// }}}
+// {{{ class UFC_Job_Company
+/** Filters users based on the company they belong to
+ * @param $type The field being searched (self::JOBID, self::JOBNAME or self::JOBACRONYM)
+ * @param $value The searched value
+ */
+class UFC_Job_Company extends UserFilterCondition
+ const JOBID = 'id';
+ const JOBNAME = 'name';
+ const JOBACRONYM = 'acronym';
+ private $type;
+ private $value;
+ public function __construct($type, $value)
+ {
+ $this->assertType($type);
+ $this->type = $type;
+ $this->value = $value;
+ }
+ private function assertType($type)
+ {
+ if ($type != self::JOBID && $type != self::JOBNAME && $type != self::JOBACRONYM) {
+ Platal::page()->killError("Type de recherche non valide");
+ }
+ }
+ public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
+ {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobCompanyFilter();
+ $cond = $sub . '.' . $this->type . ' = ' . XDB::format('{?}', $this->value);
+ return $cond;
+ }
+// }}}
+// {{{ class UFC_Job_Sectorization
+/** Filters users based on the ((sub)sub)sector they work in
+ * @param $sector The sector searched
+ * @param $subsector The subsector
+ * @param $subsubsector The subsubsector
+ */
+class UFC_Job_Sectorization extends UserFilterCondition
+ private $sector;
+ private $subsector;
+ private $subsubsector;
+ public function __construct($sector = null, $subsector = null, $subsubsector = null)
+ {
+ $this->sector = $sector;
+ $this->subsector = $subsector;
+ $this->subsubsector = $subsubsector;
+ }
+ public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
+ {
+ // No need to add the JobFilter, it will be done by addJobSectorizationFilter
+ $conds = array();
+ if ($this->sector !== null) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_SECTOR);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.id = ' . XDB::format('{?}', $this->sector);
+ }
+ if ($this->subsector !== null) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_SUBSECTOR);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.id = ' . XDB::format('{?}', $this->subsector);
+ }
+ if ($this->subsubsector !== null) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_SUBSUBSECTOR);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.id = ' . XDB::format('{?}', $this->subsubsector);
+ }
+ return implode(' AND ', $conds);
+ }
+// }}}
+// {{{ class UFC_Job_Description
+/** Filters users based on their job description
+ * @param $description The text being searched for
+ * @param $fields The fields to search for (user-defined, ((sub|)sub|)sector)
+ */
+class UFC_Job_Description extends UserFilterCondition
+ /** Meta-filters
+ * Built with binary OR on UserFilter::JOB_*
+ */
+ const ANY = 31;
+ const SECTORIZATION = 15;
+ private $description;
+ private $fields;
+ public function __construct($description)
+ {
+ $this->fields = $fields;
+ $this->description = $description;
+ }
+ public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
+ {
+ $conds = array();
+ if ($this->fields & UserFilter::JOB_USERDEFINED) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobFilter();
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.description LIKE ' . XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?}, \'%\')', $this->description);
+ }
+ if ($this->fields & UserFilter::JOB_SECTOR) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_SECTOR);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.name LIKE ' . XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?}, \'%\')', $this->description);
+ }
+ if ($this->fields & UserFilter::JOB_SUBSECTOR) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_SUBSECTOR);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.name LIKE ' . XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?}, \'%\')', $this->description);
+ }
+ if ($this->fields & UserFilter::JOB_SUBSUBSECTOR) {
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_SUBSUBSECTOR);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.name LIKE ' . XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?}, \'%\')', $this->description);
+ $sub = $uf->addJobSectorizationFilter(UserFilter::JOB_ALTERNATES);
+ $conds[] = $sub . '.name LIKE ' . XDB::format('CONCAT(\'%\', {?}, \'%\')', $this->description);
+ }
+ return implode(' OR ', $conds);
+ }
+// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_UserRelated
/** Filters users based on a relation toward on user
* @param $user User to which searched users are related
return $joins;
+ /** JOBS
+ */
+ const JOB_SECTOR = 1;
+ const JOB_SUBSECTOR = 2;
+ const JOB_ALTERNATES = 8;
+ const JOB_USERDEFINED = 16;
+ /** Joins :
+ * pj => profile_job
+ * pje => profile_job_enum
+ * pjse => profile_job_sector_enum
+ * pjsse => profile_job_subsector_enum
+ * pjssse => profile_job_subsubsector_enum
+ * pja => profile_job_alternates
+ */
+ private $with_pj = false;
+ private $with_pje = false;
+ private $with_pjse = false;
+ private $with_pjsse = false;
+ private $with_pjssse = false;
+ private $with_pja = false;
+ public function addJobFilter()
+ {
+ $this->with_pj = true;
+ return 'pj';
+ }
+ public function addJobCompanyFilter()
+ {
+ $this->addJobFilter();
+ $this->with_pje = true;
+ return 'pje';
+ }
+ public function addJobSectorizationFilter($type)
+ {
+ $this->addJobFilter();
+ if ($type == self::JOB_SECTOR) {
+ $this->with_pjse = true;
+ return 'pjse';
+ } else if ($type == self::JOB_SUBSECTOR) {
+ $this->with_pjsse = true;
+ return 'pjsse';
+ } else if ($type == self::JOB_SUBSUBSECTOR) {
+ $this->with_pjssse = true;
+ return 'pjssse';
+ } else if ($type == self::JOB_ALTERNATES) {
+ $this->with_pja = true;
+ return 'pja';
+ }
+ }
+ private function jobJoins()
+ {
+ $joins = array();
+ if ($this->with_pj) {
+ $joins['pj'] = array('left', 'profile_job', '$ME.uid = $UID');
+ }
+ if ($this->with_pje) {
+ $joins['pje'] = array('left', 'profile_job_enum', '$ME.id = pj.jobid');
+ }
+ if ($this->with_pjse) {
+ $joins['pjse'] = array('left', 'profile_job_sector_enum', '$ME.id = pj.sectorid');
+ }
+ if ($this->with_pjsse) {
+ $joins['pjsse'] = array('left', 'profile_job_subsector_enum', '$ME.id = pj.subsectorid');
+ }
+ if ($this->with_pjssse) {
+ $joins['pjssse'] = array('left', 'profile_job_subsubsector_enum', '$ME.id = pj.subsubsectorid');
+ }
+ if ($this->with_pja) {
+ $joins['pja'] = array('left', 'profile_job_alternates', '$ME.subsubsectorid = pj.subsubsectorid');
+ }
+ return $joins;
+ }
private $cts = array();