* Datas are stored in an external server and you need a private key
* to connect to their server.
-class FusionAxModule extends PLModule{
- /// path ok private key file to connect to AX server
- var $ax_xorg_rsa_key;
+class FusionAxModule extends PLModule
function __construct()
- /*$this->ax_xorg_rsa_key =
- dirname(__FILE__).'/../configs/ax_xorg_rsa.pem';*/
function handlers()
function handler_index(&$page)
- global $globals;
+ $globals = Platal::globals();
- $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Fusion des annuaires');
- if (isset($globals->fusionax) &&
- isset($globals->fusionax->LastUpdate)) {
- $page->assign(
- 'lastimport',
- date("d-m-Y",$globals->fusionax->LastUpdate));
- }
+ $page->assign('xorg_title', 'Polytechnique.org - Fusion des annuaires');
+ if (isset($globals->fusionax) && isset($globals->fusionax->LastUpdate)) {
+ $page->assign('lastimport', date("d-m-Y", $globals->fusionax->LastUpdate));
+ }
- /** Import de l'annuaire de l'AX depuis l'export situé sur leur serveur */
+ /** Import de l'annuaire de l'AX depuis l'export situé dans le home de jacou */
function handler_import(&$page, $action = 'index', $fileSQL = '')
+ $globals = Platal::globals();
if ($action == 'index') {
- global $globals;
- if (isset($globals->fusionax) &&
- isset($globals->fusionax->LastUpdate)) {
+ if (isset($globals->fusionax) && isset($globals->fusionax->LastUpdate)) {
- "le ".date("d/m/Y à H:i",$globals->fusionax->LastUpdate));
+ "le " . date("d/m/Y à H:i", $globals->fusionax->LastUpdate));
- /*if (!file_exists($this->ax_xorg_rsa_key)) {
- $page->assign(
- 'keymissing',
- $this->ax_xorg_rsa_key);
- }*/
chmod($tmpdir, 0700);
- // copie la clef d'authentification (paire de clef RSA dont la
- // partie publique est sur polytechniciens.com)
- /*if (!copy(
- $this->ax_xorg_rsa_key,
- $tmpdir.'/ax_xorg_rsa'))
- $report[] = 'Impossible de copier la clef pour se logger '.
- 'au serveur AX';
- chmod($tmpdir.'/ax_xorg_rsa', 0600);*/
- $modulepath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__).'/fusionax/').'/';
+ $modulepath = realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/fusionax/') . '/';
$olddir = getcwd();
if ($action == 'launch') {
- // lancement : connexion en ssh et récupération du fichier depuis
- // polyechniciens.com, décompression de l'archive et séparation en
- // fichiers par tables
- exec($modulepath.'import-ax.sh', $report);
- $report[] = utf8_decode('Récupération du fichier terminé.');
+ // séparation de l'archive en fichiers par tables
+ exec($modulepath . 'import-ax.sh', $report);
+ $report[] = 'Fichier parsé.';
$report[] = 'Import dans la base en cours...';
$next = 'integrateSQL';
- } else if ($action == 'integrateSQL') {
+ } elseif ($action == 'integrateSQL') {
// intégration des données dans la base MySQL
// liste des fichiers sql à exécuter
$filesSQL = array(
if ($fileSQL != '') {
// récupère le contenu du fichier sql
- $queries = explode(';',file_get_contents($modulepath.$fileSQL));
- foreach ($queries as $q) if (trim($q)) {
- // coupe le fichier en requêtes individuelles
- if (substr($q,0,2) == '--') {
- // affiche les commentaires dans le report
- $lines = explode("\n",$q);
- $l = $lines[0];
- $report[] = addslashes(utf8_decode($l));
+ $queries = explode(';', file_get_contents($modulepath . $fileSQL));
+ foreach ($queries as $q) {
+ if (trim($q)) {
+ // coupe le fichier en requêtes individuelles
+ if (substr($q, 0, 2) == '--') {
+ // affiche les commentaires dans le report
+ $lines = explode("\n", $q);
+ $l = $lines[0];
+ $report[] = addslashes($l);
+ }
+ // exécute la requête
+ XDB::execute($q);
- // exécute la requête
- XDB::execute($q);
// trouve le prochain fichier à exécuter
$trans = array_flip($filesSQL);
$next = 'clean';
} else {
// on passe au fichier suivant
- $next = 'integrateSQL/'.$filesSQL[$nextfile];
+ $next = 'integrateSQL/' . $filesSQL[$nextfile];
- } else if ($action == 'clean') {
+ } elseif ($action == 'clean') {
// nettoyage du fichier temporaire
- exec("rm -rf $tmpdir", $report);
- $report[] = 'Fin de l\'import';
- global $globals;
+ exec("rm -Rf $tmpdir", $report);
+ $report[] = "Fin de l\'import";
// met à jour la date de dernier import
- $globals->change_dynamic_config(
- array('LastUpdate' => time()),
- 'FusionAx');
+ //$globals->change_dynamic_config(array('LastUpdate' => time()), 'FusionAx');
- $tmpdir = getcwd();
- chdir($olddir);
- foreach($report as $t)
+ foreach($report as $t) {
// affiche les lignes de report
- echo "$('#fusionax_import').append('".utf8_encode($t)."<br/>');\n";
+ echo "$('#fusionax_import').append('" . $t . "<br/>');\n";
+ }
if (isset($next)) {
+ $tmpdir = getcwd();
+ chdir($olddir);
// lance le prochain script s'il y en a un
- echo "$.getScript('fusionax/import/".$next."?tmpdir=".
