global $globals;
$page->setTitle('Administration - Compte');
- require_once("");
if (S::suid()) {
$page->kill("Déjà en SUID !!!");
// Loads the user identity using the environment.
- if ($login) {
- $user = User::get($login);
- } else if (Env::has('user_id')) {
- $user = User::get(Env::i('user_id'));
- } else if (Env::has('login')) {
- $user = User::get(Env::v('login'));
- }
+ $user = User::get($login);
+ $login = $user->login();
+ $registered = ($user->state != 'pending');
- if ($user) {
- $login = $user->login();
- $registered = $user->state != 'pending';
- } else {
- return;
+ // Form processing
+ if (!empty($_POST)) {
+ S::assert_xsrf_token();
+ if (Post::has('uid') && Post::i('uid') != $user->id()) {
+ $page->kill('Une erreur s\'est produite');
+ }
// Handles specific requests (AX sync, su, ...).
- if(Env::has('logs_account')) {
+ if(Post::has('logs_account')) {
- if(Env::has('su_button') && $registered) {
+ if(Post::has('su_button') && $registered) {
if (!Platal::session()->startSUID($user)) {
$page->trigError('Impossible d\'effectuer un SUID sur ' . $user->login());
} else {
- // Fetches user data.
- $redirect = ($registered ? new Redirect($user) : null);
// Account Form {{{
$to_update = array();
- if (Env::has('disable_weak_access')) {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
+ if (Post::has('disable_weak_access')) {
$to_update['weak_password'] = null;
- } else if (Env::has('update_account')) {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
- if (Env::s('full_name') != $user->fullName()) {
- $to_update['full_name'] = Env::s('full_name');
+ } else if (Post::has('update_account')) {
+ if (Post::s('full_name') != $user->fullName()) {
+ // XXX: Update profile if a profile is associated
+ $to_update['full_name'] = Post::s('full_name');
- if (Env::s('display_name') != $user->displayName()) {
- $to_update['display_name'] = Env::s('display_name');
+ if (Post::s('display_name') != $user->displayName()) {
+ // XXX: Update profile if a profile is associated
+ $to_update['display_name'] = Post::s('display_name');
- if (Env::s('sex') != ($user->isFemale() ? 'female' : 'male')) {
- $to_update['sex'] = Env::s('sex');
+ if (Post::s('sex') != ($user->isFemale() ? 'female' : 'male')) {
+ $to_update['sex'] = Post::s('sex');
- if (!Env::blank('hashpass')) {
- $to_update['password'] = Env::s('hashpass');
+ if (!Post::blank('hashpass')) {
+ $to_update['password'] = Post::s('hashpass');
- if (!Env::blank('weak_password')) {
- $to_update['weak_password'] = Env::s('weak_password');
+ if (!Post::blank('weak_password')) {
+ $to_update['weak_password'] = Post::s('weak_password');
- if (Env::i('token_access', 0) != ($user->token_access ? 1 : 0)) {
- $to_update['token'] = Env::i('token_access') ? rand_url_id(16) : null;
+ if (Post::i('token_access', 0) != ($user->token_access ? 1 : 0)) {
+ $to_update['token'] = Post::i('token_access') ? rand_url_id(16) : null;
- if (Env::i('skin', 0) != $user->skin) {
- $to_update['skin'] = Env::i('skin', 0);
+ if (Post::i('skin', 0) != $user->skin) {
+ $to_update['skin'] = Post::i('skin', 0);
if ($to_update['skin'] == 0) {
$to_update['skin'] = null;
- if (Env::s('state') != $user->state) {
- $to_update['state'] = Env::s('state');
+ if (Post::s('state') != $user->state) {
+ $to_update['state'] = Post::s('state');
- if (Env::i('is_admin', 0) != ($user->is_admin ? 1 : 0)) {
- $to_update['is_admin'] = Env::b('is_admin');
+ if (Post::i('is_admin', 0) != ($user->is_admin ? 1 : 0)) {
+ $to_update['is_admin'] = Post::b('is_admin');
- if (Env::s('type') != $user->type) {
- $to_update['type'] = Env::s('type');
+ if (Post::s('type') != $user->type) {
+ $to_update['type'] = Post::s('type');
- if (Env::i('watch', 0) != ($user->watch ? 1 : 0)) {
+ if (Post::i('watch', 0) != ($user->watch ? 1 : 0)) {
$to_update['flags'] = new PlFlagset();
- $to_update['flags']->addFlag('watch', Env::i('watch'));
+ $to_update['flags']->addFlag('watch', Post::i('watch'));
- if (Env::t('comment') != $user->comment) {
- $to_update['comment'] = Env::blank('comment') ? null : Env::t('comment');
+ if (Post::t('comment') != $user->comment) {
+ $to_update['comment'] = Post::blank('comment') ? null : Post::t('comment');
if (!empty($to_update)) {
$user = User::getWithUID($user->id());
// }}}
// Profile form {{{
- if (Env::has('add_profile') || Env::has('del_profile') || Env::has('owner')) {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
