-class UFC_Contact implements UserFilterCondition
+abstract class UFC_UserRelated implements UserFilterCondition
- private $uid;
+ protected $uid;
public function __construct($uid = null)
if (is_null($uid)) {
Platal::page()->kill("Invalid contact type");
+class UFC_Contact extends UFC_UserRelated
public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
$sub = $uf->addContactFilter($this->uid);
+class UFC_WatchRegistration extends UFC_UserRelated
+ public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
+ {
+ $sub = $uf->addWatchRegistrationFilter($this->uid);
+ return 'wn' . $sub . '.uid IS NOT NULL';
+ }
+class UFC_WatchPromo extends UFC_UserRelated
+ private $grade;
+ public function __construct($uid = null, $grade = UserFilter::GRADE_ING)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($uid);
+ $this->grade = $grade;
+ }
+ public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
+ {
+ $sube = $uf->addEducationFilter(true, $this->grade);
+ $subw = $uf->addWatchPromoFilter($this->uid);
+ $field = 'pe' . $sube . '.' . UserFilter::promoYear($this->grade);
+ return $field . ' IS NOT NULL AND ' . $field . ' = wp' . $subw . '.promo';
+ }
+class UFC_WatchContacts extends UFC_Contact
+ public function buildCondition(UserFilter &$uf)
+ {
+ $sub = $uf->addWatchFilter($this->uid);
+ return 'FIND_IN_SET(\'contacts\' w' . $sub . '.flags) AND ' . parent::buildCondition($uf);
+ }
return $joins;
+ /** CARNET
+ */
+ private $wn = array();
+ public function addWatchRegistrationFilter($uid = null)
+ {
+ return $this->register_optional($this->wn, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid);
+ }
+ private $wp = array();
+ public function addWatchPromoFilter($uid = null)
+ {
+ return $this->register_optional($this->wp, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid);
+ }
+ private $w = array();
+ public function addWatchFilter($uid = null)
+ {
+ return $this->register_optional($this->w, is_null($uid) ? null : 'user_' . $uid);
+ }
+ private function watchJoins()
+ {
+ $joins = array();
+ foreach ($this->w as $sub=>$key) {
+ if (is_null($key)) {
+ $joins['w' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch');
+ } else {
+ $joins['w' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch', XDB::format('$ME.uid = {?}', substr($key, 5)));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->wn as $sub=>$key) {
+ if (is_null($key)) {
+ $joins['wn' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch_nonins', '$ME.ni_id = $UID');
+ } else {
+ $joins['wn' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch_nonins', XDB::format('$ME.uid = {?} AND $ME.ni_id = $UID', substr($key, 5)));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->wn as $sub=>$key) {
+ if (is_null($key)) {
+ $joins['wn' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch_nonins', '$ME.ni_id = $UID');
+ } else {
+ $joins['wn' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch_nonins', XDB::format('$ME.uid = {?} AND $ME.ni_id = $UID', substr($key, 5)));
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->wp as $sub=>$key) {
+ if (is_null($key)) {
+ $joins['wp' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch_promo');
+ } else {
+ $joins['wp' . $sub] = array('left', 'watch_promo', XDB::format('$ME.uid = {?}', substr($key, 5)));
+ }
+ }
+ return $joins;
+ }
public function updateNbNotifs()
- require_once 'notifs.inc.php';
- $n = select_notifs(false, S::i('uid'), S::v('watch_last'), false);
- S::set('notifs', $n->numRows());
public function setAccessCookie($replace = false, $log = true) {
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-define('WATCH_FICHE', 1);
-define('WATCH_INSCR', 2);
-define('WATCH_DEATH', 3);
-define('WATCH_BIRTH', 4);
-// {{{ function inscription_notifs_base
-function inscription_notifs_base($uid)
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_sub (uid, cid)
- SELECT {?}, id
- FROM watch_cat', $uid);
-// }}}
-// {{{ function register_watch_op
-function register_watch_op($uid, $cid, $date='', $info='')
- // XXX
- // TODO: Find out whether uid is a user or a profile!!!
