+ /**
+ * The authentication schema is based on three query parameters:
+ * ?user=<hruid>×tamp=<timestamp>&sig=<sig>
+ * where:
+ * - hruid is the hruid of the querying user
+ * - timestamp is the current UNIX timestamp, which has to be within a
+ * given distance of the server-side UNIX timestamp
+ * - sig is the HMAC of "<method>#<resource>#<payload>#<timestamp>" using
+ * a known secret of the user as the key.
+ *
+ * At the moment, the shared secret of the user is the sha1 hash of its
+ * password. This is temporary, though, until better support for tokens is
+ * implemented in plat/al.
+ * TODO(vzanotti): Switch to dedicated secrets for authentication.
+ */
+ public function apiAuth($method, $resource, $payload)
+ {
+ // Verify that the timestamp is within acceptable bounds.
+ $timestamp = Env::i('timestamp', 0);
+ if (abs($timestamp - time()) > Platal::globals()->api->timestamp_tolerance) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Retrieve the user corresponding to the forlife. Note that at the
+ // moment, other aliases are also accepted.
+ $user = User::getSilent(Env::s('user', ''));
+ if (is_null($user) || !$user->isActive()) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // Determine the list of tokens associated with the user. At the moment,
+ // this is just the sha1 of the password.
+ $tokens = array($user->password());
+ // For each token, try to validate the signature.
+ $message = implode('#', array($method, $resource, $payload, $timestamp));
+ $signature = Env::s('sig');
+ foreach ($tokens as $token) {
+ $expected_signature = hash_hmac(
+ Platal::globals()->api->hmac_algo, $message, $token);
+ if ($signature == $expected_signature) {
+ return $user;
+ }
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
public function tokenAuth($login, $token)
$res = XDB::query('SELECT a.uid, a.hruid
econfiance = ""
+; The API section contains the configuration for the web services.
+; $globals->api->hmac_algo
+; Algorithm to use for HMAC-based authentication of API requests. Note that this
+; value is shared with clients, and must be changed in all places at once.
+hmac_algo = "sha256"
+; $globals->api->timestamp_tolerance
+; Maximum number of seconds of drift allowed between the client-side UNIX clock
+; and the server-side clock. This should be big enough to also allow for network
+; latency, but not too high, to limit replay opportunities.
+timestamp_tolerance = 10
; The banana section contains the configuration of the forums.
; Default location preference.
gmaps_gl = "fr"
; The lists section contains parameters used to interact with mailman.