Signed-off-by: Florent Bruneau <>
* Profile:
- #729: Fix positioning of addresses on public profile -FRU
- #742: Sub domain was hidden when editing profile -FRU
+ - #752: Don't show vcard link on profile when the person is dead -FRU
* Search:
- #741: Mentor search in advanced search -FRU
{if $x.web} <a href="{$x.web}">{icon name="world_go" title="Site Web"}</a>{/if}
{if $logged}
- <a href="vcard/{$x.forlife}.vcf">{*
- *}{icon name=vcard title="Afficher la carte de visite"}</a>
+ {if !$x.dcd}<a href="vcard/{$x.forlife}.vcf">{*
+ *}{icon name=vcard title="Afficher la carte de visite"}</a>{/if}
{if !$x.is_contact}
<a href="javascript:chgMainWinLoc('carnet/contacts?action=ajouter&user={$x.forlife}')">
{icon name=add title="Ajouter à mes contacts"}</a>