- // XXX
- if (empty($date)) {
- $date = date('Y-m-d');
- }
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_ops (uid, cid, known, date, info)
- VALUES ({?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?})',
- $uid, $cid, $date, $info);
- if($cid == WATCH_FICHE) {
- if ($info) {
- register_profile_update($uid, $info);
- }
- XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles
- SET last_change = NOW()
- WHERE pid = {?}', $uid);
- } elseif($cid == WATCH_INSCR) {
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO contacts (uid,contact)
- SELECT uid, ni_id
- FROM watch_nonins
- WHERE ni_id = {?}', $uid);
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins
- WHERE ni_id = {?}', $uid);
- }
- Platal::session()->updateNbNotifs();
-// }}}
-// {{{ function _select_notifs_base
-function _select_notifs_base($table, $mail, $where)
- $cases = Array(
- 'contacts' => Array('wfield' => 'contact', 'ufield' => 'user_id', 'need_contact' => false,
- 'freq_sql' => '',
- 'contact_sql' => '1'
- ),
- 'watch_promo' => Array('wfield' => 'promo', 'ufield' => 'promo', 'need_contact' => true,
- 'freq_sql' => ' AND ( wc.type = "basic" OR wc.type="near" AND (u.promo <= v.promo_sortie-2 AND u.promo_sortie >= v.promo+2) )',
- 'contact_sql' => 'IF(c.contact IS NULL, 0, 1)'
- ),
- 'watch_nonins' => Array('wfield' => 'ni_id', 'ufield' => 'user_id', 'need_contact' => true,
- 'freq_sql' => '',
- 'contact_sql' => 'IF(c.contact IS NULL, 0, 1)'
- )
- );
- $our = $cases[$table];
- $sql = "
- (
- SELECT u.promo, u.prenom, IF(u.nom_usage='',u.nom,u.nom_usage) AS nom,
- u.deces != 0 AS dcd, (u.flags = 'femme') AS sexe,
- a.alias AS bestalias,
- wo.*,
- {$our['contact_sql']} AS contact,
- (u.perms IN('admin','user')) AS inscrit";
- if ($mail) {
- $sql.=",
- w.uid AS aid, v.prenom AS aprenom, IF(v.nom_usage='',v.nom,v.nom_usage) AS anom,
- b.alias AS abestalias, (v.flags='femme') AS asexe, q.core_mail_fmt AS mail_fmt";
- }
- $sql .= "
- FROM $table AS w
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON(u.{$our['ufield']} = w.{$our['wfield']})
- INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q ON(q.user_id = w.uid)
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS v ON(v.user_id = q.user_id)";
- if ($mail) {
- $sql .="
- INNER JOIN aliases AS b ON(b.id = q.user_id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', b.flags))";
- }
- if ($our['need_contact']) {
- $sql .="
- LEFT JOIN contacts AS c ON(c.uid = w.uid AND c.contact = u.user_id)";
- }
- $sql .="
- INNER JOIN watch_ops AS wo ON(wo.uid = u.user_id AND ".($mail ? 'wo.known > q.watch_last' : '( wo.known > {?} OR wo.date=NOW() )').")