- urlencode($tmpdir)."');";
+ echo "$.getScript('fusionax/import/" . $next . "?tmpdir=" . urlencode($tmpdir) . "');";
// exit pour ne pas afficher la page template par défaut
private static function link_by_ids($user_id, $matricule_ax)
- if (!XDB::execute("
- UPDATE fusionax_import AS i
- INNER JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
- u.matricule_ax = i.id_ancien,
- i.user_id = u.user_id,
- i.date_match_id = NOW()
- i.id_ancien = {?} AND u.user_id = {?} AND (
- u.matricule_ax != {?} OR u.matricule_ax IS NULL OR
- i.user_id != {?} OR i.user_id IS NULL)",
- $matricule_ax,
- $user_id,
- $matricule_ax,
- $user_id))
- {
+ $res = XDB::execute("UPDATE fusionax_import AS i
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
+ SET u.matricule_ax = i.id_ancien,
+ i.user_id = u.user_id,
+ i.date_match_id = NOW()
+ WHERE i.id_ancien = {?} AND u.user_id = {?}
+ AND (u.matricule_ax != {?} OR u.matricule_ax IS NULL
+ OR i.user_id != {?} OR i.user_id IS NULL)",
+ $matricule_ax, $user_id, $matricule_ax, $user_id);
+ if (!$res) {
return 0;
- return XDB::affectedRows() / 2;
+ return XDB::affectedRows() / 2;
/** Recherche automatique d'anciens à lier entre les deux annuaires
private static function find_easy_to_link($limit = 10, $sure = false)
$easy_to_link = XDB::iterator("
- xorg.display_name, xorg.promo, xorg.user_id, ax.id_ancien,
- CONCAT(ax.prenom,' ',ax.nom_complet,' (X ',ax.promotion_etude,')')
- AS display_name_ax,
- COUNT(*) AS nbMatches
- FROM fusionax_anciens AS ax
- INNER JOIN fusionax_import AS i ON (
- i.id_ancien = ax.id_ancien AND i.user_id IS NULL)
- LEFT JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS xorg ON (
- xorg.matricule_ax IS NULL AND
- ax.Nom_complet = xorg.nom AND
- ax.prenom = xorg.prenom AND
- xorg.promo = ax.promotion_etude)
- GROUP BY xorg.user_id
- xorg.user_id IS NOT NULL AND
- nbMatches = 1
- ".($limit?('LIMIT '.$limit):''));
+ SELECT xorg.display_name, xorg.promo, xorg.user_id, ax.id_ancien,
+ CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet, ' (X ', ax.promotion_etude, ')') AS display_name_ax,
+ COUNT(*) AS nbMatches
+ FROM fusionax_anciens AS ax
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_import AS i ON (i.id_ancien = ax.id_ancien AND i.user_id IS NULL)
+ LEFT JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS xorg ON (xorg.matricule_ax IS NULL
+ AND ax.Nom_complet = xorg.nom
+ AND ax.prenom = xorg.prenom
+ AND xorg.promo = ax.promotion_etude)
+ GROUP BY xorg.user_id
+ HAVING xorg.user_id IS NOT NULL AND nbMatches = 1" . ($limit ? ('LIMIT ' . $limit) : ''));
if ($easy_to_link->total() > 0 || $sure) {
return $easy_to_link;
- return XDB::iterator("
- xorg.display_name, xorg.promo, xorg.user_id, ax.id_ancien,
- CONCAT(ax.prenom,' ',ax.nom_complet,' (X ',ax.promotion_etude,')')
- AS display_name_ax,
- COUNT(*) AS nbMatches
- FROM fusionax_anciens AS ax
- INNER JOIN fusionax_import AS i ON (
- i.id_ancien = ax.id_ancien AND i.user_id IS NULL)
- LEFT JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS xorg ON (
- xorg.matricule_ax IS NULL AND
- (ax.Nom_complet = xorg.nom
- OR ax.Nom_complet LIKE CONCAT(xorg.nom,' %')
- OR ax.Nom_complet LIKE CONCAT(xorg.nom,'-%')
- OR ax.Nom_usuel = xorg.nom
- OR xorg.nom LIKE CONCAT('% ',ax.Nom_complet)) AND
- xorg.promo < ax.promotion_etude + 2 AND
- xorg.promo > ax.promotion_etude - 2)
- GROUP BY xorg.user_id
- xorg.user_id IS NOT NULL AND
- nbMatches = 1
- ".($limit?('LIMIT '.$limit):''));
+ return XDB::iterator("
+ SELECT xorg.display_name, xorg.promo, xorg.user_id, ax.id_ancien,
+ CONCAT(ax.prenom, ' ', ax.nom_complet, ' (X ', ax.promotion_etude, ')') AS display_name_ax,
+ COUNT(*) AS nbMatches
+ FROM fusionax_anciens AS ax
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_import AS i ON (i.id_ancien = ax.id_ancien AND i.user_id IS NULL)
