- #1261: Fix wrong join between user and profile -JAC
* Search:
- - #1177: clean url in advanced search -Car
+ - #1177: Clean url in advanced search -Car
- #1251: More intuitive networking search -Xel
+ - #1283: Restrict second operation on promo search -Car
* Survey:
- #964: The creator of a survey can get early results -FRU
- <select name="egal1">
+ <script type="text/javascript">/*<![CDATA[*/
+ {literal}
+ function updatepromofields(egal1) {
+ var f = egal1.form;
+ f.egal2.disabled = f.promo2.disabled = egal1.value == '=';
+ f.egal2.readOnly = true;
+ if (f.egal1.value == '>=') {
+ f.egal2.value = '<=';
+ } else {
+ f.egal2.value = '>=';
+ }
+ }
+ $(document).ready(function() { updatepromofields($('select[name=egal1]')[0]); });
+ {/literal}
+ /*]]>*/</script>
+ <select name="egal1" onchange="updatepromofields(this)" style="text-align:center">
<option value="=" {if $smarty.request.egal1 eq "="}selected="selected"{/if}> = </option>
<option value=">=" {if $smarty.request.egal1 eq ">="}selected="selected"{/if}> >= </option>
<option value="<=" {if $smarty.request.egal1 eq "<="}selected="selected"{/if}> <= </option>
<input type="text" name="promo1" size="4" maxlength="4" value="{$smarty.request.promo1}" />
- <select name="egal2">
- <option value="=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq "="}selected="selected"{/if}> = </option>
- <option value=">=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq ">="}selected="selected"{/if}> >= </option>
- <option value="<=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 neq ">=" && $smarty.request.egal2 neq "="}selected="selected"{/if}> <= </option>
- </select>
+ <input type="text" name="egal2" size="1" style="text-align:center" value="{if t($smarty.request.egal2) eq '<'}<{else}>{/if}" readonly="readonly" />
<input type="text" name="promo2" size="4" maxlength="4" value="{$smarty.request.promo2}" />