* Survey:
- #993: Enables survey for oranges -Car
- #1002: Lets the user set promo interval in both ways -Car
+ - #967: Lets admin see surveys even when not in targeted promos -Car
* XnetGrp:
- #1086: Fixes view members of group even if not in group -Car
return PL_DO_AUTH;
if (Post::has('survey_submit')) { // checks if the survey has already been filled in
+ // admins can see the survey but not vote
+ if (!$this->check_surveyPerms($page, $survey, false, false)) {
+ return PL_DO_AUTH;
+ }
$uid = 0;
if (!$survey->isMode(Survey::MODE_ALL)) { // if survey is restriced to alumni
$uid = S::v('uid');
// }}}
// {{{ function check_surveyPerms() : checks the particular surveys access permissions
- function check_surveyPerms(&$page, $survey, $silent = false)
+ function check_surveyPerms(&$page, $survey, $silent = false, $admin_allowed = true)
if ($survey->isMode(Survey::MODE_ALL)) { // if the survey is not reserved to alumni
if ($allowed) {
return true;
+ if (S::admin() && $admin_allowed) {
+ if (!$silent) {
+ $page->trigWarning('Tu as accès à ce sondage car tu es administrateur du site.');
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
if (!$silent) {
$page->kill("Tu n'as pas accès à ce sondage car il est réservé à d'autres promotions.");