return array(
'admin' => $this->make_hook('default', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/auth-groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('authgroupesx', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/ax-xorg' => $this->make_hook('ax_xorg', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/binets' => $this->make_hook('binets', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/deaths' => $this->make_hook('deaths', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/medals' => $this->make_hook('medals', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/downtime' => $this->make_hook('downtime', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/events' => $this->make_hook('events', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/formations' => $this->make_hook('formations', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/geoloc' => $this->make_hook('geoloc', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/geoloc/dynamap' => $this->make_hook('geoloc_dynamap', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('groupesx', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/homonyms' => $this->make_hook('homonyms', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/lists' => $this->make_hook('lists', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/logger' => $this->make_hook('logger', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/logger/actions' => $this->make_hook('logger_actions', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/newsletter' => $this->make_hook('newsletter', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/newsletter/categories' => $this->make_hook('newsletter_cat', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/newsletter/edit' => $this->make_hook('newsletter_edit', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/payments' => $this->make_hook('payments', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/postfix/blacklist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_blacklist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/postfix/delayed' => $this->make_hook('postfix_delayed', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/postfix/regexp_bounces' => $this->make_hook('postfix_regexpsbounces', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/postfix/whitelist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_whitelist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/skins' => $this->make_hook('skins', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/synchro_ax' => $this->make_hook('synchro_ax', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/trombino' => $this->make_hook('trombino', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/user' => $this->make_hook('user', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/validate' => $this->make_hook('validate', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/wiki' => $this->make_hook('wiki', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- function handler_events(&$page, $arch) {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/evenements.tpl');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Evenements');
- $arch = $arch == 'archives';
- $evid = Post::i('evt_id');
- $page->assign('arch', $arch);
- switch(Post::v('action')) {
- case "Proposer":
- XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET titre={?}, texte={?}, peremption={?}, promo_min={?}, promo_max={?} WHERE id = {?}',
- Post::v('titre'), Post::v('texte'), Post::v('peremption'), Post::v('promo_min'), Post::v('promo_max'), $evid);
- break;
- case "Valider":
- XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",valide") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
- break;
- case "Invalider":
- XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"valide", "") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
- break;
- case "Supprimer":
- XDB::execute('DELETE from evenements WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
- break;
- case "Archiver":
- XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",archive") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
- break;
- case "Desarchiver":
- XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"archive","") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
- break;
- case "Editer":
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT titre, texte, peremption, promo_min, promo_max FROM evenements WHERE id={?}', $evid);
- list($titre, $texte, $peremption, $promo_min, $promo_max) = $res->fetchOneRow();
- $page->assign('mode', 'edit');
- $page->assign('titre',$titre);
- $page->assign('texte',$texte);
- $page->assign('promo_min',$promo_min);
- $page->assign('promo_max',$promo_max);
- $page->assign('peremption',$peremption);
- $select = "";
- for ($i = 1 ; $i < 30 ; $i++) {
- $p_stamp=date("Ymd",time()+3600*24*$i);
- $year=substr($p_stamp,0,4);
- $month=substr($p_stamp,4,2);
- $day=substr($p_stamp,6,2);
- $select .= "<option value=\"$p_stamp\"" . (($p_stamp == strtr($peremption, array("-" => ""))) ? " selected" : "")."> $day / $month / $year</option>\n";
- }
- $page->assign('select',$select);
- break;
- }
- if ($action != "Editer") {
- $sql = "SELECT e.id, e.titre, e.texte,
- DATE_FORMAT(e.creation_date,'%d/%m/%Y %T') AS creation_date,
- DATE_FORMAT(e.peremption,'%d/%m/%Y') AS peremption,
- e.promo_min, e.promo_max,
- FIND_IN_SET('valide', e.flags) AS fvalide,