- INNER JOIN watch_sub AS ws ON(ws.cid = wo.cid AND ws.uid = w.uid)
- INNER JOIN watch_cat AS wc ON(wc.id = wo.cid{$our['freq_sql']})
- LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON(a.id = u.user_id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', a.flags))
- WHERE $where
- )";
- return $sql;
-// }}}
-// {{{ function select_notifs
-function select_notifs($mail, $uid=null, $last=null, $iterator=true)
- $where = $mail ? 'q.watch_flags=3' : 'w.uid = {?}';
- $sql = _select_notifs_base('contacts', $mail, $where.($mail?'':' AND (q.watch_flags=1 OR q.watch_flags=3)')) . " UNION DISTINCT ";
- $sql .= _select_notifs_base('watch_promo', $mail, $where) . " UNION DISTINCT ";
- $sql .= _select_notifs_base('watch_nonins', $mail, $where);
- if ($iterator) {
- return XDB::iterator($sql . ' ORDER BY cid, promo, date DESC, nom', $last, $uid, $last, $uid, $last, $uid);
- } else {
- return XDB::query($sql, $last, $uid, $last, $uid, $last, $uid);
- }
-// }}}
-// {{{
-global $prf_desc;
-$prf_desc = array('search_names' => 'L\'un de ses noms',
- 'freetext' => 'Le texte libre',
- 'mobile' => 'Son numéro de téléphone portable',
- 'nationalite' => 'Sa nationalité',
- 'nationalite2' => 'Sa seconde nationalité',
- 'nationalite3' => 'Sa troisième nationalité',
- 'nick' => 'Son surnom',
- 'networking' => 'La liste de ses adresses de networking',
- 'edus' => 'Ses formations',
- 'addresses' => 'Ses adresses',
- 'section' => 'Sa section sportive',
- 'binets' => 'La liste de ses binets',
- 'medals' => 'Ses décorations',
- 'cv' => 'Son Curriculum Vitae',
- 'corps' => 'Son Corps d\'État',
- 'jobs' => 'Ses informations professionnelles',
- 'photo' => 'Sa photographie');
-function get_profile_change_details($event, $limit) {
- global $prf_desc;
- $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT field
- FROM watch_profile
- WHERE uid = {?} AND ts > {?}
- $event['uid'], $limit);
- if ($res->total() > 0) {
- $data = array();
- while (list($field) = $res->next()) {
- $data[] .= $prf_desc[$field];
- }
- return '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $data) . '</li></ul>';
- }
- return null;
-// }}}
-// {{{ function register_profile_update
-function register_profile_update($uid, $field) {
- XDB::execute("REPLACE INTO watch_profile (uid, ts, field)
- VALUES ({?}, NOW(), {?})",
- $uid, $field);
-// {{{ class AllNotifs
-class AllNotifs
- public $_cats = Array();
- public $_data = Array();
- public function __construct()
- {
- $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM watch_cat");
- while($tmp = $res->next()) {
- $this->_cats[$tmp['id']] = $tmp;
- }
- // recupère tous les watchers, avec détails des watchers, a partir du
- // watch_last de chacun, seulement ceux qui sont surveillés, ordonnés
- $res = select_notifs(true);
- while($tmp = $res->next()) {
- $aid = $tmp['aid'];
- if (empty($this->_data[$aid])) {
- $this->_data[$aid] = Array("prenom" => $tmp['aprenom'], 'nom' => $tmp['anom'],
- 'bestalias'=>$tmp['abestalias'], 'sexe' => $tmp['asexe'], 'mail_fmt' => $tmp['mail_fmt'],
- 'dcd'=>$tmp['dcd']);
- }
- unset($tmp['aprenom'], $tmp['anom'], $tmp['abestalias'], $tmp['aid'], $tmp['asexe'], $tmp['mail_fmt'], $tmp['dcd']);
- $this->_data[$aid]['data'][$tmp['cid']][] = $tmp;
- }
- }
-// }}}
-// {{{ class Notifs
-class Notifs
- public $_uid;
- public $_cats = Array();
- public $_data = Array();
- function __construct($uid, $up=false)
- {
- $this->_uid = $uid;
- $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM watch_cat");
- while($tmp = $res->next()) {
- $this->_cats[$tmp['id']] = $tmp;
- }
- $lastweek = date('YmdHis', time() - 7*24*60*60);
- // recupere les notifs du watcher $uid, sans detail sur le watcher,
- // depuis la semaine dernière, meme ceux sans surveillance, ordonnés
- $res = select_notifs(false, $uid, $lastweek);
- while($tmp = $res->next()) {
- if ($tmp['cid'] == WATCH_FICHE) {
- $tmp['data'] = get_profile_change_details($tmp, $lastweek);
- }
- $this->_data[$tmp['cid']][$tmp['promo']][] = $tmp;
- }
- if($up) {