- if (Env::i('del_profile', 0) != 0) {
+ if (Post::has('add_profile') || Post::has('del_profile') || Post::has('owner')) {
+ if (Post::i('del_profile', 0) != 0) {
XDB::execute('DELETE FROM account_profiles
WHERE uid = {?} AND pid = {?}',
- $user->id(), Env::i('del_profile'));
- } else if (!Env::blank('new_profile')) {
- $profile = Profile::get(Env::t('new_profile'));
+ $user->id(), Post::i('del_profile'));
+ } else if (!Post::blank('new_profile')) {
+ $profile = Profile::get(Post::t('new_profile'));
if (!$profile) {
- $page->trigError('Le profil ' . Env::t('new_profile') . ' n\'existe pas');
+ $page->trigError('Le profil ' . Post::t('new_profile') . ' n\'existe pas');
} else {
XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO account_profiles (uid, pid)
VALUES ({?}, {?})',
XDB::execute('UPDATE account_profiles
SET perms = IF(pid = {?}, CONCAT(perms, \',owner\'), REPLACE(perms, \'owner\', \'\'))
WHERE uid = {?}',
- Env::i('owner'), $user->id());
+ Post::i('owner'), $user->id());
// }}}
- $page->addJsLink('ui.core.js');
- $page->addJsLink('ui.tabs.js');
- // Processes admin requests, if any.
- foreach($_POST as $key => $val) {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
- switch ($key) {
- // Email redirection actions.
- case "add_fwd":
- $email = trim(Env::v('email'));
- if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email)) {
- $page->trigError("Email non valide: $email");
- } else {
- $redirect->add_email($email);
- $page->trigSuccess("Ajout de $email effectué");
- }
- break;
- case "del_fwd":
- if (!empty($val)) {
- $redirect->delete_email($val);
- }
- break;
- case "activate_fwd":
- if (!empty($val)) {
- $redirect->modify_one_email($val, true);
- }
- break;
- case "deactivate_fwd":
- if (!empty($val)) {
- $redirect->modify_one_email($val, false);
- }
- break;
- case "disable_fwd":
- $redirect->disable();
- break;
- case "enable_fwd":
- $redirect->enable();
- break;
- case "clean_fwd":
- if (!empty($val)) {
- $redirect->clean_errors($val);
- }
- break;
- // Alias actions.
- case "add_alias":
- global $globals;
- // Splits new alias in user and fqdn.
- $alias = trim(Env::v('email'));
- if (strpos($alias, '@') !== false) {
- list($alias, $domain) = explode('@', $alias);
- } else {
- $domain = $globals->mail->domain;
- }
- // Checks for alias' user validity.
- if (!preg_match('/[-a-z0-9\.]+/s', $alias)) {
- $page->trigError("'$alias' n'est pas un alias valide");
- }
- // Eventually adds the alias to the right domain.
- if ($domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom || $domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom2) {
- $req = new AliasReq($user, $alias, 'Admin request', false);
- if ($req->commit()) {
- $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '$alias@$domain' attribué");
- } else {
- $page->trigError("Impossible d'ajouter l'alias '$alias@$domain', il est probablement déjà attribué");
- }
- } elseif ($domain == $globals->mail->domain || $domain == $globals->mail->domain2) {
- $res = XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (id,alias,type) VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'alias')",
- $user->id(), $alias);
- if ($res) {
- $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '$alias' ajouté");
- } else {
- $page->trigError("Impossible d'ajouter l'alias '$alias', il est probablement déjà attribué");
- }
- } else {
- $page->trigError("Le domaine '$domain' n'est pas valide");
- }
- break;
- case "del_alias":
- if (!empty($val)) {
- XDB::execute("DELETE FROM aliases
- WHERE id = {?} AND alias = {?} AND
- type NOT IN ('a_vie', 'homonyme')",
- $user->id(), $val);
- XDB::execute("UPDATE emails
- SET rewrite = ''
- WHERE uid = {?} AND rewrite LIKE CONCAT({?}, '@%')",
- $user->id(), $val);
- fix_bestalias($user);
- $page->trigSuccess("L'alias '$val' a été supprimé");
- }
- break;
- case "best":
- XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases
- SET flags = TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', flags, ','), ',bestalias,', ','))
- WHERE id = {?}", $user->id());
- XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases
- SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',', IF(flags = '', NULL, flags), 'bestalias')
- WHERE id = {?} AND alias = {?}", $user->id(), $val);
- // As having a non-null bestalias value is critical in
- // plat/al's code, we do an a posteriori check on the
- // validity of the bestalias.
