--- /dev/null
+<?php if (!defined('PmWiki')) exit();\r
+ /*\r
+ * Copyright *\r
+ Copyright 2004, by Steven Leite (steven_leite@kitimat.net).\r
+ Changes 2004, by Karl Loncarek (Klonk)\r
+ * License *\r
+ Same as PmWiki (GNU GPL)\r
+ * Special Thanks *\r
+ Thanks to Pm (Patrick Michaud, www.pmichaud.com), for creating\r
+ PmWiki, and for sharing his knowledge and insightfulness with the\r
+ PmWiki community.\r
+ * Description *\r
+ eProtect is an email obfuscation add-on for PmWiki. It intercepts\r
+ pages before they are saved, and rewrites email addresses in a\r
+ protected format.\r
+ Example: "[[mailto:username@domain.net]]" is automatically replaced with:\r
+ "[[hidden-email:hfre@qbznva.arg]]".\r
+ When a WikiPage is requested the [[hidden-email:]] directive is\r
+ detected, and then translated into a small javascript. Once the page\r
+ is rendered to the in website, it's at that point which the javascript\r
+ decodes the protected address. Viewing the source-code of the page\r
+ won't reveal the true email address, nor will clicking on the link to\r
+ "Edit This Page".\r
+ Also you could give some text that is displayed instead the email address.\r
+ Example: "[[mailto:username@domain.net | Special Guy]]" is automatically\r
+ replaced with: "[[hidden-email:hfre@qbznva.arg | Special Guy]]". On the\r
+ page you only can see "Special Guy" as urllink.\r
+ But beware: giving the email address as alternative text renders this script\r
+ useless, because this alternative text is NOT encoded, and thus is also visible\r
+ in HTML source code!\r
+ * Installation Instructions *\r
+ 1. Copy this script (e-protect.php) to local/scripts/\r
+ 2. In your config.php file, add the following line:\r
+ include_once('scripts/e-protect.php');\r
+ 3. That's it!\r
+ * History *\r
+ Apr 7 2005 - * Replaced str_rot13 with strtr to make it work with PHP <4.2.0,\r
+ and to have the @ recoded.\r
+ Feb 18 2005 - * Added some comment signs to get valid XHTML when validating (Klonk)\r
+ Feb 15 2005 - * Modified encoding and added additional markup for handling (Klonk)\r
+ [[text -> mailto:...]]\r
+ Jan 7 2005 - * Moved decoding script to Header, due to problem, when SideBar and Main Text\r
+ contains addresses to decode (Klonk)\r
+ Nov 17 2004 - * Calling the decoding function as Custom Markup for PmWiki2\r
+ (by Klonk) * made decoding of [[hidden-email:...]] working\r
+ BONUS: [[hidden-email:... |DisplayedText]] works also now\r
+ * added class='urllink' to decoded output for same CSS formating\r
+ as for other links in PmWiki2\r
+ * inserted own function call in array $EditFunctions before 'ReplaceOnSave'\r
+ May 11, 2004 - Working Beta. Still a few improvements to be made, but\r
+ the script is ready for public testing. Please feel\r
+ free to email me your comments/suggestions. Thanks!\r
+ May 8, 2004 - Alpha release. Not released to public.\r
+ * Configuration *\r
+ There aren't (yet) any configuration variables for this script. */\r
+## [[hidden-email:target]]\r
+ "/\\[\\[hidden-email:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)\\s*\\]\\]($SuffixPattern)/e",\r
+ "eProtectDecode('$1','')");\r
+## [[hidden-email:target | text]]\r
+ "/\\[\\[hidden-email:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)\\s*\\|\\s*(.*?)\\s*\\]\\]($SuffixPattern)/e",\r
+ "eProtectDecode('$1','$2')");\r
+## [[ text -> hidden-email:target]]\r
+ "/\\[\\[(.*?)\\s*-+>\\s*hidden-email:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)\\s*\\]\\]($SuffixPattern)/e",\r
+ "eProtectDecode('$2','$1')");\r
+## Add own function in array $EditFunctions before ReplaceOnSave, so it is called, when saving is performed.\r
+array_splice ($EditFunctions, array_search('ReplaceOnSave',$EditFunctions), 1,\r
+ array('eProtectEncode','ReplaceOnSave'));\r
