SELECT u.user_id AS uid, prenom, nom, perms, promo, matricule, password, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS femme,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) AS lastlogin,, a.alias AS forlife, a2.alias AS bestalias,
q.core_mail_fmt AS mail_fmt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(q.banana_last) AS banana_last, q.watch_last, q.core_rss_hash,
- FIND_IN_SET('watch', u.flags) AS watch_account
+ FIND_IN_SET('watch', u.flags) AS watch_account, q.last_version
FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q USING(user_id)
INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = AND a.type='a_vie')
function get_tips($exclude = null)
+ global $globals;
+ // Add a new special tip when changing plat/al version
+ if ($globals->version != S::v('last_version') && is_null($exclude)) {
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE auth_user_quick
+ SET last_version = {?}
+ WHERE user_id = {?}',
+ $globals->version, S::i('uid'));
+ return array('id' => 0,
+ 'titre' => 'Bienvenue sur la nouvelle version du site !',
+ 'text' => 'Le site a été mis à jour depuis ta dernière visite vers la version ' . $globals->version
+ . '. Nous t\'invitons à en découvrir les nouveautés en te rendant sur '
+ . '<a href="banana/xorg.m4x.innovation">nos forums</a> ou en consultant '
+ . '<a href="changelog">la liste exhaustive des modifications</a>',
+ 'priorite' => 255,
+ 'promo_min' => 0,
+ 'promo_max' => 0,
+ 'state' => 'active',
+ 'special' => true);
+ }
$exclude = is_null($exclude) ? '' : ' AND id != ' . $exclude . ' ';
$priority = rand(0, 510);
do {
$page->assign('virtualalias', $res->fetchOneCell());
+ header('Last-Modified: ' . date('r', strtotime($user['date'])));
function handler_p_edit(&$page, $opened_tab = 'general')
{if $full}
<fieldset id="tod">
- <legend>{icon name=lightbulb}Astuce : {$tips.titre}
+ <legend>{icon name=lightbulb}{if !$tips.special}
+ Astuce : {$tips.titre}
+ {else}
+ <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">{$tips.titre}</span>
+ {/if}
{if !$nochange}
- <a href="" onclick="Ajax.update_html('tod', 'ajax/tips/{$}'); return false">
+ <a href="" onclick="Ajax.update_html('tod', 'ajax/tips/{$}'); return false">
{icon name=resultset_next title="Astuce suivante"}
--- /dev/null
+alter table auth_user_quick add column last_version varchar(16) not null default '0.9.13';
+# vim:set syntax=mysql: