- * Admin:
- - #1320: Add administrations pages for country and language edition -JAC
- - #1371: Allows email edition before mailing list validation -JAC
- * Carnet:
- - #1139: Fixes contact pdf export with pictures -JAC
- * Core:
- - #1040: Adapts login page for non-X users -FRU
- - #1325: Fixes csv downloading with IE8 -JAC
- * Emails:
- - #1201: Increases allowed email size -JAC
- * Payments:
- - #1314,1295: Finally fix "has paid" lists -Xel
- * Profile:
- - #1288: Adds explaination about job keywords in profile edition -JAC
- - #1294: Fixes email in job information -JAC
- - #1322: Removes duplicated city and postal code in vcard addresses -JAC
- - #1323: Displays email aliases in vcards when public -JAC
- * Search:
- - #1283: Restricts second operation on promo search -Car
- - #1312: Adds search on subadministrativearea -JAC
- - #1313: Fixes advanced form js in IE7 -Car
- * Xnet:
- - #1347: Fixes menu when changing rights in Xnet -JAC
- * XnetEvent:
- - #1233: Enables event subscribtion notification -JAC
- * XnetGrp:
- - #1230: Adds custom welcome message for group subscription -JAC
VERSION 1.0.2 31 01 2011