protected $count = null;
+ // A list of available views
private $mods = array();
+ // An array of $view_name => array($parameters)
private $modParams = array();
+ // The current view name
private $mod = null;
+ // The default view name
private $default = null;
public function __construct(PlFilterCondition &$cond, $orders = null)
+ /** Adds a new view (minifiche, trombi, map)
+ * @param $name The name of the view (cf buildView)
+ * @param $description A user-friendly name for the view
+ * @param $default Whether this is the default view
+ * @param $params Parameters used to tune the view (display promo, order by
+ * score...)
+ */
public function addMod($name, $description, $default = false, array $params = array())
$name = strtolower($name);
+ /** Adds a new sort (on the PlFilter)
+ */
public function addSort(PlFilterOrder &$order)
$this->orders[] = $order;
+ /** Adds a new condition to the PlFilter
+ */
public function addCond(PlFilterCondition &$cond)
abstract protected function buildFilter(PlFilterCondition &$cond, $orders);
/** This function returns the results of the given filter
- * wihtin $limit ; available when the PlFilter getter isn't the usual get
+ * wihtin $limit; can be use to replace the default $pf->get call.
* @param &$pf The filter
* @param $limit The PlLimit
* @return The results of the filter
return $res;
- /** This function returns the values of the set
+ /** This function returns the values of the set, and sets $count with the
+ * total number of results.
* @param $limit A PlLimit for selecting users
* @param $orders An optional array of PFO to use before the "default" ones
* @return The result of $pf->get();
return $it;
+ /** XXX ??
+ */
public function args()
$get = $_GET;
return $get;
+ /** XXX?
+ */
protected function encodeArgs(array $args, $encode = false)
$qs = '?';
return $this->count;
- private function &buildView($view, $data)
+ /** Builds the view class from the given parameters
+ * @param $view A string ('profile' for 'ProfileView'); if null,
+ * the default view is used.
+ * @return A new PlView instance.
+ */
+ private function &buildView($view)
$view = strtolower($view);
if (!$view || !class_exists($view . 'View') || !isset($this->mods[$view])) {
if (!class_exists($class)) {
$view = null;
} else {
- $view = new $class($this, $data, $this->modParams[$this->mod]);
+ $view = new $class($this, $this->modParams[$this->mod]);
if (!$view instanceof PlView) {
$view = null;
return $view;
- public function apply($baseurl, PlPage &$page, $view = null, $data = null)
+ /** Creates the view: sets the page template, assigns Smarty vars.
+ * @param $baseurl The base URL for this (for instance, "search/")
+ * @param $page The page in which the view should be loaded
+ * @param $view The name of the view; if null, the default one will be used.
+ */
+ public function apply($baseurl, PlPage &$page, $view = null)
- $view =& $this->buildView($view, $data);
+ $view =& $this->buildView($view);
if (is_null($view)) {
return false;
interface PlView
- public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params);
+ /** Constructs a new PlView
+ * @param $set The set
+ * @param $params Parameters to tune the view (sort by score, include promo...)
+ */
+ public function __construct(PlSet &$set, array $params);
+ /** Applies the view to a page
+ * The content of the set is fetched here.
+ * @param $page Page to which the view will be applied
+ * @return The name of the global view template (for displaying the view,
+ * not the items of the set)
+ */
public function apply(PlPage &$page);
+ /** XXX?
+ */
public function args();
/** Builds a MultipageView
* @param $set The associated PlSet
- * @param $data Data for the PlSet
* @param $params Parameters of the view
- public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params)
+ public function __construct(PlSet &$set, array $params)
$this->set =& $set;
$this->page = Env::i('page', 1);
/** Name of the template to use for displaying items of the view
+ * e.g plview.minifiche.tpl,, ...
abstract public function templateName();
/** Returns the value of a boundary of the current view (in order
* to show "from C to F")
* @param $obj The boundary result whose value must be shown to the user
+ * (e.g a Profile, ...)
* @return The bound
abstract protected function getBoundValue($obj);
- /** Applies the view to a page
- * @param $page Page to which the view will be applied
- */
public function apply(PlPage &$page)
foreach ($this->order() as $order) {