`page` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`pos` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
`params` text NOT NULL,
+ `status` int(1) unsigned NOT NULL default '0',
PRIMARY KEY (`plugin`,`barrel`,`page`),
KEY `pos` (`pos`)
class DiogenesDbInit extends DiogenesDatabaseCreator
/** database versions history */
- var $versions = array("", "0.9.10", "0.9.12", "0.9.15", "0.9.16", "0.9.16+0.9.17pre15", "0.9.16+0.9.17pre19", "0.9.16+0.9.17pre21");
+ var $versions = array("", "0.9.10", "0.9.12", "0.9.15", "0.9.16", "0.9.16+0.9.17pre15", "0.9.16+0.9.17pre19", "0.9.16+0.9.17pre21", "0.9.18+0.9.19pre1");
* Upgrades the database from one version to the next
// upgrade master tables
$this->info("* Upgrading master tables : diogenes_*");
+ exit(1);
$this->dbh->query("INSERT INTO diogenes_logactions VALUES (16, 'page_plugins', 'the page plugins were modified');");
+ case "0.9.18+0.9.19pre1":
+ $this->info(" - adding 'status' field to 'diogenes_plugin' table");
+ $this->dbh->query("ALTER TABLE `diogenes_plugin` ADD `status` INT( 1 ) UNSIGNED NOT NULL default '0'");
+ $this->dbh->query("update diogenes_plugin set status=1 where page=0");
+ $this->dbh->query("update diogenes_plugin set status=2 where page!=0");
+ break;
$this->info(" - no changes needed.");
/* plugin editor */
$editor = new Diogenes_Plugin_Editor($barrel, 0);
-// if necessary, rebuild site plugin caches
-if ($action == "update" && !$barrel)
- $res = $globals->db->query("select alias,flags from diogenes_site");
- while (list($p_alias, $p_flags) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
- {
- $flags = new flagset($p_flags);
- if ($p_alias && $flags->hasFlag('plug'))
- {
- $page->info(sprintf( __("Rebuilding plugin cache for barrel '%s'"), $p_alias));
- $cachefile = $globals->plugins->cacheFile($p_alias);
- $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $p_alias);
- }
- }
- mysql_free_result($res);
// translations
$page->assign('msg_clean_database', __('Clean plugins database'));
$page->assign('msg_clean_database_text', __("If you are having problems with references to plugins that no longer exist, you can have Diogenes remove such entries from the database."));
$this->plug_page = $plug_page;
$this->plug_page_wperms = $plug_page_wperms;
/** Run the plugin editor.
* @param $page
function run(&$page, $outputvar = '')
global $globals;
$action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : '';
$target = isset($_REQUEST['plug_target']) ? $_REQUEST['plug_target'] : '';
// load all available plugins
$cachefile = $globals->plugins->cacheFile($this->plug_barrel);
- // if the tree cache does not exits, try to init it
- if (!file_exists($cachefile)) {
- $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
- }
+ // if the tree cache does not exits try to init it
+ if(!file_exists($cachefile))
+ {
+ $globals->plugins->compileCache($this->plug_barrel, $page);
+ }
$cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
$available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page);
// handle updates
+ $rebuild_cache = 0;
switch ($action) {
case "move_up": case "move_down":
if ($this->readonly) die("Sorry, this plugin view is read-only.");
$delta = ($action == "move_down") ? 1 : -1;
- //$page->info("moving plugin '$target'..");
+ $page->info("moving plugin '$target'..");
$plugcache_a = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $target);
- $plug_a =& $globals->plugins->load($plugcache_a);
- //$plug_a =& $globals->plugins->get($target);
+ $plug_a =& $globals->plugins->load($plugcache_a['name'], $plugcache_a);
if (is_object($plug_a) && ($plug_a->active)) {
$old_pos = $plug_a->pos;
- //$plug_b =& $globals->plugins->getAtPos($old_pos + $delta);
$plugcache_b = $globals->plugins->cacheGetAtPos($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos + $delta);
if (is_array($plugcache_b))
- $plug_b =& $globals->plugins->load($plugcache_b);
+ $plug_b =& $globals->plugins->load($plugcache_b['name'], $plugcache_b);
