- #708: Fix title (fix by Laurent Penou from Gadz.org) -FRU
- #710: Adding grade do not degrade the database -FRU
+ * Search:
+ - Fix DOS on too large quick searches -FRU
* Xnet:
- #694: Color of 'Promotion' groups -ALK
$s = preg_replace('!\d+!', ' ', $s);
$this->strings = preg_split("![^a-zA-Z%]+!",$s, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY);
+ if (count($this->strings) > 5) {
+ global $page;
+ $page->trig("Tu as indiqué trop d'éléments dans ta recherche, seuls les 5 premiers seront pris en compte");
+ $this->strings = array_slice($this->strings, 0, 5);
+ }
$s = preg_replace('! *- *!', '-', $r);
$s = preg_replace('!([<>]) *!', ' \1', $s);