- XDB::execute('UPDATE watch
- SET last = NOW()
- WHERE uid = {?}', $uid);
- }
- }
-// }}}
-// {{{ class Watch
-class Watch
+class WatchProfileUpdate
- public $_uid;
- public $_promos;
- public $_nonins;
- public $_cats = Array();
- public $_subs;
- public $watch_contacts;
- public $watch_mail;
- public function __construct($uid)
- {
- $this->_uid = $uid;
- $this->_promos = new PromoNotifs($uid);
- $this->_nonins = new NoninsNotifs($uid);
- $this->_subs = new WatchSub($uid);
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT FIND_IN_SET(\'contacts\', flags),
- FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', flags)
- FROM watch
- WHERE uid = {?}', $uid);
- list($this->watch_contacts, $this->watch_mail) = $res->fetchOneRow();
+ const ID = 1;
- $this->_cats = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('id', 'SELECT * FROM watch_cat');
- }
- public function saveFlags()
+ public static function register(Profile &$profile, $field)
- $flags = new PlFlagSet();
- $flags->addFlag('contacts', $this->watch_contacts);
- $flags->addFlag('mail', $this->watch_mail);
- XDB::execute('UPDATE watch
- SET flags = {?}
- WHERE uid = {?}',
- $flags, $this->_uid);
+ XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_profile (uid, ts, field)
+ VALUES ({?}, NOW(), {?})',
+ $profile->id(), $field);
- public function cats()
+ public static function getCondition(PlUser &$user)
- return $this->_cats;
- }
- public function subs($i)
- {
- return $this->_subs->_data[$i];
- }
- public function promos()
- {
- return $this->_promos->toRanges();
- }
- public function nonins()
- {
- return $this->_nonins->_data;
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_ProfileUpdated('>=', $user->watch_last),
+ new UFC_WatchContacts($user->id()));
-// }}}
-// {{{ class WatchSub
-class WatchSub
+class WatchRegistration
- public $_uid;
- public $_data = Array();
- public function __construct($uid)
- {
- $this->_uid = $uid;
- $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT cid FROM watch_sub WHERE uid={?}', $uid);
- while(list($c) = $res->next()) {
- $this->_data[$c] = $c;
- }
- }
+ const ID = 2;
- public function update($ind)
+ public static function getCondition(PlUser &$user)
- $this->_data = Array();
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_sub WHERE uid={?}', $this->_uid);
- foreach (Env::v($ind) as $key=>$val) {
- XDB::query('INSERT INTO watch_sub SELECT {?},id FROM watch_cat WHERE id={?}', $this->_uid, $key);
- if(XDB::affectedRows()) {
- $this->_data[$key] = $key;
- }
- }
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_Registered(false, '>=', $user->watch_last),
+ new UFC_WatchRegistration($user->id()));
-// }}}
-// {{{ class PromoNotifs
-class PromoNotifs
+class WatchDeath
- public $_uid;
- public $_data = Array();
- public function __construct($uid)
- {
- $this->_uid = $uid;
- $res = XDB::iterRow('SELECT promo FROM watch_promo WHERE uid={?} ORDER BY promo', $uid);
- while (list($p) = $res->next()) {
- $this->_data[intval($p)] = intval($p);
- }
- }
- public function add($p)
- {
- $promo = intval($p);
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_promo (uid,promo) VALUES({?},{?})', $this->_uid, $promo);
- $this->_data[$promo] = $promo;
- asort($this->_data);
- }
- public function del($p)
- {
- $promo = intval($p);
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_promo WHERE uid={?} AND promo={?}', $this->_uid, $promo);
- unset($this->_data[$promo]);
- }
- public function addRange($_p1,$_p2)
- {
- $p1 = intval($_p1);
- $p2 = intval($_p2);
- $values = Array();
- for($i = min($p1,$p2); $i<=max($p1,$p2); $i++) {
- $values[] = "('{$this->_uid}',$i)";
- $this->_data[$i] = $i;
- }
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO watch_promo (uid,promo) VALUES '.join(',',$values));
- asort($this->_data);
- }
- public function delRange($_p1,$_p2)
- {
- $p1 = intval($_p1);
- $p2 = intval($_p2);
- $where = Array();
- for($i = min($p1,$p2); $i<=max($p1,$p2); $i++) {
- $where[] = "promo=$i";
- unset($this->_data[$i]);
- }
