--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/php5 -q
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Polytechnique.org *
+ * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+$sent_mails = 0;
+$handler = time();
+while ($sent_mails < $globals->lists->max_mail_per_min
+ && time() - $handler < 60) {
+ // take a lock on a mail
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE ml_moderate
+ SET handler = {?}
+ WHERE handler IS NULL
+ LIMIT 1", $handler);
+ if (XDB::affectedRows() == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $query = XDB::query("SELECT nom, prenom, user_id, password,
+ ml, domain, mid, action, message
+ FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
+ INNER JOIN ml_moderate AS ml ON (u.user_id = ml.uid)
+ WHERE ml.handler = {?}", $handler);
+ list($nom, $prenom, $uid, $password, $list, $domain, $mid, $action, $reason) = $query->fetchOneRow();
+ // build the client
+ $client = new MMList($uid, $password, $domain);
+ // send the mail
+ $mail = $client->get_pending_mail($list, $mid);
+ list($det,$mem,$own) = $client->get_members($list);
+ $count = 0;
+ switch ($action) {
+ case 'accept':
+ $action = 1; /** 1 = ACCEPT **/
+ $subject = "Message accepté";
+ $append = "a été accepté par $prenom $nom.\n";
+ $count += count($mem) + count($own);
+ break;
+ case 'refuse':
+ $action = 2; /** 2 = REJECT **/
+ $subject = "Message refusé";
+ $append = "a été refusé par $prenom $nom avec la raison :\n\n" . $reason;
+ $count += count($own) + 1;
+ break;
+ case 'delete':
+ $action = 3; /** 3 = DISCARD **/
+ $subject = "Message supprimé";
+ $append = "a été supprimé par $prenom $nom.\n\n"
+ . "Rappel: il ne faut utiliser cette opération "
+ . "que dans le cas de spams ou de virus !\n";
+ $count += $count($own);
+ break;
+ }
+ if ($client->handle_request($list, $mid, $action, $reason)) {
+ $sent_mails += $count;
+ $texte = "le message suivant :\n\n"
+ . " Auteur: {$mail['sender']}\n"
+ . " Sujet : « {$mail['subj']} »\n"
+ . " Date : ".strftime("le %d %b %Y à %H:%M:%S", (int)$mail['stamp'])."\n\n"
+ . $append;
+ $mailer = new PlMailer();
+ $mailer->addTo("$list-owner@{$domain}");
+ $mailer->setFrom("$list-bounces@{$domain}");
+ $mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', "$list-owner@{$domain}");
+ $mailer->setSubject($subject);
+ $mailer->setTxtBody($texte);
+ $mailer->send();
+ }
+ // release the lock
+ XDB::execute("DELETE FROM ml_moderate WHERE handler = {?}",
+ $handler);
+ sleep(60 * $count / $globals->lists->max_mail_per_min);
+// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
return $globals->mail->domain;
+ function get_pending_ops($domain, $list)
+ {
+ list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($list);
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT mid
+ FROM ml_moderate
+ WHERE ml = {?} AND domain = {?}",
+ $list, $domain);
+ $mids = $res->fetchColumn();
+ foreach ($mails as $key=>$mail) {
+ if (in_array($mail['id'], $mids)) {
+ unset($mails[$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ return array($subs, $mails);
+ }
function handler_lists(&$page)
function filter_owner($list)
return $list['sub'];
- $this->prepare_client($page);
+ $domain = $this->prepare_client($page);
$member = array_filter($listes, 'filter_member');
$listes = array_diff_key($listes, $member);
foreach ($owner as $key=>$liste) {
- list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($liste['list']);
+ list($subs,$mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($domain, $liste['list']);
$owner[$key]['subscriptions'] = $subs;
$owner[$key]['mails'] = $mails;
list($liste, $members, $owners) = $this->client->get_members($list);
if ($liste['own']) {
- list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($list);
+ list($subs,$mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($domain, $list);
$liste['subscriptions'] = $subs;
$liste['mails'] = $mails;
function moderate_mail($domain, $liste, $mid)
- $mail = $this->client->get_pending_mail($liste, $mid);
- $reason = '';
- $prenom = S::v('prenom');
- $nom = S::v('nom');
if (Env::has('mok')) {
- $action = 1; /** 2 = ACCEPT **/
- $subject = "Message accepté";
- $append .= "a été accepté par $prenom $nom.\n";
+ $action = 'accept';
} elseif (Env::has('mno')) {
- $action = 2; /** 2 = REJECT **/
- $subject = "Message refusé";
- $reason = Post::v('reason');
- $append = "a été refusé par $prenom $nom avec la raison :\n\n"
- . $reason;
+ $action = 'refuse';
} elseif (Env::has('mdel')) {
- $action = 3; /** 3 = DISCARD **/
- $subject = "Message supprimé";
- $append = "a été supprimé par $prenom $nom.\n\n"
- . "Rappel: il ne faut utiliser cette opération "
- . "que dans le cas de spams ou de virus !\n";
- }
- if (isset($action) && $this->client->handle_request($liste, $mid, $action, $reason)) {
- $texte = "le message suivant :\n\n"
- ." Auteur: {$mail['sender']}\n"
- ." Sujet : « {$mail['subj']} »\n"
- ." Date : ".strftime("le %d %b %Y à %H:%M:%S", (int)$mail['stamp'])."\n\n"
- .$append;
- $mailer = new PlMailer();
- $mailer->addTo("$liste-owner@{$domain}");
- $mailer->setFrom("$liste-bounces@{$domain}");
- $mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', "$liste-owner@{$domain}");
- $mailer->setSubject($subject);
- $mailer->setTxtBody(wordwrap($texte,72));
- $mailer->send();
- Get::kill('mid');
- }
- return $mail;
+ $action = 'delete';
+ } else {
+ return false;
+ }
+ Get::kill('mid');
+ return XDB::execute("INSERT IGNORE INTO ml_moderate
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, NULL)",
+ $liste, $domain, $mid, S::i('uid'), $action, Post::v('reason'));
function handler_moderate(&$page, $liste = null)
if (Post::has('moderate_mails') && Post::has('select_mails')) {
$mails = array_keys(Post::v('select_mails'));
- if (count($mails) > 10) {
- $page->trig("Le nombre d'actions qui peuvent être effectuées en un seul appel de cette page est limité à 10, car le temps de chargement de celle-ci est autrement trop long. Seules les dix premières actions demandées ont été effectuées.");
- $mails = array_slice($mails, 0, 10);
- }
foreach($mails as $mail) {
$this->moderate_mail($domain, $liste, $mail);
- usleep(200000);
} elseif (Env::has('mid')) {
if (Get::has('mid') && !Env::has('mok') && !Env::has('mdel')) {
$mail = $this->moderate_mail($domain, $liste, Env::i('mid'));
} elseif (Env::has('sid')) {
- if (list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($liste)) {
+ if (list($subs,$mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($domain, $liste)) {
foreach($subs as $user) {
if ($user['id'] == Env::v('sid')) {
- if (list($subs,$mails) = $this->client->get_pending_ops($liste)) {
+ if (list($subs,$mails) = $this->get_pending_ops($domain, $liste)) {
foreach ($mails as $key=>$mail) {
$mails[$key]['stamp'] = strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", $mail['stamp']);