// swap the current plugin and the next plugin
if (is_object($plug_b) && ($plug_b->active))
- $plug_a->writeParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos + $delta);
- $plug_b->writeParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos);
- }
+ $plug_a->toDatabase($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos + $delta);
+ $plug_b->toDatabase($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $old_pos);
+ }
- }
- $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
- $cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
- $available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page);
+ }
+ $rebuild_cache = 1;
case "update":
if ($this->readonly) die("Sorry, this plugin view is read-only.");
- // list of active plugins
- $active = array();
- if (isset($_REQUEST['plugins_active'])) {
- $active = array_values($_REQUEST['plugins_active']);
- }
- foreach ($available as $plugin) {
- $plugentry = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $plugin);
- if (!is_array($plugentry) and $this->plug_page) {
- $plugentry = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, 0, $plugin);
- if (is_array($plugentry))
- {
- $plugentry['active'] = 0;
- }
- }
+ foreach ($available as $plugin => $plugentry)
+ {
// check we have a valid cache entry
if (!is_array($plugentry)) {
- $page->info("could not find plugin '$plugin' in cache for barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'");
+ $page->info("could not find plugin '$plugin' in cache for barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'");
- $plug_h =& $globals->plugins->load($plugentry);
- if (is_object($plug_h) && is_array($plugentry)) {
- $pos = array_search($plugin, $active);
- if ($pos !== false) {
- // check the plugin is allowed in the current context
- if ($this->plug_barrel and $this->plug_page) {
- $wperms = $this->plug_page_wperms;
- // $page->info("checking plugin '$plugin' vs. write permissions '$wperms'..");
- if (!$plug_h->allow_wperms($wperms))
- {
- $page->info("plugin '$plugin' is not allowed with write permissions '$wperms'!");
- break;
- }
- }
- // retrieve parameters from REQUEST
- foreach ($plug_h->getParamNames() as $key)
+ $plug_h =& $globals->plugins->load($plugin, $plugentry);
+ if (!is_object($plug_h)) {
+ $page->info("could not load plugin '$plugin' in cache for barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'");
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($pos !== false) {
+ // check the plugin is allowed in the current context
+ if ($this->plug_barrel and $this->plug_page) {
+ $wperms = $this->plug_page_wperms;
+ // $page->info("checking plugin '$plugin' vs. write permissions '$wperms'..");
+ if (!$plug_h->allow_wperms($wperms))
- if (isset($_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_".$key])) {
- $plug_h->setParamValue($key, $_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_".$key]);
- }
+ $page->info("plugin '$plugin' is not allowed with write permissions '$wperms'!");
+ break;
- // write parameters to database
- $plug_h->writeParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $pos);
- } else {
- // erase parameters from database
- $plug_h->eraseParams($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page);
- }
+ }
+ // retrieve parameters from REQUEST
+ if (isset($_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_status"]))
+ {
+ $plug_h->status = $_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_status"];
+ }
+ foreach ($plug_h->getParamNames() as $key)
+ {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_".$key])) {
+ $plug_h->setParamValue($key, $_REQUEST[$plug_h->name."_".$key]);
+ }
+ }
+ // write parameters to database
+ $plug_h->toDatabase($this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $pos);
+ $rebuild_cache = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ // if necessary, rebuild the plugin cache
+ if ($rebuild_cache)
+ {
// log this action
if ($this->plug_barrel)