- FIND_IN_SET('archive', e.flags) AS farch,
- u.promo, u.nom, u.prenom, a.alias AS forlife
- FROM evenements AS e
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON(e.user_id = u.user_id)
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
- WHERE ".($arch ? "" : "!")."FIND_IN_SET('archive',e.flags)
- ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET('valide',e.flags), peremption";
- $page->assign('evs', XDB::iterator($sql));
- }
- }
- function handler_newsletter(&$page, $new = false) {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/newsletter.tpl');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Newsletter : liste');
- require_once("newsletter.inc.php");
- if($new) {
- insert_new_nl();
- pl_redirect("admin/newsletter");
- }
- $page->assign_by_ref('nl_list', get_nl_slist());
- }
- function handler_newsletter_edit(&$page, $nid = 'last', $aid = null, $action = 'edit') {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/newsletter_edit.tpl');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Newsletter : Edition');
- require_once("newsletter.inc.php");
- $nl = new NewsLetter($nid);
- if($action == 'delete') {
- $nl->delArticle($aid);
- pl_redirect("admin/newsletter/edit/$nid");
- }
- if($aid == 'update') {
- $nl->_title = Post::v('title');
- $nl->_date = Post::v('date');
- $nl->_head = Post::v('head');
- $nl->save();
- }
- if(Post::v('save')) {
- $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'),
- $aid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos'));
- $nl->saveArticle($art);
- pl_redirect("admin/newsletter/edit/$nid");
- }
- if($action == 'edit') {
- $eaid = $aid;
- if(Post::has('title')) {
- $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'),
- $eaid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos'));
- } else {
- $art = ($eaid == 'new') ? new NLArticle() : $nl->getArt($eaid);
- }
- $page->assign('art', $art);
- }
- $page->assign_by_ref('nl',$nl);
- }
- function handler_lists(&$page) {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/lists.tpl');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Mailing lists');
- require_once 'lists.inc.php';
- $client =& lists_xmlrpc(S::v('uid'), S::v('password'));
- $listes = $client->get_all_lists();
- $page->assign_by_ref('listes',$listes);
- }
function handler_validate(&$page) {
$page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Valider une demande');
$page->assign('vit', new ValidateIterator());
- function handler_geoloc(&$page, $action = false) {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/geoloc.tpl');
- require_once("geoloc.inc.php");
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Geolocalisation');
- $nb_synchro = 0;
- if (Env::has('id') && is_numeric(Env::v('id'))) {
- if (synchro_city(Env::v('id'))) $nb_synchro ++;
- }
- if ($action == 'missinglat') {
- $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT id FROM geoloc_city WHERE lat = 0 AND lon = 0");
- while ($a = $res->next()) if (synchro_city($a[0])) $nb_synchro++;
- }
- if ($nb_synchro)
- $page->trig(($nb_synchro > 1)?($nb_synchro." villes ont été synchronisées"):"Une ville a été synchronisée");
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geoloc_city WHERE lat = 0 AND lon = 0");
- $page->assign("nb_missinglat", $res->fetchOneCell());
- }
- function handler_geoloc_dynamap(&$page, $action = false) {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/geoloc_dynamap.tpl');
- if ($action == 'cities_not_on_map') {
- require_once('geoloc.inc.php');
- if (!fix_cities_not_on_map(20))
- $page->trig("Impossible d'accéder au webservice");
- else
- $refresh = true;
- }
- if ($action == 'smallest_maps') {
- require_once('geoloc.inc.php');
- set_smallest_levels();
- }
- if ($action == 'precise_coordinates') {
- XDB::execute("UPDATE adresses AS a INNER JOIN geoloc_city AS c ON(a.cityid = c.id) SET a.glat = c.lat / 100000, a.glng = c.lon / 100000");
- }
- if ($action == 'newmaps') {
- require_once('geoloc.inc.php');
- if (!get_new_maps(Env::v('url')))
- $page->trig("Impossible d'accéder aux nouvelles cartes");
- }
- $countMissing = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM geoloc_city AS c LEFT JOIN geoloc_city_in_maps AS m ON(c.id = m.city_id) WHERE m.city_id IS NULL");
- $missing = $countMissing->fetchOneCell();
- $countNoSmallest = XDB::query("SELECT SUM(IF(infos = 'smallest',1,0)) AS n FROM geoloc_city_in_maps GROUP BY city_id ORDER BY n");
- $noSmallest = $countNoSmallest->fetchOneCell() == 0;
- $countNoCoordinates = XDB::query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM adresses WHERE cityid IS NOT NULL AND glat = 0 AND glng = 0");
- $noCoordinates = $countNoCoordinates->fetchOneCell();
- if (isset($refresh) && $missing) {
- $page->assign("xorg_extra_header", "<meta http-equiv='Refresh' content='3'/>");
- }
- $page->assign("nb_cities_not_on_map", $missing);
- $page->assign("no_smallest", $noSmallest);
- $page->assign("no_coordinates", $noCoordinates);
- }
- function handler_trombino(&$page, $uid = null, $action = null) {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/admin_trombino.tpl');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Trombino');
- $page->assign('uid', $uid);
- $q = XDB::query(
- "SELECT a.alias,promo
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( u.user_id = a.id AND type='a_vie' )
- WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid);
- list($forlife, $promo) = $q->fetchOneRow();