+## Add decoding script to Header\r
+$HTMLHeaderFmt['eProtect']= "\n<script type='text/JavaScript'>\n<!--\nNix={map:null,convert:function(a){Nix.init();var s='';for(i=0;i<a.length;i++){var b=a.charAt(i);s+=((b>='A'&&b<='Z')||(b>='a'&&b<='z')?Nix.map[b]:b);}return s;},init:function(){if(Nix.map!=null)return;var map=new Array();var s='abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';for(i=0;i<s.length;i++)map[s.charAt(i)]=s.charAt((i+13)%26);for(i=0;i<s.length;i++)map[s.charAt(i).toUpperCase()]=s.charAt((i+13)%26).toUpperCase();Nix.map=map;},decode:function(a){document.write(Nix.convert(a));}}\n//-->\n</script>\n";\r
+function eProtectStrRecode ($s) {\r
+/* str_rot13, extended to recode digits and @#. */\r
+ return strtr ($s,\r
+ 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ',\r
+ 'nopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmNOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLM');\r
+function eProtectDecode ($CompressedEmailAddress,$AlternateText) {\r
+ $email = $CompressedEmailAddress;\r
+ $html = "\n<!--eProtect-->\n";\r
+ if ($AlternateText=='')\r
+ $html .= "<script type='text/JavaScript'>\n<!--\nNix.decode" .\r
+ "(\"<n pynff='heyyvax' uers='znvygb:$email'>$email</n>\");" . "\n//-->\n</script>";\r
+ else\r
+ $html .= "<script type='text/JavaScript'>\n<!--\nNix.decode" .\r
+ "(\"<n pynff='heyyvax' uers='znvygb:$email'>\");" . "\n//-->\n</script>" . $AlternateText . "<script\r
+ type='text/JavaScript'><!--\nNix.decode" .\r
+ "(\"</n>\");" . "\n//-->\n</script>";\r
+ $html .= "\n<!--/eProtect-->\n";\r
+ return Keep($html);\r
+function eProtectEncode ($pagename,&$page,&$new) {\r
+ global $KeepToken, $KPV, $UrlExcludeChars;\r
+ if (!@$_POST['post']) return; // only Encode, when posting\r
+ $text = $new['text'];\r
+ $text = preg_replace_callback("/\\[\\=(.*?)\\=\\]/s", create_function('$str', 'return Keep($str[0]);'), $text); // extract the [= .. =] and temporarily store in $KPV[]\r
+# $text = preg_replace_callback("/\\[\\[mailto:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)/", create_function('$m','return "[[hidden-email:".trim(eProtectStrRecode($m[1]));'), $text);\r
+ $text = preg_replace_callback("/\\[\\[(.*?)mailto:([^\\s$UrlExcludeChars]*)(.*?)\\]\\]/", create_function('$m','return "[[".$m[1]."hidden-email:".trim(eProtectStrRecode($m[2])).$m[3]."]]";'), $text);\r
+ $text = preg_replace("/$KeepToken(\\d+)$KeepToken/e",'$KPV[$1]',$text); // put the [= .. =] back in to the text\r
+ $new['text'] = $text;\r
\ No newline at end of file
-$AuthFunction = "AuthPlatal";
+$AuthFunction = 'AuthPlatal';
-function authPerms($pagename,$key,$could=false)
+$Conditions['logged'] = logged();
+$Conditions['identified'] = identified();
+$Conditions['has_perms'] = has_perms();
+$Conditions['public'] = 'true';
+$Conditions['only_public'] = !identified();
+function authPerms($pagename, $key, $could=false)
$words = explode(' ', $key);
$auth = false;
$parts = explode(':', $word);
$cond = $parts[0];
$param = $parts[1];
- if ($cond == "identified" && $could) {
- $cond = "logged";
+ if ($cond == 'identified' && $could) {
+ $cond = 'logged';
- $iauth = CondText($pagename, "if ".$cond." ".$param, true);
+ $iauth = CondText($pagename, 'if '.$cond.' '.$param, true);
if ($and) {
$auth &= $iauth;
} else {
global $page;
new_skinned_page('', AUTH_MDP);
if (has_perms()) {
- $page->trig("Erreur : page Wiki inutilisable sur plat/al");
+ $page->trig('Erreur : page Wiki inutilisable sur plat/al');
} else {
$page->trig("Tu n'as pas le droit d'accéder à ce service");
return 1;
-$Conditions['logged'] = 'logged()';
-$Conditions['identified'] = 'identified()';
-$Conditions['has_perms'] = 'has_perms()';
-$Conditions['public'] = 'true';
-$Conditions['only_public'] = '!identified()';