protected $limit = null;
protected $count = null;
+ protected $groups = false;
+ // Handle the "restrict to values of the current order"
+ protected $restrict_to = null;
// A list of available views
private $mods = array();
+ /** Restricts a PlFilter to values of a given PlFilterOrder
+ */
+ public function restrictTo($value)
+ {
+ $this->restrict_to = $value;
+ }
/** This function builds the right kind of PlFilter from given data
* @param $cond The PlFilterCondition for the filter
* @param $orders An array of PlFilterOrder for the filter
+ * @return a PlFilter
abstract protected function buildFilter(PlFilterCondition $cond, $orders);
/** This function returns the results of the given filter
- * wihtin $limit; can be use to replace the default $pf->get call.
+ * within $limit; can be use to replace the default $pf->get call.
* @param $pf The filter
* @param $limit The PlLimit
* @return The results of the filter
* @param $orders Additional orders to use before the default ones.
* @return A newly created PlFilter.
- private function buildFilterHelper($orders = array())
+ private function buildFilterHelper($orders = array(), $extra_cond=null)
if (!is_array($orders)) {
$orders = array($orders);
$orders = array_merge($orders, $this->orders);
- return $this->buildFilter($this->conds, $orders);
+ if ($extra_cond != null) {
+ $conds = clone $this->conds;
+ $conds->addChild($extra_cond);
+ } else {
+ $conds = $this->conds;
+ }
+ return $this->buildFilter($conds, $orders);
/** This function returns the values of the set, and sets $count with the
if (is_null($limit)) {
$limit = new PlLimit(self::DEFAULT_MAX_RES, 0);
- $pf = $this->buildFilterHelper($orders);
- $it = $this->getFilterResults($pf, $limit);
- $this->count = $pf->getTotalCount();
+ $pf_res = $this->buildFilterHelper($orders);
+ $pf_groups = $pf_res;
+ if ($this->restrict_to != null
+ && count($this->orders)
+ && $this->orders[0] instanceof PlFilterGroupableOrder)
+ {
+ $main_order = $this->orders[0];
+ $pf_res = $this->buildFilterHelper($orders, $main_order->getCondition($this->restrict_to));
+ }
+ $it = $this->getFilterResults($pf_res, $limit);
+ $this->count = $pf_res->getTotalCount();
+ if ($pf_groups->hasGroups()) {
+ $this->groups = $pf_groups->getGroups();
+ } else {
+ $this->groups = null;
+ }
return $it;
$page->assign('plset_content', $view->apply($page));
$page->assign('plset_count', $this->count);
+ $page->assign('plset_has_groups', $this->groups != null);
+ $page->assign('plset_groups', $this->groups);
return true;
public $pages = 1;
public $page = 1;
+ public $restrict = null;
public $offset = 0;
protected $entriesPerPage = 20;
$this->set =& $set;
$this->page = Env::i('page', 1);
+ $this->restrict = Env::s('restrict', null);
$this->offset = $this->entriesPerPage * ($this->page - 1);
$this->params = $params;
+ if ($this->restrict != null) {
+ $this->set->restrictTo($this->restrict);
+ }
$res = $this->set->get($this->limit());
$show_bounds = $this->bounds();
$page->assign('show_bounds', $show_bounds);
$page->assign('order', Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey));
$page->assign('orders', $this->sortkeys);
+ $page->assign('restrict', $this->restrict);
$page->assign_by_ref('plview', $this);
if (is_array($res)) {
$page->assign('set_keys', array_keys($res));
$list = $this->set->args();
+ unset($list['restrict']);
return $list;
{if $show_bounds}<div style="float: right"><small><strong>[{$first} - {$last}] </strong></small></div>{/if}
<div class="center pages" style="float: left">
{if $plview->page neq 1}
- <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&page=1#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_first title="Première page"}</a>{*
- *}<a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&page={$plview->page-1}#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_previous title="Page précédente"}</a>
+ <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&restrict={$restrict}&page=1#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_first title="Première page"}</a>{*
+ *}<a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&restrict={$restrict}&page={$plview->page-1}#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_previous title="Page précédente"}</a>
{icon name=null title=""}{icon name=null title=""}
{if $ eq $plview->page}
<span style="color: red">{$plview->page}</span>
- <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&page={$}#pl_set_top">{$}</a>
+ <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&restrict={$restrict}&page={$}#pl_set_top">{$}</a>
{if $plview->page neq $plview->pages}
- <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&page={$plview->page+1}#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_next title="Page suivante"}</a>{*
- *}<a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&page={$plview->pages}#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_last title="Dernière page"}</a>
+ <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&restrict={$restrict}&page={$plview->page+1}#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_next title="Page suivante"}</a>{*
+ *}<a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&restrict={$restrict}&page={$plview->pages}#pl_set_top">{icon name=resultset_last title="Dernière page"}</a>
{icon name=null title=""}{icon name=null title=""}
+{capture name=groups}
+{if $plset_has_groups}
+<div style="clear: both">
+ Restreindre à : [
+ {foreach from=$plset_groups key=group item=amount name=groups}
+ {if $amount > 0}
+ {if $group eq $restrict}
+ <em title="{$amount} résultats">{$group}</em>
+ {else}
+ <a href="{$platal->pl_self()}{$plset_args}order={$order}&restrict={$group}#pl_set_top" title="{$amount} résultats">{$group}</a>
+ {/if}
+ {if !$smarty.foreach.groups.last}
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ ]
<div id="multipage_content" style="padding: 0.5em 0; clear: both">