if ($this->plug_page)
- $page->log('page_plugins', $this->plug_barrel.":".$this->plug_page);
+ $page->log('page_plugins', $this->plug_barrel.":".$this->plug_page);
} else {
- $page->log('barrel_plugins', $this->plug_barrel.":*");
+ $page->log('barrel_plugins', $this->plug_barrel.":*");
- $globals->plugins->compileCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
- $cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
- $available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page);
- break;
+ // rebuild plugin cache
+ $globals->plugins->compileCache($this->plug_barrel, $page);
+ $cache = $globals->plugins->readCache($cachefile, $this->plug_barrel);
+ $available = $globals->plugins->cachedAvailable($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page);
// get dump of plugins to fill out form
$page->assign('plug_barrel', $this->plug_barrel);
$page->assign('plug_page', $this->plug_page);
$plugs = array();
// start by adding the active plugins
- foreach ($cache as $plugcache)
+ foreach ($available as $plugname => $plugcache)
- if (in_array($plugcache['plugin'], $available) and ($plugcache['page'] == $this->plug_page) and ($plugcache['active']))
+ if ($plugcache['status'] == PLUG_ACTIVE)
- // check we have a valid plugin handle
- $plug_h = $globals->plugins->load($plugcache);
- if (!is_object($plug_h)) {
- $page->info("could not load disabled plugin '{$plugcache['plugin']}' in barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'");
- } else {
- $plugentry = $plug_h->dump();
- $plugentry['icon'] = $globals->icons->get_action_icon('plugins');
- $type = $plugentry['type'];
- if (!empty($plugs[$type])) {
+ $plugentry = $plugcache;
+ $plugentry['icon'] = $globals->icons->get_action_icon('plugins');
+ $type = $plugentry['type'];
+ if (!empty($plugs[$type])) {
$plugentry['move_up'] = 1;
$last = count($plugs[$type]) - 1;
- $plugs[$type][$last]['move_down'] = 1;
+ $plugs[$type][$last]['move_down'] = 1;
} else {
- $plugs[$type] = array();
- }
+ $plugs[$type] = array();
+ }
array_push($plugs[$type], $plugentry);
- }
- }
+ }
- // next we add the disabled plugins
+ // next we add the inactive plugins
if (!$this->readonly)
- foreach ($available as $plugname)
+ foreach ($available as $plugname => $plugcache)
- $plugcache = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, $this->plug_page, $plugname);
- if (!is_array($plugcache) or !$plugcache['active'])
+ if ( ($plugcache['status'] == PLUG_AVAILABLE) ||
+ (($plugcache['status'] == PLUG_DISABLED) && !$this->plug_barrel) )
- $plugcache = $globals->plugins->cacheGet($cache, $this->plug_barrel, 0, $plugname);
- $plugcache['active'] = 0;
- $plug_h = $globals->plugins->load($plugcache);
- if (!is_object($plug_h)) {
- $page->info("could not load disabled plugin '$plugname' in barrel '{$this->plug_barrel}'");
- return;
- }
- $plugentry = $plug_h->dump();
- $plugentry['icon'] = $globals->icons->get_action_icon('plugins');
- $type = $plugentry['type'];
+ $plugentry = $plugcache;
+ $plugentry['icon'] = $globals->icons->get_action_icon('plugins');
+ $type = $plugentry['type'];
if (empty($plugs[$type])) {
$plugs[$type] = array();
- /*
- echo "plugins <pre>";
- print_r($plugs);
- echo "</pre>";
- */
$page->assign('plugins', $plugs);
// values
$page->assign('show_params', $this->show_params);
+ $statusvals = array(0 => 'disabled', '1' => 'available', 2 => 'enabled');
+ $page->assign('statusvals', $statusvals);
// translations
$page->assign('msg_submit', __("Submit"));
$page->assign('msg_plugedit_parameters', __("parameters"));
$page->assign('msg_move_up', __("move up"));
$page->assign('msg_move_down', __("move down"));
// if requested, assign the content to be displayed
if (!empty($outputvar)) {
$page->assign($outputvar, $page->fetch('plugin-editor.tpl'));
// dependency on PEAR
require_once 'System.php';
+require_once 'Tree/Node.php';
+define('PLUG_DISABLED', 0);
+define('PLUG_AVAILABLE', 1);
+define('PLUG_ACTIVE', 2);
/** Recursive stripslashes.