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_promo WHERE uid={?} AND ('.join(' OR ',$where).')', $this->_uid);
- }
+ const ID = 3;
- public function toRanges()
+ public static function getCondition(PlUser &$user)
- $ranges = Array();
- $I = Array();
- foreach($this->_data as $promo) {
- if(!isset($I[0])) {
- $I = Array($promo,$promo);
- }
- elseif($I[1]+1 == $promo) {
- $I[1] ++;
- }
- else {
- $ranges[] = $I;
- $I = Array($promo,$promo);
- }
- }
- if(isset($I[0])) $ranges[] = $I;
- return $ranges;
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_Dead('>=', $user->watch_last, true),
+ new UFC_Or(new UFC_WatchPromo($user->id()),
+ new UFC_WatchContacts($user->id())));
-// }}}
-// {{{ class NoninsNotifs
-class NoninsNotifs
+class WatchBirthday
- public $_uid;
- public $_data = Array();
- public function __construct($uid)
- {
- $this->_uid = $uid;
- $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT u.prenom,IF(u.nom_usage='',u.nom,u.nom_usage) AS nom, u.promo, u.user_id
- FROM watch_nonins AS w
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = w.ni_id)
- WHERE w.uid = {?}
- ORDER BY promo,nom", $uid);
- while($tmp = $res->next()) {
- $this->_data[$tmp['user_id']] = $tmp;
- }
- }
- public function del($p)
- {
- unset($this->_data["$p"]);
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins WHERE uid={?} AND ni_id={?}', $this->_uid, $p);
- }
+ const ID = 4;
- public function add($p)
+ public static function getCondition(PlUser &$user)
- XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO watch_nonins (uid,ni_id) VALUES({?},{?})', $this->_uid, $p);
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT prenom, IF(nom_usage="",nom,nom_usage) AS nom,promo,user_id
- FROM auth_user_md5
- WHERE user_id={?}', $p);
- $this->_data["$p"] = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_Birthday(),
+ new UFC_Or(new UFC_WatchPromo($user->id()),
+ new UFC_WatchContacts($user->id())));
-// }}}
-// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
- function _handler_notifs_promos(&$page, &$watch, $action, $arg)
+ private function getSinglePromotion(PlPage &$page, $promo)
- if(preg_match('!^ *(\d{4}) *$!', $arg, $matches)) {
- $p = intval($matches[1]);
- if($p<1900 || $p>2100) {
- $page->trigError("la promo entrée est invalide");
- } else {
- if ($action == 'add_promo') {
- $watch->_promos->add($p);
- } else {
- $watch->_promos->del($p);
- }
- }
- } elseif (preg_match('!^ *(\d{4}) *- *(\d{4}) *$!', $arg, $matches)) {
- $p1 = intval($matches[1]);
- $p2 = intval($matches[2]);
- if($p1<1900 || $p1>2100) {
- $page->trigError('la première promo de la plage entrée est invalide');
- } elseif($p2<1900 || $p2>2100) {
- $page->trigError('la seconde promo de la plage entrée est invalide');
+ if (!ctype_digit($promo) || $promo < 1920 || $promo > date('Y')) {
+ $page->trigError('Promotion invalide : ' . $promo);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return (int)$promo;
+ }
+ private function getPromo(PlPage &$page, $promo)
+ {
+ if (strpos($promo, '-') === false) {
+ $promo = $this->getSinglePromotion($page, $promo);
+ if (!$promo) {
+ return null;
} else {
- if ($action == 'add_promo') {
- $watch->_promos->addRange($p1, $p2);
- } else {
- $watch->_promos->delRange($p1, $p2);
- }
+ return array($promo);
- } else {
- $page->trigError("La promo (ou la plage de promo) entrée est dans un format incorrect.");
+ list($promo1, $promo2) = explode('-', $promo);
+ $promo1 = $this->getSinglePromotion($page, $promo1);
+ if (!$promo1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $promo2 = $this->getSinglePromotion($page, $promo2);
+ if (!$promo2) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ if ($promo1 > $promo2) {
+ $page->trigError("Intervale non valide : " . $promo);
+ return null;
+ }
+ $array = array();
+ for ($i = $promo1 ; $i <= $promo2 ; ++$i) {
+ $array[] = $i;
+ }
+ return $array;
- function handler_notifs(&$page, $action = null, $arg = null)
+ private function addPromo(PlPage &$page, $promo)
- $page->changeTpl('carnet/notifs.tpl');