+ LEFT JOIN fusionax_xorg_anciens AS xorg ON (xorg.matricule_ax IS NULL
+ AND (ax.Nom_complet = xorg.nom
+ OR ax.Nom_complet LIKE CONCAT(xorg.nom,' %')
+ OR ax.Nom_complet LIKE CONCAT(xorg.nom,'-%')
+ OR ax.Nom_usuel = xorg.nom
+ OR xorg.nom LIKE CONCAT('% ',ax.Nom_complet))
+ AND xorg.promo < ax.promotion_etude + 2
+ AND xorg.promo > ax.promotion_etude - 2)
+ GROUP BY xorg.user_id
+ HAVING xorg.user_id IS NOT NULL AND nbMatches = 1" . ($limit ? ('LIMIT ' . $limit) : ''));
/** Module de mise en correspondance les ids */
- function handler_ids(
- &$page,
- $part = 'main',
- $user_id = null,
- $matricule_ax = null)
+ function handler_ids(&$page, $part = 'main', $user_id = null, $matricule_ax = null)
- global $globals;
- $page->addJsLink('jquery.js');
+ $globals = Platal::globals();
+ $page->addJsLink('jquery.js');
'Polytechnique.org - Fusion - Mise en correspondance simple');
- if ($part == 'missingInAX')
- {
+ if ($part == 'missingInAX') {
// locate all persons from this database that are not in AX's
- $missingInAX = XDB::iterator("SELECT
- u.promo, u.user_id, u.display_name
- FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
- WHERE u.matricule_ax IS NULL
- LIMIT 20");
+ $missingInAX = XDB::iterator("SELECT u.promo, u.user_id, u.display_name
+ FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
+ WHERE u.matricule_ax IS NULL
+ LIMIT 20");
$page->assign('missingInAX', $missingInAX);
- if ($part == 'missingInXorg')
- {
+ if ($part == 'missingInXorg') {
// locate all persons from AX's database that are not here
- $missingInXorg = XDB::iterator("SELECT
- a.promotion_etude AS promo,
- CONCAT(a.prenom, ' ',a.Nom_usuel) AS display_name,
- a.id_ancien
- FROM fusionax_import
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS a USING (id_ancien)
- WHERE fusionax_import.user_id IS NULL
- LIMIT 20");
+ $missingInXorg = XDB::iterator("SELECT a.promotion_etude AS promo,
+ CONCAT(a.prenom, ' ', a.Nom_usuel) AS display_name,
+ a.id_ancien
+ FROM fusionax_import
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS a USING (id_ancien)
+ WHERE fusionax_import.user_id IS NULL
+ LIMIT 20");
$page->assign('missingInXorg', $missingInXorg);
- if ($part == 'link')
- {
- FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($user_id,$matricule_ax);
+ if ($part == 'link') {
+ FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($user_id, $matricule_ax);
- if ($part == 'linknext')
- {
+ if ($part == 'linknext') {
$linksToDo = FusionAxModule::find_easy_to_link(10);
- while ($l = $linksToDo->next())
- {
- FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($l['user_id'],$l['id_ancien']);
+ while ($l = $linksToDo->next()) {
+ FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($l['user_id'], $l['id_ancien']);
- if ($part == 'linkall')
- {
+ if ($part == 'linkall') {
$linksToDo = FusionAxModule::find_easy_to_link(0);
- while ($l = $linksToDo->next())
- {
- FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($l['user_id'],$l['id_ancien']);
+ while ($l = $linksToDo->next()) {
+ FusionAxModule::link_by_ids($l['user_id'], $l['id_ancien']);
- $missingInAX = XDB::query(
- FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
- WHERE u.matricule_ax IS NULL');
- if ($missingInAX)
- {
+ $missingInAX = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
+ FROM fusionax_xorg_anciens AS u
+ WHERE u.matricule_ax IS NULL');
+ if ($missingInAX) {
$page->assign('nbMissingInAX', $missingInAX->fetchOneCell());
- $missingInXorg = XDB::query(
- FROM fusionax_import AS i
- WHERE i.user_id IS NULL');
- if ($missingInXorg)
- {
- $page->assign(
- 'nbMissingInXorg',
- $missingInXorg->fetchOneCell());
+ $missingInXorg = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*)