class Diogenes_Plugin_Skel {
/** Plugin type (object, filter) */
- var $type;
+ var $type = '';
/** Array of plugin parameters */
var $params = array();
var $version = "0.1";
/** Position of the plugin */
- var $pos;
- /** Is the plugin active ? */
- var $active = 0;
+ var $pos = 0;
+ /** The plugin status (disabled, available, active) */
+ var $status = PLUG_AVAILABLE;
/** Is the plugin allowed with respect to a given write permission on a page ?
return isset($this->params[$key]) ? $this->params[$key] : '';
/** Set the value of a parameter of the plugin.
function setParamValue($key, $val)
if (isset($this->params[$key])) {
- //echo "$this->name : Calling setParamValue($key, $val)<br/>\n";
$this->params[$key] = $val;
} else {
- //echo "$this->name : skipping setParamValue($key, $val)<br/>\n";
- /** Set plugin parameters.
- *
- * @param $params
- */
- function setParams($params)
- {
- $bits = explode("\0", $params);
- foreach ($bits as $bit)
- {
- $frags = explode("=", $bit, 2);
- $key = $frags[0];
- if (!empty($key))
- {
- $val = isset($frags[1]) ? $frags[1] : '';
- $this->setParamValue($key, $val);
- }
- }
- }
/** Erase parameters from database.
* @param $barrel
* @param $page
- function eraseParams($barrel = '', $page = 0)
+ function eraseParameters($barrel = '', $page = 0)
global $globals;
//echo $this->name . " : eraseParams($barrel, $page)<br/>\n";
$globals->db->query("delete from diogenes_plugin where plugin='{$this->name}' and barrel='$barrel' and page='$page'");
- $this->active = 0;
foreach ($this->getParamNames() as $key)
$this->setParamValue($key, '');
+ /** Read parameters from an array.
+ */
+ function fromArray($plugentry)
+ {
+ $this->pos = $plugentry['pos'];
+ $this->status = $plugentry['status'];
+ foreach ($plugentry['params'] as $key => $val)
+ {
+ $this->setParamValue($key, $val);
+ }
+ }
/** Store parameters to database.
* @param $barrel
* @param $page
- * @param $pos
+ * @param $pos
- function writeParams($barrel = '', $page = 0, $pos = 0)
+ function toDatabase($barrel = '', $page = 0, $pos = 0)
global $globals;
$this->pos = $pos;
- $this->active = 1;
- $params = '';
- foreach ($this->getParamNames() as $key)
- {
- $val = $this->getParamValue($key);
- //echo "$this->name : $key = $val<br/>\n";
- $params .= "$key=$val\0";
- }
- $globals->db->query("replace into diogenes_plugin set plugin='{$this->name}', barrel='$barrel', page='$page', pos='$pos', params='$params'");
+ $params = var_encode_bin($this->params);
+ //echo "toDatabase called for '{$this->name}' in barrel '$barrel' (status : {$this->status}, params : '$params')<br/>";
+ $globals->db->query("replace into diogenes_plugin set plugin='{$this->name}', status='{$this->status}', barrel='$barrel', page='$page', pos='$pos', params='$params'");
/** Dump parameters to a table.
- function dump()
+ function toArray()
$plugentr = array();
// copy over properties
- $props = array('active', 'name', 'params', 'description', 'version', 'type', 'pos');
+ $props = array('status', 'name', 'params', 'description', 'version', 'type', 'pos');
foreach ($props as $prop)
- if (isset($this->$prop))
- {
- $plugentr[$prop] = stripslashes_recurse($this->$prop);
- }
- }
+ $plugentr[$prop] = stripslashes_recurse($this->$prop);
+ }
return $plugentr;
// dependency on PEAR
require_once 'System.php';
+require_once 'Tree/Node.php';
+require_once 'Plugin/Skel.php';
/** This class describes Diogenes' plugins.
class Diogenes_Plugins
- /** Array of currently loaded plugins */
- var $loaded = array();
/** Directory that holds the plugins cache files */
var $cachedir;
/** Directory that holds the plugins */
var $plugdir;
+ /** Plugins that will be sent to trace */
+ var $log = array();
/** Constructs a new holder for Diogenes plugins.