+ $promos = $this->getPromo($page, $promo);
+ if (!$promos || count($promos) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $to_add = array();
+ foreach ($promos as $promo) {
+ $to_add[] = XDB::format('({?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $promo);
+ }
+ XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO watch_promo (uid, promo)
+ VALUES ' . implode(', ', $to_add));
+ }
- require_once 'notifs.inc.php';
+ private function delPromo(PlPage &$page, $promo)
+ {
+ $promos = $this->getPromo($page, $promo);
+ if (!$promos || count($promos) == 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $to_delete = array();
+ foreach ($promos as $promo) {
+ $to_delete[] = XDB::format('{?}', $promo);
+ }
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_promo
+ WHERE ' . XDB::format('uid = {?}', S::i('uid')) . '
+ AND promo IN (' . implode(', ', $to_delete) . ')');
+ }
+ public function addNonRegistered(PlPage &$page, PlUser &$user)
+ {
+ XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO watch_nonins (uid, ni_id)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?})', S::i('uid'), $user->id());
+ }
- $watch = new Watch(S::v('uid'));
+ public function delNonRegistered(PlPage &$page, PlUser &$user)
+ {
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM watch_nonins
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND ni_id = {?}',
+ S::i('uid'), $user->id());
+ }
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT promo_sortie
- FROM auth_user_md5
- WHERE user_id = {?}",
- S::v('uid', -1));
- $promo_sortie = $res->fetchOneCell();
- $page->assign('promo_sortie', $promo_sortie);
+ public function handler_notifs(&$page, $action = null, $arg = null)
+ {
+ $page->changeTpl('carnet/notifs.tpl');
if ($action) {
- }
- switch ($action) {
- case 'add_promo':
- case 'del_promo':
- $this->_handler_notifs_promos($page, $watch, $action, $arg);
- break;
- case 'del_nonins':
- $watch->_nonins->del($arg);
- break;
- case 'add_nonins':
- $watch->_nonins->add($arg);
- break;
+ switch ($action) {
+ case 'add_promo':
+ $this->addPromo($page, $arg);
+ break;
+ case 'del_promo':
+ $this->delPromo($page, $arg);
+ break;
+ case 'del_nonins':
+ $user = User::get($arg);
+ if ($user) {
+ $this->delNonRegistered($page, $user);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'add_nonins':
+ $user = User::get($arg);
+ if ($user) {
+ $this->addNonRegistered($page, $user);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
if (Env::has('subs')) {
- $watch->_subs->update('sub');
+ $flags = new PlFlagSet();
+ foreach (Env::v('sub') as $key=>$value) {
+ $flags->addFlag($key, $value);
+ }
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE watch
+ SET actions = {?}
+ WHERE uid = {?}', $flags, S::i('uid'));
if (Env::has('flags_contacts')) {
- $watch->watch_contacts = Env::b('contacts');
- $watch->saveFlags();
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE watch
+ SET ' . XDB::changeFlag('flags', 'contacts', Env::b('contacts')) . '
+ WHERE uid = {?}', S::i('uid'));
if (Env::has('flags_mail')) {
- $watch->watch_mail = Env::b('mail');
- $watch->saveFlags();
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE watch
+ SET ' . XDB::changeFlag('flags', 'mail', Env::b('mail')) . '
+ WHERE uid = {?}', S::i('uid'));
- $page->assign_by_ref('watch', $watch);
+ $user = S::user();
+ $nonins = new UserFilter(new UFC_WatchRegistration($user));
+ $promo = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT promo
+ FROM watch_promo
+ WHERE uid = {?}
+ ORDER BY promo', S::i('uid'));
+ $page->assign('promo_count', count($promo));
+ $ranges = array();
+ $range_start = null;
+ $range_end = null;
+ foreach ($promo as $p) {
+ if (is_null($range_start)) {
+ $range_start = $range_end = $p;
+ } else if ($p != $range_end + 1) {
+ $ranges[] = array($range_start, $range_end);
+ $range_start = $range_end = $p;
+ } else {
+ $range_end = $p;
+ }
+ }
+ $ranges[] = array($range_start, $range_end);
+ $page->assign('promo_ranges', $ranges);