- fix_bestalias($user);
- break;
- // Profile edition.
- case "u_edit":
- // Loads new values from environment.
- $pass_encrypted = Env::v('newpass_clair') != "********" ? sha1(Env::v('newpass_clair')) : Env::v('passw');
- $naiss = Env::v('naissanceN');
- $deces = Env::v('decesN');
- $perms = Env::v('permsN');
- $prenom = Env::v('prenomN');
- $nom = Env::v('nomN');
- $nomusage = Env::v('nomusageN');
- $promo = Env::i('promoN');
- $sexe = Env::v('sexeN');
- $comm = trim(Env::v('commentN'));
- $watch = Env::v('watchN');
- $flags = ($sexe ? 'femme' : '');
- if ($watch) {
- $flags .= ($flags ? ',watch' : 'watch');
- }
- if ($watch && !$comm) {
- $page->trigError("Il est nécessaire de mettre un commentaire pour surveiller un compte");
- break;
- }
- // Fetches fields to watch for changes.
- $watch_query = "SELECT naissance, deces, password, perms, nom_usage,
- prenom, nom, flags, promo, comment
- FROM auth_user_md5
- WHERE user_id = {?}";
- $old_fields = XDB::query($watch_query, $user->id())->fetchOneAssoc();
- // If user was newly banned, we need to ensure her php session
- // is killed. This hack is ugly (and largely overkill); it should
- // however suits our needs.
- if ($perms == 'disabled' && $old_fields['perms'] != 'disabled') {
- kill_sessions();
- }
- // Updates the user profile with the new values.
- $res = XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_md5
- SET naissance = {?}, deces = {?}, password = {?},
- perms = {?}, prenom = {?}, nom = {?}, nom_usage = {?},
- flags = {?}, promo = {?}, comment = {?}
- WHERE user_id = {?}",
- $naiss, $deces, $pass_encrypted,
- $perms, $prenom, $nom, $nomusage,
- $flags, $promo, $comm, $user->id());
- if ($res) {
- require_once("");
- user_reindex($user->id());
- $new_fields = XDB::query($watch_query, $user->id())->fetchOneAssoc();
- $mailer = new PlMailer("admin/useredit.mail.tpl");
- $mailer->assign("admin", S::user()->login());
- $mailer->assign("user", $user->login());
- $mailer->assign('old', $old_fields);
- $mailer->assign('new', $new_fields);
- $mailer->send();
- $globals->updateNbIns();
- $page->trigSuccess("Update was successful.");
- } else {
- $page->trigError("Update failed, please double check your values.");
- }
- // Checks for changes, and updates other tables of plat/al.
- if (Env::v('nomusageN') != $mr['nom_usage']) {
- set_new_usage($user->id(), Env::v('nomusageN'), make_username(Env::v('prenomN'), Env::v('nomusageN')));
- }
- if (Env::v('decesN') != $mr['deces']) {
- require_once '';
- register_watch_op($user->id(), WATCH_DEATH, $mr['deces']);
- user_clear_all_subs($user->id(), false);
- }
+ // Email forwards form {{{
+ require_once("");
+ $redirect = ($registered ? new Redirect($user) : null);
+ if (Post::has('add_fwd')) {
+ $email = Post::t('email');
+ if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email)) {
+ $page->trigError("Email non valide: $email");
+ } else {
+ $redirect->add_email($email);
+ $page->trigSuccess("Ajout de $email effectué");
+ }
+ } else if (!Post::blank('del_fwd')) {
+ $redirect->delete_email(Post::t('del_fwd'));
+ } else if (!Post::blank('activate_fwd')) {
+ $redirect->modify_one_email(Post::t('activate_fwd', true));
+ } else if (!Post::blank('deactivate_fwd')) {
+ $redirect->modify_one_email(Post::t('deactivate_fwd', false));
+ } else if (Post::has('disable_fwd')) {
+ $redirect->disable();
+ } else if (Post::has('enable_fwd')) {
+ $redirect->enable();
+ } else if (!Post::blank('clean_fwd')) {
+ $redirect->clean_errors(Post::t('clean_fwd'));
+ }
+ // }}}
- // Eventually updates the Google Apps account.