* @param $dbh
$this->dbh =& $dbh;
$this->plugdir = $plugdir;
- $this->cachedir = $cachedir;
+ $this->cachedir = $cachedir;
$cachefile = $this->cachedir . "/" . ($barrel ? $barrel : "__diogenes__") . ".plugins";
return $cachefile;
/** Return the cache entry for specified plugin
* @param $cache
* @param $barrel
* @param $page
* @param $plugin
- */
+ */
function cacheGet($cache, $barrel, $page, $plugin)
- foreach ($cache as $plugentry)
- {
- if (($plugentry['plugin'] == $plugin) && ($plugentry['page'] == $page))
- {
- return $plugentry;
- }
- }
- return;
+ $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page);
+ return $p_node->data[$plugin];
/** Return the cache entry for a plugin at a specified position
* @param $cache
* @param $barrel
* @param $page
* @param $pos
- */
+ */
function cacheGetAtPos($cache, $barrel, $page, $pos)
- foreach ($cache as $plugentry)
- {
- if (($plugentry['pos'] == $pos) && ($plugentry['page'] == $page))
+ $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page);
+ foreach ($p_node->data as $plugname => $plugentry)
+ {
+ if ($plugentry['pos'] == $pos)
+ $plugentry['plugin'] = $plugname;
return $plugentry;
- }
- }
+ }
+ }
+ /** Return the cache entry for specified plugin
+ *
+ * @param $cache
+ * @param $barrel
+ * @param $page
+ * @param $plugin
+ */
+ function cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page)
+ {
+ if ($page) {
+ $p_node = $cache->getChild($page);
+ } else {
+ $p_node = $cache;
+ }
+ return $p_node;
+ }
/** List the plugins that are active in a given context
* @param $cache
function cachedActive($cache, $barrel, $page)
+ $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page);
$plugins = array();
- foreach ($cache as $plug)
- {
- if ($plug['page'] == $page)
- {
- array_push($plugins, $plug);
- }
- }
- return $plugins;
+ return $plugins;
/** Returns an array of cache entries representing the available plugins
* in a given context
* @param $cache
* @param $barrel
* @param $page
- */
+ */
function cachedAvailable($cache, $barrel, $page)
- {
- $available = array();
- foreach ($cache as $plugentry)
- {
- $plugfile = $this->plugdir."/".$plugentry['plugin'].".php";
- if (file_exists($plugfile) and ($plugentry['page'] == 0) and (!$page or $plugentry['active']))
+ {
+ $p_node = $this->cacheGetPageNode($cache, $barrel, $page);
+ //echo "<pre>".var_encode_text($p_node)."</pre>";
+ foreach ($p_node->data as $plugname => $plugentry)
+ {
+ $plugfile = $this->plugdir."/".$plugname.".php";
+ if (file_exists($plugfile) and (!$barrel || ($plugentry['status'] != PLUG_DISABLED)))
- array_push($available, $plugentry['plugin']);
+ $available[$plugname] = $plugentry;
- return $available;
+ return $available;
/** Remove database references to plugins that are not available.
function clean_database(&$page)
+ /** Build view for current level.
+ */
+ function compileNode($node, &$outparent, $index)
+ {
+ $outvals = array();
+ foreach ($outparent->data as $plugin => $parentval)
+ {
+ //echo "Processing plugin '$plugin' for <{$node->name}><br/>\n";
+ $outval = '';
+ if ($parentval['status'] != PLUG_DISABLED)
+ {
+ //echo "* plugin available/enabled at parent level<br/>\n";
+ $outval = $parentval;
+ if (is_array($node->data[$plugin]))
+ {
+ //echo "** plugin set at current level<br/>\n";
+ $outval['pos'] = $node->data[$plugin]['pos'];
+ $outval['params'] = $node->data[$plugin]['params'];
+ if ($parentval['status'] == PLUG_AVAILABLE) {
+ //echo "*** plugin status set to DB-specified value<br/>\n";
+ $outval['status'] = $node->data[$plugin]['status'];
+ } else {
+ //echo "*** plugin forced on at parent level<br/>\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ //echo "** plugin unset at current level<br/>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ // add the plugin to output
+ if (is_array($outval))
+ {
+ $outvals[$plugin] = $outval;
+ }
+ }
+ $outnode = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($outvals, $node->name);
+ //echo "<hr/>";
+ // recurse into children
+ foreach ($node->children as $cindex => $child)
+ {
+ $this->compileNode($child, $outnode, $cindex);
+ }
+ // add the produced node
+ $outparent->setChild($index, $outnode);
+ }
/** Compile plugin cache.
