{* *}
+<script type="text/javascript">
+// <![CDATA[
+$(document).ready(function() {
+ $(".backtrace").click(function() {
+ $(this).children(".bt_details").toggle();
+ });
+// ]]>
{foreach from=$backtraces key=bt_name item=trace}
<div class="backtrace">
{if $trace->error}<span style="color: #f00">{/if}
- Exécution de {$bt_name} : {$trace->traces|@count} actions en {$trace->totaltime|string_format:"%.3f"}s (hover-me pour la trace)
+ Exécution de {$bt_name} :
+ {$trace->traces|@count} actions en {$trace->totaltime|string_format:"%.3f"}s
+ (click to show/hide the trace)
{if $trace->error}</span>{/if}
- <div class="hide">
+ <div class="bt_details" style="display: none">
{foreach item=query from=$trace->traces}
-{if $query.data}
+{if $query.data && $query.data[0]|@count > 1}
{assign var=cols value=$query.data[0]|@count}
-{assign var=cols value=1}
+{assign var=cols value=2}
<table class="bicol" style="width: 75%; font-size: smaller; margin-left:2px; margin-top: 3px;">
<tr class="impair">
- <td colspan="{$cols}">
+ <td style="width: 5em">
+ </td>
+ <td colspan="{$cols-1}" style="align: left">
<pre style="padding: 0; margin: 0;">{$query.action}</pre>
- <br/>
{if $query.error}
- <td colspan="{$cols}">
- <strong style="color: #f00">ERROR:</strong><br />
+ <td style="width: 5em">
+ <strong style="color: #f00">ERROR:</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td colspan="{$cols-1}">
- <td colspan="{$cols}">
- <strong>INFO:</strong><br />
+ <td style="width: 5em">
+ <strong>INFO:</strong>
+ </td>
+ <td colspan="{$cols-1}">
{$query.rows} ligne{if $query.rows > 1}s{/if} en {$query.exectime|string_format:"%.3f"}s