// }}}
// {{{ class PlFilterOrder
+/** Base class for ordering results of a query.
+ * Parameters for the ordering must be given to the constructor ($desc for a
+ * descending order).
+ * The getSortTokens function is used to get actual ordering part of the query.
+ */
abstract class PlFilterOrder
protected $desc = false;
public function __construct($desc = false)
$this->desc = $desc;
+ $this->_tokens = null;
public function toggleDesc()
public function buildSort(PlFilter &$pf)
$sel = $this->getSortTokens($pf);
+ $this->_tokens = $sel;
if (!is_array($sel)) {
$sel = array($sel);
return $sel;
+ /** This function must return the tokens to use for ordering
+ * @param &$pf The PlFilter whose results must be ordered
+ * @return The name of the field to use for ordering results
+ */
abstract protected function getSortTokens(PlFilter &$pf);
// }}}
+// {{{ class PlFilterGroupableOrder
+/** Extension of a PlFilterOrder, for orders where the value on which ordering
+ * is done could be used for grouping results (promo, country, ...)
+ */
+class PlFilterGroupableOrder extends PlFilterOrder
+ /** This function will be called when trying to retrieve groups;
+ * the returned token will be used to group the values.
+ * It will always be called AFTER getSortTokens().
+ */
+ public function getGroupToken(PlFilter &$pf)
+ {
+ return $this->_tokens;
+ }
+// }}}
// {{{ class PFO_Random
class PFO_Random extends PlFilterOrder
public abstract function getTotalCount();
+ /** Whether this PlFilter can return grouped results through
+ * $this->getGroups();
+ */
+ public abstract function hasGroups();
+ /** Used to retrieve value/amount resulting from grouping by the first
+ * given order.
+ */
+ public abstract function getGroups();
/** Get objects, selecting only those within a limit
* @param $limit The portion of the matching objects to select