array('wfield' => 'promo', 'ufield' => 'promo', 'need_contact' => true,
- 'freq_sql' => ' AND wc.frequent=0',
+ 'freq_sql' => ' AND ( wc.type = "basic" OR wc.type="near" AND (w.promo <= u.promo+1 AND w.promo >= u.promo-1) )',
'contact_sql' => 'NOT (c.contact IS NULL)'
'watch_nonins' => Array('wfield' => 'ni_id', 'ufield' => 'user_id', 'need_contact' => false,
--- /dev/null
+alter table watch_cat add column type enum('basic', 'near', 'often') not null default 'basic';
+update watch_cat set type='often' where frequent=1;
+alter table watch_cat drop column frequent;
+insert into watch_cat (id, short, mail, type) values(4, 'Anniversaires', 'Ces camarades ont feté leur anniversaire cette semaine', 'near');