+ FROM fusionax_import AS i
+ WHERE i.user_id IS NULL');
+ if ($missingInXorg) {
+ $page->assign('nbMissingInXorg', $missingInXorg->fetchOneCell());
$easyToLink = FusionAxModule::find_easy_to_link(10);
- if ($easyToLink->total() > 0)
- {
+ if ($easyToLink->total() > 0) {
$page->assign('easyToLink', $easyToLink);
// deceased
- $deceasedErrorsSql = XDB::query(
- 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fusionax_deceased');
- $page->assign('deceasedErrors',$deceasedErrorsSql->fetchOneCell());
- $page->assign('deceasedMissingInXorg',XDB::iterator(
- d.user_id,d.id_ancien,d.nom,d.prenom,d.promo,d.deces_ax,
- CONCAT(d.prenom, " ", d.nom) AS display_name
- FROM fusionax_deceased AS d
- WHERE d.deces_xorg = "0000-00-00"
- LIMIT 10'));
- $page->assign('deceasedMissingInAX',XDB::iterator(
- d.user_id,d.id_ancien,d.nom,d.prenom,d.promo,d.deces_xorg,
- CONCAT(d.prenom, " ", d.nom) AS display_name
- FROM fusionax_deceased AD d
- WHERE d.deces_ax = "0000-00-00"
- LIMIT 10'));
- $page->assign('deceasedDifferent',XDB::iterator(
- d.user_id,d.id_ancien,d.nom,d.prenom,d.promo,
- d.deces_ax,d.deces_xorg,
- CONCAT(d.prenom, " ", d.nom) AS display_name
- FROM fusionax_deceased AS d
- WHERE d.deces_xorg != "0000-00-00" AND d.deces_ax != "0000-00-00"
- LIMIT 10'));
+ $deceasedErrorsSql = XDB::query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM fusionax_deceased');
+ $page->assign('deceasedErrors', $deceasedErrorsSql->fetchOneCell());
+ $page->assign('deceasedMissingInXorg',
+ XDB::iterator('SELECT d.user_id, d.id_ancien, d.nom, d.prenom, d.promo, d.deces_ax,
+ CONCAT(d.prenom, " ", d.nom) AS display_name
+ FROM fusionax_deceased AS d
+ WHERE d.deces_xorg = "0000-00-00"
+ LIMIT 10'));
+ $page->assign('deceasedMissingInAX',
+ XDB::iterator('SELECT d.user_id, d.id_ancien, d.nom, d.prenom, d.promo, d.deces_xorg,
+ CONCAT(d.prenom, " ", d.nom) AS display_name
+ FROM fusionax_deceased AD d
+ WHERE d.deces_ax = "0000-00-00"
+ LIMIT 10'));
+ $page->assign('deceasedDifferent',
+ XDB::iterator('SELECT d.user_id, d.id_ancien, d.nom, d.prenom, d.promo,
+ d.deces_ax, d.deces_xorg,
+ CONCAT(d.prenom, " ", d.nom) AS display_name
+ FROM fusionax_deceased AS d
+ WHERE d.deces_xorg != "0000-00-00" AND d.deces_ax != "0000-00-00"
+ LIMIT 10'));
Login VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Login sur le site de l''AX',
Password INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Mot de passe sur le site AX',
promotion_etude SMALLINT(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Promotion avec laquelle il/elle a fait ses études',
- Groupe_promo ENUM('', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'S') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Groupe de promotion (code compris seulement par AX)',
- Nom_patronymique VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nom patronymique (nom de jeune fille) sans la particule',
- partic_patro VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Particule du nom patronymique',
- prenom VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Prénom',
- Nom_usuel VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nom usuel (nom marital par exemple) sans la particule',
- partic_nom VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Particule du nom usuel',
- Nom_complet VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nom patronymique complet (avec la particule)',
- Civilite ENUM('', '.', 'M', 'MME', 'MLLE') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Civilité',
+ Groupe_promo ENUM('', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'N', 'S') character set binary NOT NULL COMMENT 'Groupe de promotion (code compris seulement par AX)',
+ Nom_patronymique VARCHAR(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nom patronymique (nom de jeune fille) sans la particule',
