define('PL_FORBIDDEN', 403);
define('PL_NOT_FOUND', 404);
define('PL_WIKI', 500);
-define('PL_WIKI_HOOK', '@@WIKI@@');
+abstract class PlHook
+ protected $auth;
+ protected $perms;
+ protected $type;
+ protected function __construct($auth = AUTH_PUBLIC, $perms = 'user', $type = DO_AUTH)
+ {
+ $this->auth = $auth;
+ $this->perms = $perms;
+ $this->type = $type;
+ }
+ public function needAuth()
+ {
+ return $this->auth > S::i('auth', AUTH_PUBLIC);
+ }
+ public function checkPerms()
+ {
+ if (!$this->perms || $this->auth == AUTH_PUBLIC) { // No perms, no check
+ return true;
+ }
+ $s_perms = S::v('perms');
+ return $s_perms->hasFlagCombination($this->perms);
+ }
+ public function hasType($type)
+ {
+ return ($this->type & $type) == $type;
+ }
+ abstract protected function run(PlPage &$page, array $args);
+ public function call(PlPage &$page, array $args)
+ {
+ global $globals, $session, $platal;
+ if ($this->needAuth()) {
+ if ($this->hasType(DO_AUTH)) {
+ if (!$session->start($this->auth)) {
+ $platal->force_login($page);
+ }
+ } else {
+ return PL_FORBIDDEN;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$this->checkPerms()) {
+ if (!Platal::notAllowed()) {
+ return PL_FORBIDDEN;
+ }
+ }
+ return $this->run($page, $args);
+ }
+class PlStdHook extends PlHook
+ private $hook;
+ public function __construct($callback, $auth = AUTH_PUBLIC, $perms = 'user', $type = DO_AUTH)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($auth, $perms, $type);
+ $this->hook = $callback;
+ }
+ protected function run(PlPage &$page, array $args)
+ {
+ global $session, $platal;
+ $args[0] = $page;
+ $val = call_user_func_array($this->hook, $args);
+ if ($val == PL_DO_AUTH) {
+ if (!$session->start($session->loggedLevel())) {
+ $platal->force_login($page);
+ }
+ $val = call_user_func_array($this->hook, $args);
+ }
+ return $val;
+ }
+class PlWikiHook extends PlHook
+ public function __construct($callback, $auth = AUTH_PUBLIC, $perms = 'user', $type = DO_AUTH)
+ {
+ parent::__construct($auth, $perms, $type);
+ }
+ protected function run(PlPage &$page, array $args)
+ {
+ return PL_WIKI;
+ }
+class PlHookTree
+ public $hook = null;
+ public $aliased = null;
+ public $children = array();
+ public function addChild(array $path, PlHook $hook)
+ {
+ global $platal;
+ $next = array_shift($path);
+ $alias = null;
+ if ($next && $next{0} == '%') {
+ $alias = $next;
+ $next = $platal->hook_map(substr($next, 1));
+ }
+ if (!$next) {
+ return;
+ }
+ @$child =& $this->children[$next];
+ if (!$child) {
+ $child = new PlHookTree();
+ $this->children[$next] =& $child;
+ $child->aliased = $alias;
+ }
+ if (empty($path)) {
+ $child->hook = $hook;
+ } else {
+ $child->addChild($path, $hook);
+ }
+ }
+ private function findChildAux(array $remain, array $matched, array $aliased)
+ {
+ $next = @$remain[0];
+ if ($this->aliased) {
+ $aliased = $matched;
+ }
+ if (!empty($next)) {
+ $child = @$this->children[$next];
+ if ($child) {
+ array_shift($remain);
+ $matched[] = $next;
+ return $child->findChildAux($remain, $matched, $aliased);
+ }
+ }
+ return array($this->hook, $matched, $remain, $aliased);
+ }
+ public function findChild(array $path)
+ {
+ return $this->findChildAux($path, array(), array());
+ }
+ private function findNearestChildAux(array $remain, array $matched, array $aliased)
+ {
+ $next = @$remain[0];
+ if ($this->aliased) {
+ $aliased = $matched;
+ }
+ if (!empty($next)) {
+ $child = @$this->children[$next];
+ if (!$child) {
+ $nearest_lev = 50;
+ $nearest_sdx = 50;
+ $match = null;
+ foreach ($this->children as $path=>$hook) {
+ $lev = levenshtein($next, $path);
+ if ($lev <= $nearest_lev
+ && ($lev < strlen($next) / 2 || strpos($next, $path) !== false
+ || strpos($path, $next) !== false)) {
+ $sdx = levenshtein(soundex($next), soundex($path));
+ if ($lev == $nearest_lev || $sdx < $nearest_sdx) {
+ $child = $hook;
+ $nearest_lev = $lev;
+ $nearest_sdx = $sdx;
+ $match = $path;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $next = $match;
+ }
+ if ($child) {
+ array_shift($remain);
+ $matched[] = $next;
+ return $child->findNearestChildAux($remain, $matched, $aliased);
+ }
+ if (($pos = strpos($next, '.php')) !== false) {
+ $remain[0] = substr($next, 0, $pos);
+ return $this->findNearestChildAux($remain, $matched, $aliased);
+ }
+ }
+ return array($this->hook, $matched, $remain, $aliased);
+ }
+ public function findNearestChild(array $path)
+ {
+ return $this->findNearestChildAux($path, array(), array());
+ }
abstract class Platal
- private $__mods;
- private $__hooks;
+ private $mods;
+ private $hooks;
protected $https;
$this->path = trim(Get::_get('n', null), '/');
- $this->__mods = array();
- $this->__hooks = array();