- * @param $cachefile
* @param $barrel
- function compileCache($cachefile, $barrel)
+ function compileCache($barrel, &$caller)
- if (!$fp = fopen($cachefile, "w")) {
- trigger_error("failed to open '$cachefile' for writing", E_USER_ERROR);
+ $caller->info("Recompiling " .($barrel ? "plugin cache for barrel '$barrel'" : "global plugin cache"));
+ // get the list of all plugins present on the system
+ $allplugins = array();
+ $plugfiles = System::find($this->plugdir.' -type f -name *.php');
+ foreach ($plugfiles as $file) {
+ $name = basename($file);
+ $name = substr($name, 0, -4);
+ array_push($allplugins, $name);
- // get the list of available plugins
- $available = array();
- if (!$barrel) {
- $plugfiles = System::find($this->plugdir.' -type f -name *.php');
- foreach ($plugfiles as $file) {
- $name = basename($file);
- $name = substr($name, 0, -4);
- array_push($available, $name);
- }
- } else {
- $sql = "select plugin from diogenes_plugin where page=0 AND barrel=''";
- $res = $this->dbh->query($sql);
- while (list($plugin) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
+ $defcache = array();
+ // fill initial values
+ foreach ($allplugins as $plugin)
+ {
+ $plug_h = $this->load($plugin);
+ $defcache[$plugin] = $plug_h->toArray();
+ }
+ // get DB values
+ $dbcache = array();
+ $sql_limit = $barrel ? " where barrel='{$barrel}' or barrel=''" : "";
+ $sql = "select barrel, page, plugin, status, pos, params from diogenes_plugin" . $sql_limit;
+ $res = $this->dbh->query($sql);
+ while($row = mysql_fetch_row($res))
+ {
+ $c_barrel = array_shift($row);
+ $c_page = array_shift($row);
+ $plugin = array_shift($row);
+ $plugentry = array(
+ 'status' => $row[0],
+ 'pos' => $row[1],
+ 'params' => ($row[2] ? var_decode_bin($row[2]) : array())
+ );
+ $plug_h = $this->load($plugin, $plugentry);
+ //echo "Got params from DB for '$plugin', barrel '$c_barrel', page '$c_page' : ".$row[2]."<br/>";
+ $dbcache[$c_barrel][$c_page][$plugin] = $plug_h->toArray();
+ }
+ mysql_free_result($res);
+ // build the input tree
+ $globals_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($dbcache[''][0], 'globals defaults');
+ $sql_limit = $barrel ? " where alias='{$barrel}'" : " where alias!=''";
+ $res = $this->dbh->query("select alias from diogenes_site" . $sql_limit);
+ while(list($c_barrel) = mysql_fetch_row($res))
+ {
+ $barrel_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($dbcache[$c_barrel][0], "barrel '$c_barrel' defaults");
+ $res2 = $this->dbh->query("select PID from {$c_barrel}_page");
+ while(list($page) = mysql_fetch_row($res2))
- array_push($available, $plugin);
+ $page_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($dbcache[$c_barrel][$page], "barrel '$c_barrel' page $page");
+ $barrel_node->setChild($page, $page_node);
- mysql_free_result($res);
- }
- echo "compile : available <pre>";
- print_r($available);
- echo "</pre>";
- // get active plugins
- $sql = "select page, pos, plugin, params from diogenes_plugin where barrel='{$barrel}' order by page, pos";
- $res = $this->dbh->query($sql);
- $active = array();
- while ($row = mysql_fetch_row($res))
- {
- $plugin = $row[2];
- if (in_array($plugin, $available)) {
- array_unshift($row, 1);
- fputs($fp, join("\t", $row) . "\n");
- if (!$row[1]) {