- switch ($action) {
- case "original":
- header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
- readfile("/home/web/trombino/photos".$promo."/".$forlife.".jpg");
- exit;
- break;
- case "new":
- $data = file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
- list($x, $y) = getimagesize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
- $mimetype = substr($_FILES['userfile']['type'], 6);
- unlink($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
- XDB::execute(
- "REPLACE INTO photo SET uid={?}, attachmime = {?}, attach={?}, x={?}, y={?}",
- $uid, $mimetype, $data, $x, $y);
- break;
- case "delete":
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM photo WHERE uid = {?}', $uid);
- break;
- }
- $page->assign('forlife', $forlife);
- }
- function handler_binets(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Binets');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des binets');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/binets', 'binets_def', 'id');
- $table_editor->add_join_table('binets_ins','binet_id',true);
- $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- }
- function handler_formations(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Formations');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des formations');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/formations','applis_def','id');
- $table_editor->add_join_table('applis_ins','aid',true);
- $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
- $table_editor->describe('url','site web',false);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- }
- function handler_groupesx(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Groupes X');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Groupes X');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/groupes-x','groupesx_def','id');
- $table_editor->add_join_table('groupesx_ins','gid',true);
- $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
- $table_editor->describe('url','site web',false);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- }
function handler_skins(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
$page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Skins');
$table_editor->describe('ext','extension du screenshot',false);
$table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- function handler_authgroupesx(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Auth groupes X');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion de l\'authentification centralisée');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/auth-groupes-x','groupesx_auth','id');
- $table_editor->describe('name','nom',true);
- $table_editor->describe('privkey','clé privée',false);
- $table_editor->describe('datafields','champs renvoyés',true);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- }
function handler_postfix_blacklist(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
$page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Postfix : Blacklist');
$table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- function handler_newsletter_cat(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Newsletter : Catégories');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des catégories de la newsletter');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/newsletter/categories','newsletter_cat','cid');
- $table_editor->describe('titre','intitulé',true);
- $table_editor->describe('pos','position',true);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- }
- function handler_payments(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Paiements');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des télépaiements');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/payments','paiement.paiements','id');
- $table_editor->add_join_table('paiement.transactions','ref',true);
- $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
- $table_editor->describe('url','site web',false);
- $table_editor->describe('montant_def','montant par défaut',false);
- $table_editor->describe('montant_min','montant minimum',false);
- $table_editor->describe('montant_max','montant maximum',false);
- $table_editor->describe('mail','email contact',true);
- $table_editor->describe('confirmation','message confirmation',false);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- }
- function handler_medals(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
- require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Distinctions');
- $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Distinctions');
- $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/medals','profile_medals','id');
- $table_editor->describe('text', 'intitulé', true);
- $table_editor->describe('img', 'nom de l\'image', false);
- $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
- if ($id && $action == 'edit') {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/gerer_decos.tpl');
- $mid = $id;
- if (Post::v('act') == 'del') {
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_medals_grades WHERE mid={?} AND gid={?}', $mid, Post::i('gid'));
- } elseif (Post::v('act') == 'new') {
- XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_medals_grades (mid,gid) VALUES({?},{?})',
- $mid, max(array_keys(Post::v('grades', array(0))))+1);
- } else {
- foreach (Post::v('grades', array()) as $gid=>$text) {
- XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_medals_grades SET pos={?}, text={?} WHERE gid={?}', $_POST['pos'][$gid], $text, $gid);
- }
- }
- $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT gid, text, pos FROM profile_medals_grades WHERE mid={?} ORDER BY pos', $mid);
- $page->assign('grades', $res);
- }
- }
function handler_wiki(&$page, $action='list') {
require_once 'wiki.inc.php';
return array(
'events' => $this->make_hook('ev', AUTH_COOKIE),
'events/submit' => $this->make_hook('ev_submit', AUTH_MDP),
+ 'admin/events' => $this->make_hook('admin_events', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'nl' => $this->make_hook('nl', AUTH_COOKIE),
'nl/show' => $this->make_hook('nl_show', AUTH_COOKIE),
'nl/submit' => $this->make_hook('nl_submit', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'admin/newsletter' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/newsletter/categories' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl_cat', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/newsletter/edit' => $this->make_hook('admin_nl_edit', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
$page->assign('submited', true);
+ function handler_admin_events(&$page, $arch) {
+ $page->changeTpl('admin/evenements.tpl');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Evenements');
+ $arch = $arch == 'archives';
+ $evid = Post::i('evt_id');
+ $page->assign('arch', $arch);
+ switch(Post::v('action')) {
+ case "Proposer":
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET titre={?}, texte={?}, peremption={?}, promo_min={?}, promo_max={?} WHERE id = {?}',
+ Post::v('titre'), Post::v('texte'), Post::v('peremption'), Post::v('promo_min'), Post::v('promo_max'), $evid);
+ break;
+ case "Valider":
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",valide") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
+ break;
+ case "Invalider":
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"valide", "") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
+ break;
+ case "Supprimer":
+ XDB::execute('DELETE from evenements WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
+ break;
+ case "Archiver":
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = CONCAT(flags,",archive") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
+ break;
+ case "Desarchiver":
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE evenements SET creation_date = creation_date, flags = REPLACE(flags,"archive","") WHERE id = {?}', $evid);
+ break;
+ case "Editer":
+ $res = XDB::query('SELECT titre, texte, peremption, promo_min, promo_max FROM evenements WHERE id={?}', $evid);
+ list($titre, $texte, $peremption, $promo_min, $promo_max) = $res->fetchOneRow();
+ $page->assign('mode', 'edit');
+ $page->assign('titre',$titre);
+ $page->assign('texte',$texte);
+ $page->assign('promo_min',$promo_min);
+ $page->assign('promo_max',$promo_max);
+ $page->assign('peremption',$peremption);
+ $select = "";
+ for ($i = 1 ; $i < 30 ; $i++) {
+ $p_stamp=date("Ymd",time()+3600*24*$i);
+ $year=substr($p_stamp,0,4);
+ $month=substr($p_stamp,4,2);
+ $day=substr($p_stamp,6,2);
+ $select .= "<option value=\"$p_stamp\"" . (($p_stamp == strtr($peremption, array("-" => ""))) ? " selected" : "")."> $day / $month / $year</option>\n";
+ }
+ $page->assign('select',$select);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($action != "Editer") {
+ $sql = "SELECT e.id, e.titre, e.texte,
+ DATE_FORMAT(e.creation_date,'%d/%m/%Y %T') AS creation_date,
+ DATE_FORMAT(e.peremption,'%d/%m/%Y') AS peremption,
+ e.promo_min, e.promo_max,
+ FIND_IN_SET('valide', e.flags) AS fvalide,
+ FIND_IN_SET('archive', e.flags) AS farch,
+ u.promo, u.nom, u.prenom, a.alias AS forlife
+ FROM evenements AS e
+ INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON(e.user_id = u.user_id)
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
+ WHERE ".($arch ? "" : "!")."FIND_IN_SET('archive',e.flags)
+ ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET('valide',e.flags), peremption";
+ $page->assign('evs', XDB::iterator($sql));
+ }
+ }
+ function handler_admin_nl(&$page, $new = false) {
+ $page->changeTpl('admin/newsletter.tpl');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Newsletter : liste');
+ require_once("newsletter.inc.php");
+ if($new) {
+ insert_new_nl();
+ pl_redirect("admin/newsletter");
+ }
+ $page->assign_by_ref('nl_list', get_nl_slist());
+ }
+ function handler_admin_nl_edit(&$page, $nid = 'last', $aid = null, $action = 'edit') {
+ $page->changeTpl('admin/newsletter_edit.tpl');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Newsletter : Edition');
+ require_once("newsletter.inc.php");
+ $nl = new NewsLetter($nid);
+ if($action == 'delete') {
+ $nl->delArticle($aid);
+ pl_redirect("admin/newsletter/edit/$nid");
+ }
+ if($aid == 'update') {
+ $nl->_title = Post::v('title');
+ $nl->_date = Post::v('date');
+ $nl->_head = Post::v('head');
+ $nl->save();
+ }
+ if(Post::v('save')) {
+ $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'),
+ $aid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos'));
+ $nl->saveArticle($art);
+ pl_redirect("admin/newsletter/edit/$nid");
+ }
+ if($action == 'edit') {
+ $eaid = $aid;
+ if(Post::has('title')) {
+ $art = new NLArticle(Post::v('title'), Post::v('body'), Post::v('append'),
+ $eaid, Post::v('cid'), Post::v('pos'));
+ } else {
+ $art = ($eaid == 'new') ? new NLArticle() : $nl->getArt($eaid);
+ }
+ $page->assign('art', $art);
