if ($list == '') {
$page->trigError('La liste est vide.');
} else {
+ require_once 'notifs.inc.php';
$broken_user_list = array();
+ $broken_user_email_count = array();
$broken_list = explode("\n", $list);
$mail->assign('user', $user);
$mail->assign('email', $email);
+ } else {
+ $profile = Profile::get($user['alias']);
+ WatchProfileUpdate::register($profile, 'broken');
- if (!isset($broken_user_list[$user['alias']])) {
- $broken_user_list[$user['alias']] = array($email);
+ if (!isset($broken_user_list[$user['uid']])) {
+ $broken_user_list[$user['uid']] = array($email);
} else {
- $broken_user_list[$user['alias']][] = $email;
+ $broken_user_list[$user['uid']][] = $email;
+ $broken_user_email_count[$user['uid']] = $user['nb_mails'];
// Output the list of users with recently broken addresses,
// along with the count of valid redirections.
- require_once 'notifs.inc.php';
pl_cached_content_headers('text/x-csv', 1);
$csv = fopen('php://output', 'w');
- fputcsv($csv, array('nom', 'promo', 'alias', 'bounce', 'nbmails', 'url', 'corps', 'job', 'networking'), ';');
- foreach ($broken_user_list as $alias => $mails) {
- $sel = Xdb::query(
- 'SELECT a.uid, count(DISTINCT(r.redirect)) AS nb_mails,
- IFNULL(pd.public_name, a.full_name) AS fullname,
- IFNULL(pd.promo, 0) AS promo, IFNULL(pce.name, \'Aucun\') AS corps,
- IFNULL(pje.name, \'Aucun\') AS job, GROUP_CONCAT(pn.address SEPARATOR \', \') AS networking
- FROM email_source_account AS s
- INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (s.uid = a.uid)
- LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON (a.uid = r.uid AND r.broken_level = 0 AND r.flags = \'active\' AND
- (r.type = \'smtp\' OR r.type = \'googleapps\'))
- LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (a.uid = ap.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms))
- LEFT JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (pd.pid = ap.pid)
- LEFT JOIN profile_corps AS pc ON (pc.pid = ap.pid)
- LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS pce ON (pc.current_corpsid = pce.id)
- LEFT JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (pj.pid = ap.pid)
- LEFT JOIN profile_job_enum AS pje ON (pj.jobid = pje.id)
- LEFT JOIN profile_networking AS pn ON (pn.pid = ap.pid)
- WHERE s.email = {?}
- GROUP BY a.uid', $alias);
- if ($x = $sel->fetchOneAssoc()) {
- if ($x['nb_mails'] == 0) {
- $user = User::getSilentWithUID($x['uid']);
- $profile = $user->profile();
- WatchProfileUpdate::register($profile, 'broken');
- }
- fputcsv($csv, array($x['fullname'], $x['promo'], $alias,
- join(',', $mails), $x['nb_mails'],
- 'https://www.polytechnique.org/marketing/broken/' . $alias,
- $x['corps'], $x['job'], $x['networking']), ';');
+ fputcsv($csv, array('nom', 'promo', 'bounces', 'nbmails', 'url', 'corps', 'job', 'networking'), ';');
+ foreach ($broken_user_list as $uid => $mails) {
+ $profile = Profile::get($uid);
+ $corps = $profile->getCorps();
+ $current_corps = ($corps && $corps->current) ? $corps->current : '';
+ $jobs = $profile->getJobs();
+ $companies = array();
+ foreach ($jobs as $job) {
+ $companies[] = $job->company->name;
+ }
+ $networkings = $profile->getNetworking(Profile::NETWORKING_ALL);
+ $networking_list = array();
+ foreach ($networkings as $networking) {
+ $networking_list[] = $networking['address'];
+ fputcsv($csv, array($profile->fullName(), $profile->promo(),
+ join(',', $mails), $broken_user_email_count[$uid],
+ 'https://www.polytechnique.org/marketing/broken/' . $profile->hrid(),
+ $current_corps, implode(',', $companies), implode(',', $networking_list)), ';');