+ partic_patro VARCHAR(5) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Particule du nom patronymique',
+ prenom VARCHAR(30) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Prénom',
+ Nom_usuel VARCHAR(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nom usuel (nom marital par exemple) sans la particule',
+ partic_nom VARCHAR(5) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Particule du nom usuel',
+ Nom_complet VARCHAR(255) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nom patronymique complet (avec la particule)',
+ Civilite ENUM('', '.', 'M', 'MME', 'MLLE') character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Civilité',
Code_nationalite CHAR(3) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Nationalité (code)',
- Type_membre ENUM('', '*', 'F', 'FB', 'P', 'PB', 'T', 'TB', 'TA') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Type de membre (code compris seulement par AX)',
- corps_sortie VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Corps de sortie (ou D si aucun)',
+ Type_membre ENUM('', '*', 'F', 'FB', 'P', 'PB', 'T', 'TB', 'TA') character set binary NOT NULL COMMENT 'Type de membre (code compris seulement par AX)',
+ corps_sortie VARCHAR(50) character set utf8 NOT NULL COMMENT 'Corps de sortie (ou D si aucun)',
Date_deces DATE COMMENT 'Date de décès',
grade VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Grade actuel dans son corps',
Mel_usage VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Adresse e-mail d''usage',
Mel_publiable TINYINT(4) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Autorisation d''utiliser le mail',
tel_mobile VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Numéro de téléphone mobile',
annee_dernCot INT(11) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Année de dernière cotisation AX',
- Representant ENUM('', 'K', 'DE') NOT NULL COMMENT 'Représentant de promotion',
+ Representant ENUM('', 'K', 'DE') character set binary NOT NULL COMMENT 'Représentant de promotion',
hash_adr_defaut BINARY(5) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Hash de l''adresse par défaut',
PRIMARY KEY (id_ancien)
(`AN`, `id_ancien`, `Login`, `Password`, `promotion_etude`, `Groupe_promo`, `Nom_patronymique`, `partic_patro`, `prenom`, Nom_usuel, partic_nom,
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `fusionax_import` (
`id_ancien` VARCHAR(8) NOT NULL COMMENT 'identifiant AX de l''ancien',
- `user_id` INT(11) default NULL COMMENT 'identifiant x.org de l''ancien si on l''a trouvé',
- `date_match_id` TIMESTAMP NULL default NULL COMMENT 'date de mise en correspondance des identifiants',
+ `user_id` INT(11) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'identifiant x.org de l''ancien si on l''a trouvé',
+ `date_match_id` TIMESTAMP NULL DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'date de mise en correspondance des identifiants',
PRIMARY KEY (`id_ancien`),
KEY `user_id` (`user_id`)
INSERT INTO `fusionax_import` ( SELECT `id_ancien`, NULL, NULL FROM `fusionax_anciens` );
REPLACE INTO `fusionax_import` ( SELECT `matricule_ax`, `user_id`, NOW() FROM `auth_user_md5` );
DROP VIEW IF EXISTS `fusionax_deceased`;
-CREATE VIEW `fusionax_deceased` AS
-SELECT u.user_id, a.id_ancien, u.nom, u.prenom, u.promo, u.deces AS deces_xorg, a.Date_deces AS deces_ax
-FROM `auth_user_md5` AS u
-INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS a ON ( a.id_ancien = u.matricule_ax )
-WHERE u.deces != a.Date_deces;
+CREATE VIEW fusionax_deceased AS
+ SELECT u.user_id, a.id_ancien, u.nom, u.prenom, u.promo, u.deces AS deces_xorg, a.Date_deces AS deces_ax
+ FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS a ON (a.id_ancien = u.matricule_ax)
+ WHERE u.deces != a.Date_deces;