+ $page->assign('nonins', $nonins->getUsers());
+ list($flags, $actions) = XDB::fetchOneRow('SELECT flags, actions
+ FROM watch
+ WHERE uid = {?}', S::i('uid'));
+ $flags = new PlFlagSet($flags);
+ $actions = new PlFlagSet($actions);
+ $page->assign('flags', $flags);
+ $page->assign('actions', $actions);
function handler_contacts(&$page, $action = null, $subaction = null, $ssaction = null)
$setting->save($this, $field, $this->values[$field]);
if ($this->changed[$field] && @$this->watched[$field]) {
- register_profile_update($this->pid(), $field);
+ WatchProfileUpdate::register($this->profile, $field);
// Update the last modification date
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO user_changes
- SET user_id = {?}', $this->pid());
- if (!S::suid()) {
- register_watch_op($this->pid(), WATCH_FICHE);
- }
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE profiles
+ SET last_change = NOW()
+ WHERE pid = {?}', $this->pid());
global $platal;
S::logger()->log('profil', $platal->pl_self(2));
- <label><input type='checkbox' name='mail' onclick="this.form.submit();" {if $watch->watch_mail}checked="checked"{/if} />
- Recevoir un email hebdomadaire des événements que je n'ai pas déjà vus sur le site.</label><br />
+ <label>
+ <input type='checkbox' name='mail' onclick="this.form.submit();" {if $flags->hasFlag('mail')}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ Recevoir un email hebdomadaire des événements que je n'ai pas déjà vus sur le site.
+ </label><br />
<input type='hidden' name='flags_mail' value='valider' />
<legend>Événements à surveiller</legend>
- {foreach from=$watch->cats() item=s key=i}
- <label><input type='checkbox' name='sub[{$i}]' {if $watch->subs($i)}checked="checked"{/if} />
- {$s.short} {if $s.type eq near}<sup>o</sup>{elseif $s.type eq often}<sup>*</sup>{/if}</label><br />
- {/foreach}
+ <label>
+ <input type="checkbox" name='sub[profile]' {if $actions->hasFlag('profile')}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ Mise à jour de fiche<sup>*</sup>
+ </label><br />
+ <label>
+ <input type="checkbox" name='sub[registration]' {if $actions->hasFlag('registration')}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ Nouveaux inscrits
+ </label><br />
+ <label>
+ <input type="checkbox" name='sub[death]' {if $actions->hasFlag('death')}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ Décès
+ </label><br />
+ <label>
+ <input type="checkbox" name='sub[birthday]' {if $actions->hasFlag('birthday')}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ Anniversaires<sup>o</sup>
+ </label><br />
<span class='smaller'><sup>*</sup>: ne concerne pas les promos (événements très fréquents).</span><br />
<span class='smaller'><sup>o</sup>: ne concerne que les promos entre {$smarty.session.promo-1} et {$promo_sortie-2} que tu surveilles.</span>
- <label><input type='checkbox' name='contacts' onclick="this.form.submit();" {if
- $watch->watch_contacts}checked="checked"{/if} /> Surveiller mes contacts</label><br />
+ <label>
+ <input type='checkbox' name='contacts' onclick="this.form.submit();" {if $flags->hasFlag('contacts')}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ Surveiller mes contacts
+ </label><br />
<input type='hidden' name='flags_contacts' value='valider' />
<input type='submit' name='del_promo' value='retirer'
onclick="this.form.action += 'del_promo/' + this.form.promo.value;" />
<br />
- {if $watch->promos()|@count eq 0}
+ {if $promo_count eq 0}
<p>Tu ne surveilles actuellement aucune promo.</p>
- <p>Tu surveilles les promos suivantes :</p>
+ <p>Tu surveilles {if $promo_count eq 1}la promotion suivante :{else}les promotions suivantes :{/if}</p>
- {foreach from=$watch->promos() item=p}
- <li>{if $p.0 eq $p.1}{$p.0}{else}{$p.0} à {$p.1}{/if}</li>
- {/foreach}
+ {foreach from=$promo_ranges item=promos}
+ <li>{$promos[0]}{if $promos[0] neq $promos[1]} à {$promos[1]}{/if}</li>
+ {/foreach}
- {if $watch->nonins()|@count eq 0}
+ {if $nonins|@count eq 0}
Tu ne surveilles actuellement aucun non-inscrit.