+ }
+ $page->assign_by_ref('nl',$nl);
+ }
+ function handler_admin_nl_cat(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
+ require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Newsletter : Catégories');
+ $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des catégories de la newsletter');
+ $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/newsletter/categories','newsletter_cat','cid');
+ $table_editor->describe('titre','intitulé',true);
+ $table_editor->describe('pos','position',true);
+ $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
+ }
'trombi' => $this->make_hook('trombi', AUTH_COOKIE),
'vcard' => $this->make_hook('vcard', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'admin/binets' => $this->make_hook('admin_binets', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/medals' => $this->make_hook('admin_medals', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/formations' => $this->make_hook('admin_formations', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('admin_groupesx', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/trombino' => $this->make_hook('admin_trombino', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
header("Content-type: text/x-vcard\n");
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable\n");
+ function handler_admin_trombino(&$page, $uid = null, $action = null) {
+ $page->changeTpl('admin/admin_trombino.tpl');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Trombino');
+ $page->assign('uid', $uid);
+ $q = XDB::query(
+ "SELECT a.alias,promo
+ FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( u.user_id = a.id AND type='a_vie' )
+ WHERE user_id = {?}", $uid);
+ list($forlife, $promo) = $q->fetchOneRow();
+ switch ($action) {
+ case "original":
+ header("Content-type: image/jpeg");
+ readfile("/home/web/trombino/photos".$promo."/".$forlife.".jpg");
+ exit;
+ break;
+ case "new":
+ $data = file_get_contents($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
+ list($x, $y) = getimagesize($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
+ $mimetype = substr($_FILES['userfile']['type'], 6);
+ unlink($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name']);
+ XDB::execute(
+ "REPLACE INTO photo SET uid={?}, attachmime = {?}, attach={?}, x={?}, y={?}",
+ $uid, $mimetype, $data, $x, $y);
+ break;
+ case "delete":
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM photo WHERE uid = {?}', $uid);
+ break;
+ }
+ $page->assign('forlife', $forlife);
+ }
+ function handler_admin_binets(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
+ require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Binets');
+ $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des binets');
+ $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/binets', 'binets_def', 'id');
+ $table_editor->add_join_table('binets_ins','binet_id',true);
+ $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
+ $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
+ }
+ function handler_admin_formations(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
+ require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Formations');
+ $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des formations');
+ $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/formations','applis_def','id');
+ $table_editor->add_join_table('applis_ins','aid',true);
+ $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
+ $table_editor->describe('url','site web',false);
+ $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
+ }
+ function handler_admin_groupesx(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
+ require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Groupes X');
+ $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Groupes X');
+ $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/groupes-x','groupesx_def','id');
+ $table_editor->add_join_table('groupesx_ins','gid',true);
+ $table_editor->describe('text','intitulé',true);
+ $table_editor->describe('url','site web',false);
+ $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
+ }
+ function handler_admin_medals(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null) {
+ require_once('../classes/PLTableEditor.php');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Distinctions');
+ $page->assign('title', 'Gestion des Distinctions');
+ $table_editor = new PLTableEditor('admin/medals','profile_medals','id');
+ $table_editor->describe('text', 'intitulé', true);
+ $table_editor->describe('img', 'nom de l\'image', false);
+ $table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);
+ if ($id && $action == 'edit') {
+ $page->changeTpl('admin/gerer_decos.tpl');
+ $mid = $id;
+ if (Post::v('act') == 'del') {
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_medals_grades WHERE mid={?} AND gid={?}', $mid, Post::i('gid'));
+ } elseif (Post::v('act') == 'new') {
+ XDB::execute('INSERT INTO profile_medals_grades (mid,gid) VALUES({?},{?})',
+ $mid, max(array_keys(Post::v('grades', array(0))))+1);
+ } else {
+ foreach (Post::v('grades', array()) as $gid=>$text) {
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_medals_grades SET pos={?}, text={?} WHERE gid={?}', $_POST['pos'][$gid], $text, $gid);
+ }
+ }
+ $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT gid, text, pos FROM profile_medals_grades WHERE mid={?} ORDER BY pos', $mid);
+ $page->assign('grades', $res);
+ }
+ }