- array_push($active, $plugin);
- //echo "compileCache : adding active plugin $plugin<br/>";
- }
- }
- }
- mysql_free_result($res);
- // add inactive plugins
- foreach ($available as $plugin)
- {
- if (!in_array($plugin, $active))
- {
- //echo "compileCache : adding inactive plugin $plugin<br/>";
- $row = array(0, 0, 0, $plugin, '');
- fputs($fp, join("\t", $row) . "\n");
- }
- }
- fclose($fp);
- //$this->log("rcs_commit","{$this->alias}:$dir/$file:$message");
+ mysql_free_result($res2);
+ $globals_node->setChild($c_barrel, $barrel_node);
+ }
+ mysql_free_result($res);
+ // compile the cache
+ $top_out_node = new Diogenes_Tree_Node($defcache, 'plugin defaults');
+ $this->compileNode($globals_node, $top_out_node, 'globals');
+ $globals_out_node = $top_out_node->getChild('globals');
+ //echo "<pre>" . $top_out_node->dump() . "</pre><hr/>";
+ // produce dump(s)
+ if ($barrel) {
+ $dump_node = $globals_out_node->getChild($barrel);
+ $dump_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel));
+ } else {
+ $globals_out_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel), NODE_DUMP_NOCHILDREN);
+ $globals_out_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($barrel).".txt", NODE_DUMP_NOCHILDREN | NODE_DUMP_TEXT);
+ foreach ($globals_out_node->children as $c_barrel => $dump_node)
+ {
+ $dump_node->writeFile($this->cachefile($c_barrel));
+ }
+ }
/** Load the specified plugin
* @param $plugentry
- function load($plugentry)
+ function load($plugin, $plugentry = '')
- $plugin = $plugentry['plugin'];
$plugfile = $this->plugdir."/$plugin.php";
if (!file_exists($plugfile)) {
trigger_error("could not find plugin file '$plugfile'", E_USER_WARNING);
if (!class_exists($plugin)) {
trigger_error("could not find class '$plugin'", E_USER_WARNING);
// load and register plugin
- $plug = new $plugin();
- $plug->pos = $plugentry['pos'];
- $plug->active = $plugentry['active'];
- $plug->setParams($plugentry['params']);
- $this->loaded[$plugin] =& $plug;
- return $plug;
+ $plug_h = new $plugin();
+ if (is_array($plugentry))
+ $plug_h->fromArray($plugentry);
+ $plug_log = $plug_h->toArray();
+ //$pluglog['name'] = 'foo';
+ array_push($this->log, $plug_log);
+ return $plug_h;
if (!file_exists($cachefile)) {
return array();
- if (!$fp = fopen($cachefile, "r")) {
- trigger_error("failed to open '$cachefile' for reading", E_USER_WARNING);
- return;
- }
- $plugins = array();
- while ($line = fgets($fp))
- {
- // drop end of line
- $line = substr($line, 0, -1);
- $bits = explode("\t", $line);
- $plug = array(
- 'active' => $bits[0],
- 'page' => $bits[1],
- 'pos' => $bits[2],
- 'plugin' => $bits[3],
- 'params' => $bits[4],
- );
- array_push($plugins, $plug);
- }
- fclose($fp);
- return $plugins;
+ return Diogenes_Tree_Node::readFile($cachefile);
/** Prepare plugins trace for output
- */
+ */
function trace_format()
- $out = "";
- foreach ($this->loaded as $key => $val)
- {
- $out .= '<table class="light" style="width: 100%; font-family: monospace">';
- $out .= '<tr><th colspan="2">'.$key.' v'.$val->version.'</th></tr>';
- if (isset($val->pos)) {
- $out .= '<tr><td>position</td><td>'.$val->pos.'</td></tr>';
+ $out = '<table class="light" style="width: 100%; font-family: monospace">'."\n";
+ $odd = 0;
+ foreach ($this->log as $key => $val)
