$dogs[] = 'paymentissubscription';
$dogs = implode(',', $dogs);
- global $globals;
+ global $globals, $page;
if (is_null($this->id)) {
+ if (!$this->bootstrapEventLists()) {
+ return false;
+ }
if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO groupex.events
(asso_id, respo_uid, shortname, title, description,
sublimit, categories, flags, state)
VALUES ({?}, {?}. {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, 'prepare')",
$globals->asso('id'), $this->respoUID, $this->shortname, $this->title,
$this->description, $this->subscriptionLimit, $cats, $dogs)) {
+ $page->trig("Impossible de créer l'événement");
return false;
$this->id = XDB::insertId();
WHERE id = {?} AND asso_id = {?}",
$this->shortname, $this->title, $this->description, $this->sublimit,
$cats, $dogs, $this->id, $globals->asso('id'))) {
+ $page->trig("Impossible de mettre à jour l'événement");
return false;
// Event edition functions {{{2
- public function setShortname($newname = null) {
- // TODO: do not forget to update partitipants/absents aliases
+ public function setShortname($newname) {
+ if (!$this->renameEventLists($this->shortname, $newname)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ $this->shortname = $newname;
$this->changed = true;
+ return true;
public function setTitle($title) {
$this->title = $title;
$this->changed = true;
+ return true;
public function setDescription($description) {
$this->description = $description;
$this->changed = true;
+ return true;
public function setSubscriptionLimit($date) {
$this->subscriptionLimit = $date;
$this->changed = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // (Non-)Subscriber aliases management {{{2
+ /** Build 2 aliases that can be used to contact the member of the group:
+ * - shortname-participants groups all subscribers to the event
+ * - shortname-absents groups all users that has not yet subscribed.
+ * Users that tell they won't come to the event are on none of the two lists.
+ *
+ * This function MUST succeed in order to add an event to the databse.
+ */
+ private function bootstrapEventLists() {
+ global $globals, $page;
+ $participants = -1;
+ $absents = -1;
+ if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO virtual (alias, type)
+ VALUES ({?}, 'evt')",
+ $this->shortname . '-participants@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain)) {
+ $page->trig("Le nom de l'événement est déjà utilisé, merci d'en choisir un autre.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ $participants = XDB::insertId();
+ // Don't know why this can fail, but be sure...
+ if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO virtual (alias, type)
+ VALUES ({?}, 'evt')",
+ $this->shortname . '-absents@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain)) {
+ XDB::execute("DELETE FROM virtual
+ WHERE id = {?}",
+ $participants);
+ $page->trig("Une erreur s'est produite lors de la création de l'événement");
+ return false;
+ }
+ $absents = XDB::insertId();
+ // Add all members of the group to the "absents" list
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO virtual_redirect
+ SELECT {?} AS vid,
+ IF(a.alias IS NOT NULL, CONCAT(a.alias, '@', {?}), m.email) AS redirect
+ FROM groupex.membres AS m
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (m.uid = a.id AND a.type = 'a_vie')
+ WHERE asso_id = {?}",
+ $absents, strlen($globals->mail->domain) < strlen($globals->mail->domain2) ? $globals->mail->domain
+ : $globals->mail->domain2,
+ $globals->asso('id'));
+ return true;
+ }
+ /** Change the name of the aliases used to send informations to members.
+ * Success is a prerequist to any shortname change.
+ */
+ private function renameEventLists($oldname, $newname) {
+ if (strtolower($oldname) == strtolower($newname)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ global $globals, $page;
+ if (!XDB::execute("UPDATE virtual
+ SET alias = {?}
+ WHERE alias = {?}",
+ $newname . '-absents@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain,
+ $oldname . '-absents@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain)) {
+ $page->trig("Impossible d'utiliser $newname comme nom, celui-ci est déjà utilisé");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Don't know why this could fail
+ if (!XDB::execute("UPDATE virtual
+ SET alias = {?}
+ WHERE alias = {?}",
+ $newname . '-participants@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain,
+ $oldname . '-participants@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain)) {
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE virtual
+ SET alias = {?}
+ WHERE alias = {?}",
+ $oldname . '-absents@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain,
+ $newname . '-absents@' . $globals->xnet->evts_domain);
+ $page->trig("Une erreur s'est produite lors du renommage de $oldname");
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
// TODO: do not forget to update participants/absents aliases
+ public function canSubscribe() {
+ global $globals;
+ return $this->nonmembre || $globals->perms->hasFlag('groupmember');
+ }
public function payment($login, $value, $method) {
if ($this->id >= 0) {
return false;