- if ($globals->mailstorage->googleapps_domain) {
- // If the user did choose to use synchronized passwords,
- // and the password was changed, updates the Google Apps
- // password as well.
- if (Env::v('newpass_clair') != "********") {
- require_once '';
- $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user);
- if ($account->active() && $account->sync_password) {
- $account->set_password($pass_encrypted);
- }
- }
+ // Email alias form {{{
+ if (Post::has('add_alias')) {
+ // Splits new alias in user and fqdn.
+ $alias = Env::t('email');
+ if (strpos($alias, '@') !== false) {
+ list($alias, $domain) = explode('@', $alias);
+ } else {
+ $domain = $globals->mail->domain;
+ }
- // If the update did disable the user account, disables
- // the Google Apps account as well.
- if ($new_fields['perms'] == 'disabled' && $new_fields['perms'] != $old_fields['perms']) {
- require_once '';
- $account = new GoogleAppsAccount($user);
- $account->suspend();
- }
- }
+ // Checks for alias' user validity.
+ if (!preg_match('/[-a-z0-9\.]+/s', $alias)) {
+ $page->trigError("'$alias' n'est pas un alias valide");
+ }
+ // Eventually adds the alias to the right domain.
+ if ($domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom || $domain == $globals->mail->alias_dom2) {
+ $req = new AliasReq($user, $alias, 'Admin request', false);
+ if ($req->commit()) {
+ $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '$alias@$domain' attribué");
+ } else {
+ $page->trigError("Impossible d'ajouter l'alias '$alias@$domain', il est probablement déjà attribué");
+ }
+ } elseif ($domain == $globals->mail->domain || $domain == $globals->mail->domain2) {
+ $res = XDB::execute("INSERT INTO aliases (id, alias, type)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, 'alias')",
+ $user->id(), $alias);
+ $page->trigSuccess("Nouvel alias '$alias' ajouté");
+ } else {
+ $page->trigError("Le domaine '$domain' n'est pas valide");
+ }
+ } else if (!Post::blank('del_alias')) {
+ XDB::execute("DELETE FROM aliases
+ WHERE id = {?} AND alias = {?} AND
+ type NOT IN ('a_vie', 'homonyme')",
+ $user->id(), $val);
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE emails
+ SET rewrite = ''
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND rewrite LIKE CONCAT({?}, '@%')",
+ $user->id(), $val);
+ fix_bestalias($user);
+ $page->trigSuccess("L'alias '$val' a été supprimé");
+ } else if (!Post::blank('best')) {
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases
+ SET flags = TRIM(BOTH ',' FROM REPLACE(CONCAT(',', flags, ','), ',bestalias,', ','))
+ WHERE id = {?}", $user->id());
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE aliases
+ SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',', IF(flags = '', NULL, flags), 'bestalias')
+ WHERE id = {?} AND alias = {?}", $user->id(), $val);
+ // As having a non-null bestalias value is critical in
+ // plat/al's code, we do an a posteriori check on the
+ // validity of the bestalias.
+ fix_bestalias($user);
+ }
+ // }}}
- // Reloads the user profile, to ensure the latest version will
- // be served to the administrator.
- $mr = XDB::query($userinfo_query, $user->id())->fetchOneAssoc();
+ // Forum form {{{
+ if (Post::has('b_edit')) {
+ XDB::execute("DELETE FROM forum_innd
+ WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id());
+ if (Env::v('write_perm') != "" || Env::v('read_perm') != "" || Env::v('commentaire') != "" ) {
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forum_innd
+ SET ipmin = '0', ipmax = '4294967295',
+ write_perm = {?}, read_perm = {?},
+ comment = {?}, priority = '200', uid = {?}",
+ Env::v('write_perm'), Env::v('read_perm'), Env::v('comment'), $user->id());
+ }
+ }
+ // }}}
- break;
- // User re-registration.
- case "u_kill":
- require_once('');
- user_clear_all_subs($user->id());
- $globals->updateNbIns();
- $page->trigSuccess("'" . $user->id() . "' a été désinscrit !");
- $mailer = new PlMailer("admin/useredit.mail.tpl");
- $mailer->assign("admin", S::user()->login());
- $mailer->assign("user", $user->login());
- $mailer->assign("deletion", true);
- $mailer->send();
- break;
+ $page->addJsLink('ui.core.js');
+ $page->addJsLink('ui.tabs.js');
- // Forum ban update.