+ {
+ $trclass = $odd ? ' class="odd"' : '';
+ $out .= "<tr><th colspan=\"2\">{$val['name']} v{$val['version']}</th></tr>\n";
+ if (isset($val['pos'])) {
+ $out .= "<tr><td>position</td><td>{$val['pos']}</td></tr>\n";
- $out .= '<tr><td>type</td><td>'.$val->type.'</td></tr>';
- $out .= '<tr><td>description</td><td>'.$val->description.'</td></tr>';
- if (empty($val->params)) {
- $out .= '<tr class="odd"><td colspan="2">parameters</td></tr>';
- foreach ($val->params as $skey => $sval)
- {
- $out .= "<tr><td>$skey</td><td>$sval</td></tr>";
- }
+ $out .= "<tr$trclass><td>type</td><td>{$val['type']}</td></tr>\n";
+ $out .= "<tr$trclass><td>description</td><td>{$val['description']}</td></tr>\n";
+ if (!empty($val['params'])) {
+ $out .= "<tr$trclass><td>parameters</td><td>".var_encode_html($val['params'])."</td></tr>\n";
- $out .= "</table><br/>";
+ $odd = ($odd+1) % 2;
+ $out .= "</table>\n";
return $out;
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+require_once 'diogenes/diogenes.misc.inc.php';
define('NODE_DUMP_BINARY', 0);
define('NODE_DUMP_TEXT', 1);
//$code = chop($code, ','); //remove unnecessary coma
$code .= str_repeat($tabstr, $level) . ")";
return $code;
- } elseif (is_string($var)) {
+ } elseif (is_scalar($var)) {
return "'".$var."'";
- } elseif (is_bool($var)) {
- return ($code ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE');
} else {
return 'NULL';
+function var_encode_html($var, $level = 0, $no_children = FALSE)
+ return var_encode_text($var, $level, $no_children, ' ', $eol = "<br/>\n");
function var_encode_bin($var, $no_children = FALSE)
if (is_object($var) && (get_class($var) == 'Diogenes_Tree_Node')) {
$this->children = $children;
- /** Add a child for this node.
- */
- function pushChild($node, $index)
- {
- array_push($this->children, $node);
- }
/** Return the specified child of this node.
function getChild($index)
{foreach from=$plugins key=plugtype item=plugarr}
<table class="light" style="width:80%">
- <th colspan="{if $show_params}4{else}3{/if}">{$plugtype} {$msg_plugedit_plugins}</th>
+ <th colspan="3">{$plugtype} {$msg_plugedit_plugins}</th>
-{counter start=0 assign=cnt print=0}
{foreach from=$plugarr item=plug}
-<tr{if $cnt % 2} class="odd"{/if}>
- <td style="width:30px">
- <img class="fileicon" src="{$plug.icon}" />
+<tr class="odd">
+ <td style="width:30px"><img class="fileicon" src="{$plug.icon}"/> {$plug.name} v{$plug.version}
- <td>
- <div class="name">{if !$readonly}<input type="checkbox" name="plugins_active[]" value="{$plug.name}"{if $plug.active} checked="checked"{/if} /> {/if}{$plug.name} v{$plug.version}</div>
+ <td>
{if !$readonly}
+ <select name="{$plug.name}_status">{html_options options=$statusvals selected=$plug.status}</select>
<a class="action"{if $plug.move_up}href="javascript:move_up('{$plug.name}');"{/if}>{$msg_move_up}</a> <a class="action"{if $plug.move_down}href="javascript:move_down('{$plug.name}');"{/if}>{$msg_move_down}</a>
- <td>
- <div class="description">{$plug.description}</div>
- </td>
-{if !$readonly && $show_params}
- <td>
- <table>
+{if $show_params}
+ <td><div class="description">{$plug.description}</div></td>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ <table class="plugparams">
{foreach from=$plug.params key=key item=val}