public $title = null;
public $description = null;
public $url = null;
- public $where = null; /* Geolocalize ? Addresse ==> google map
+ public $place = null; /* Geolocalize ? Addresse ==> google map
Each asso sould have its list of reusable addresses
and UI should list previous (recent) addresses. */
public $begin = null;
public $prices = null;
public $useCategories = null;
- public function __construct(array $data) {
+ public function __construct(array $data = null) {
+ if (!is_null($data)) {
+ foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
+ $this->$name = $value;
+ }
+ $this->prices = explode(',', $this->prices);
+ }
const PAYMENT_TELEPAYMENT = 'telepayment';
const PAYMENT_MONEY = 'money';
- private $tofetch;
+ private $tofetch = null;
public $id = null;
+ public $respoUID = null;
+ public $respoForlife = null;
+ public $respoNom = null;
+ public $respoPrenom = null;
+ public $respoPromo = null;
+ public $respoSexe = null;
public $shortname = null;
public $title = null;
public $description = null;
public $subscriptionLimit = null;
public $closed = null;
+ public $prepared = null;
public $memberOnly = null;
public $invite = null;
public $publicList = null;
public function __construct($id = null) {
$this->tofetch = $id;
- $this->id = -1;
- $this->shortname = null;
- $this->title = null;
- $this->description = null;
- $this->subscriptionLimit = null;
private function fetchData() {
- if ($this->id >= 0) {
- return;
+ if (!is_null($this->id) || is_null($this->tofetch)) {
+ return !is_null($this->id);
+ }
+ global $globals;
+ $it = XDB::query("SELECT, e.shortname, e.title, e.description,
+ e.uid AS respoUID, u.prenom AS respoPrenom,
+ IF(u.nom_usage != '', u.nom_usage, u.nom) AS respoNom,
+ AS respoPromo, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS respoSexe,
+ e.sublimit AS subscriptionLimit, e.categories,
+ FIND_IN_SET('invite', e.flags) AS invite,
+ FIND_IN_SET('memberonly', e.flags) AS memberOnly,
+ FIND_IN_SET('publiclist', e.flags) AS publicList,
+ FIND_IN_SET('paymentissubscription', e.flags) AS paymentIsSubscription,
+ e.state IN ('close', 'archive') AS closed,
+ e.state != 'prepare' AS prepared
+ INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON(e.uid = u.user_id)
+ WHERE e.asso_id = {?} AND ( = {?} OR e.shortname = {?})",
+ $globals->asso('id'), $this->tofetch, $this->tofetch);
+ if (!($data = $it->fetchOneAssoc())) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ foreach ($data as $name => $value) {
+ $this->$name = $value;
+ }
+ $this->categories = explode(',', $this->categories);
+ $this->parts = array();
+ $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT ep.part_id AS id, ep.title, ep.description,
+ ep.url,, ep.begin, ep.end, ep.prices,
+ NOT FIND_IN_SET('nocategories', ep.flags) AS useCategories
+ FROM events_part
+ WHERE ep.event_id = {?}",
+ $this->id);
+ while (($data = $it->next())) {
+ $this->parts[$data['id']] = new XNetEventPart($data);
- // TODO: fetch data from database
+ return true;
private function saveData() {