- {elseif $watch->nonins()|@count}
- Tu surveilles {if $watch->nonins()|@count eq 1}le non-inscrit{else}les non-inscrits{/if} :
+ {else}
+ Tu surveilles {if $nonins|@count eq 1}le non-inscrit{else}les non-inscrits{/if} :
- {foreach from=$watch->nonins() item=p}
+ {foreach from=$nonins item=p}
- {$p.prenom} {$p.nom} ({$p.promo}) <a href="carnet/notifs/del_nonins/{$p.user_id}?token={xsrf_token}">{icon name='cross' title='retirer'}</a>
+ {profile user=$p promo=true sex=true}
+ <a href="carnet/notifs/del_nonins/{$p->login()}?token={xsrf_token}">{icon name='cross' title='retirer'}</a>
birthdate date default null,
birthdate_ref date default null,
deathdate date default null,
+ deathdate_rec date default null,
sex enum('female', 'male') not null default 'male',
section tinyint(2) unsigned default null,
create table watch (
uid int(6) not null,
flags set('contacts', 'mail') not null default 'contacts',
+ actions set('profile', 'registration', 'death', 'birthday') not null default '',
last timestamp not null default '0000-00-00',
primary key uid (uid),
# Insert carnet-relative data
insert into watch
- select user_id as uid, watch_flags as flags, watch_last as last
- from auth_user_quick;
+ select q.user_id as uid, q.watch_flags as flags,
+ CONCAT(IF(ws1.cid IS NULL, '', 'profile'), ',',
+ IF(ws2.cid IS NULL, '', 'registration'), ',',
+ IF(ws3.cid IS NULL, '', 'death'), ',',
+ IF(ws4.cid IS NULL, '', 'birthday')) AS actions,
+ q.watch_last as last
+ from auth_user_quick as q
+ left join watch_sub as ws1 on (ws1.uid = q.user_id and ws1.cid = 1)
+ left join watch_sub as ws2 on (ws2.uid = q.user_id and ws2.cid = 2)
+ left join watch_sub as ws3 on (ws3.uid = q.user_id and ws3.cid = 3)
+ left join watch_sub as ws4 on (ws4.uid = q.user_id and ws4.cid = 4);
# Insert carvas
insert into carvas
select u.user_id AS pid, u.hruid AS hrpid, u.matricule AS xorg_id,
u.matricule_ax AS ax_id, u.naissance AS birthdate, u.naissance_ini AS birthdate_ref,
IF(u.deces = 0, NULL, u.deces) AS deathdate,
+ IF(u.deces = 0, NULL, u.deces) AS deathdate_rec,
IF(FIND_IN_SET('femme', flags), 'female', 'male') AS sex,
IF(u.section = 0, NULL, u.section) AS section,
IF(LENGTH(u.cv) > 0, u.cv, NULL) AS cv,