- case "b_edit":
- XDB::execute("DELETE FROM forum_innd WHERE uid = {?}", $user->id());
- if (Env::v('write_perm') != "" || Env::v('read_perm') != "" || Env::v('commentaire') != "" ) {
- XDB::execute("INSERT INTO forum_innd
- SET ipmin = '0', ipmax = '4294967295',
- write_perm = {?}, read_perm = {?},
- comment = {?}, priority = '200', uid = {?}",
- Env::v('write_perm'), Env::v('read_perm'), Env::v('comment'), $user->id());
- }
- break;
- }
- }
// Displays last login and last host information.
$res = XDB::query("SELECT start, host
// Display active aliases.
$page->assign('virtuals', $user->emailAliases());
- $page->assign('aliases', XDB::iterator(
- "SELECT alias, type='a_vie' AS for_life,FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',flags) AS best,expire
- FROM aliases
- WHERE id = {?} AND type != 'homonyme'
- ORDER BY type != 'a_vie'", $user->id()));
+ $page->assign('aliases', XDB::iterator("SELECT alias, type='a_vie' AS for_life,
+ FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',flags) AS best, expire
+ FROM aliases
+ WHERE id = {?} AND type != 'homonyme'
+ ORDER BY type != 'a_vie'", $user->id()));
$page->assign('account_types', XDB::iterator('SELECT * FROM account_types ORDER BY type'));
$page->assign('skins', XDB::iterator('SELECT id, name FROM skins ORDER BY name'));
$page->assign('profiles', XDB::iterator('SELECT, p.hrpid, FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms) AS owner
- function handler_ax_xorg(&$page)
- {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/ax-xorg.tpl');
- $page->setTitle('Administration - AX/');
- // liste des différences
- $res = XDB::query(
- 'SELECT,u.nom AS nom, u.prenom AS prenom, ia.nom AS nomax,
- ia.prenom AS prenomax, u.matricule AS mat, ia.matricule_ax AS matax
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
- INNER JOIN identification_ax AS ia ON u.matricule_ax = ia.matricule_ax
- WHERE (SOUNDEX(u.nom) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom) AND SOUNDEX(CONCAT(ia.particule,u.nom)) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom)
- AND SOUNDEX(u.nom) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom_patro) AND SOUNDEX(CONCAT(ia.particule,u.nom)) != SOUNDEX(ia.nom_patro))
- OR u.prenom != ia.prenom OR ( != AND != AND !=
- ORDER BY,u.nom,u.prenom');
- $page->assign('diffs', $res->fetchAllAssoc());
- // gens à l'ax mais pas chez nous
- $res = XDB::query(
- 'SELECT,ia.nom,ia.nom_patro,ia.prenom
- FROM identification_ax as ia
- LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON u.matricule_ax = ia.matricule_ax
- WHERE u.nom IS NULL');
- $page->assign('mank', $res->fetchAllAssoc());
- // gens chez nous et pas à l'ax
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT promo,nom,prenom FROM auth_user_md5 WHERE matricule_ax IS NULL');
- $page->assign('plus', $res->fetchAllAssoc());
- }
function handler_deaths(&$page, $promo = 0, $validate = false)
$page->assign('dead', $res);
- function handler_synchro_ax(&$page, $login = null, $action = null)
- {
- $page->changeTpl('admin/synchro_ax.tpl');
- $page->setTitle('Administration - Synchro AX');
- // Checks for synchronization requirements.
- require_once('');
- if (is_ax_key_missing()) {
- $page->assign('no_private_key', true);
- $page->run();
- }
- // Determines user identity using environment.
- if ($login) {
- $user = User::get($login);
- } else if (Env::has('user')) {
- $user = User::get(Env::v('user'));
- } else if (Env::has('mat')) {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT user_id
- FROM auth_user_md5
- WHERE matricule = {?}",
- Env::i('mat'));
- $user = User::get($res->fetchOneCell());
- } else {
- return;
- }
- // Finally synchronizes the AX and plat/al information.
- if ($action == 'import') {
- ax_synchronize($user->login(), S::v('uid'));
- }
- require_once '';
- $userxorg = get_user_details($user->login(), S::v('uid'), 'ax');
- $userax = get_user_ax($userxorg['matricule_ax']);
- $diff = diff_user_details($userax, $userxorg, 'ax');
- $page->assign('x', $userxorg);
- $page->assign('diff', $diff);
- }
function handler_validate(&$page, $action = 'list', $id = null)
- $page->addJsLink('jquery.js');
$page->assign('wiki_pages', $wiki_tree);
$page->assign('perms_opts', $perms);