- Centralises email management through an email combobox -JAC
+ * Carnet:
+ - #1074: Removes the red cross to reset contact search -Car
* Core:
- #1019: Allow 35 points passwords as announced -Car
- #1059: Fix support of '?' in mail subjects -FRU
value="{$smarty.request.quick|default:'recherche dans tes contacts'}"
onfocus="if (this.value == 'recherche dans tes contacts') this.value=''"
onblur="if (this.value == '') this.value='recherche dans tes contacts'"/>
- <a href="carnet/contacts">{icon name=cross title='Annuler la recherche'}</a>
+ {if $smarty.request.quick}<a href="carnet/contacts">{icon name=arrow_refresh title='Annuler la recherche'}</a>{/if}