+ $this->mods = array();
+ $this->hooks = new PlHookTree();
array_unshift($modules, 'core');
foreach ($modules as $module) {
$module = strtolower($module);
- $this->__mods[$module] = $m = PLModule::factory($module);
- $this->__hooks = $m->handlers() + $this->__hooks;
+ $this->mods[$module] = $m = PLModule::factory($module);
+ $hooks = $m->handlers();
+ foreach ($hooks as $path=>$hook) {
+ $this->hooks->addChild(split('/', $path), $hook);
+ }
if ($globals->mode == '') {
public static function wiki_hook($auth = AUTH_PUBLIC, $perms = 'user', $type = DO_AUTH)
- return array('hook' => PL_WIKI_HOOK,
- 'auth' => $auth,
- 'perms' => $perms,
- 'type' => $type);
+ return new PlWikiHook($auth, $perms, $type);
- protected function find_hook()
+ public function hook_map($name)
- $p = $this->path;
- while ($p) {
- if (array_key_exists($p, $this->__hooks))
- break;
- $p = substr($p, 0, strrpos($p, '/'));
- }
- if (empty($this->__hooks[$p])) {
- return null;
- }
- $hook = $this->__hooks[$p];
- if (!is_callable($hook['hook']) && $hook['hook'] != PL_WIKI_HOOK) {
- return null;
- }
- $this->https = ($hook['type'] & NO_HTTPS) ? false : true;
- $this->argv = explode('/', substr($this->path, strlen($p)));
- $this->argv[0] = $p;
- return $hook;
+ return null;
- protected function find_nearest_key($key, array &$array)
+ protected function find_hook()
- $keys = array_keys($array);
- if (in_array($key, $keys)) {
- return $key;
- }
- if (($pos = strpos($key, '.php')) !== false) {
- $key = substr($key, 0, $pos);
- }
- $has_end = in_array("#final#", $keys);
- if (strlen($key) > 24 && $has_end) {
- return "#final#";
- }
- foreach ($keys as $k) {
- if ($k == "#final#") {
- continue;
- }
- $lev = levenshtein($key, $k);
- if ((!isset($val) || $lev < $val)
- && ($lev <= strlen($k)/2 || strpos($k, $key) !== false || strpos($key, $k) !== false)) {
- $val = $lev;
- $best = $k;
- }
+ $p = split('/', $this->path);
+ list($hook, $matched, $remain, $aliased) = $this->hooks->findChild($p);
+ if (empty($hook)) {
+ return null;
- if (!isset($best) && $has_end) {
- return "#final#";
- } else if (isset($best)) {
- return $best;
+ $this->argv = $remain;
+ array_unshift($this->argv, implode('/', $matched));
+ if (!empty($aliased)) {
+ $this->ns = implode('/', $aliased) . '/';
- return null;
+ $this->https = !$hook->hasType(NO_HTTPS);
+ return $hook;
public function near_hook()
- $hooks = array();
- $leafs = array();
- foreach ($this->__hooks as $hook=>$handler) {
- if (!$this->check_perms($handler['perms'])) {
- continue;
- }
- $parts = split('/', $hook);
- $place =& $hooks;
- foreach ($parts as $part) {
- if (!isset($place[$part])) {
- $place[$part] = array();
- }
- $place =& $place[$part];
- }
- $leaf = $parts[count($parts)-1];
- if (!isset($leafs[$leaf])) {
- $leafs[$leaf] = $hook;
- } else if (is_array($leafs[$leaf])) {
- $leafs[$leaf][] = $hook;
- } else {
- $leafs[$leaf] = array($hook, $leafs[$leaf]);
- }
- $place["#final#"] = array();
- }
- // search for the nearest full path
$p = split('/', $this->path);
- $place =& $hooks;
- $link = '';
- foreach ($p as $k) {
- if (!isset($ended)) {
- $key = $this->find_nearest_key($k, $place);
- } else {
- $key = $k;
- }
- if ($key == "#final#") {
- if (!array_key_exists($link, $this->__hooks)) {
- $link = '';
- break;
- }
- $key = $k;
- $ended = true;
- }
- if (!is_null($key)) {
- if (!empty($link)) {
- $link .= '/';
- }
- $link .= $key;
- $place =& $place[$key];
- } else {
- $link = '';
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($link == $this->path) {
- $link = '';
- }
- if ($link && levenshtein($link, $this->path) < strlen($link)/3) {
- return $link;
- }
- // search for missing namespace (the given name is a leaf)
- $leaf = array_shift($p);
- $args = count($p) ? '/' . implode('/', $p) : '';
- if (isset($leafs[$leaf]) && !is_array($leafs[$leaf]) && $leafs[$leaf] != $this->path) {
- return $leafs[$leaf] . $args;
+ list($hook, $matched, $remain, $aliased) = $this->hooks->findNearestChild($p);
+ if (empty($hook)) {
+ return null;
- unset($val);
- $best = null;
- foreach ($leafs as $k=>&$path) {
- if (is_array($path)) {
- continue;
- }
- $lev = levenshtein($leaf, $k);
- if ((!isset($val) || $lev < $val)
- && ($lev <= strlen($k)/2 || strpos($k, $leaf) !== false || strpos($leaf, $k) !== false)) {
- $val = $lev;
- $best = $path;
- }
+ $url = implode('/', $matched);
+ if (!empty($remain)) {
+ $url .= '/' . implode('/', $remain);
- return $best == null ? ( $link ? $link : null ) : $best . $args;
- }
- protected function check_perms($perms)
- {
- if (!$perms) { // No perms, no check
- return true;
+ if ($url == $this->path || levenshtein($url, $this->path) > strlen($url) / 3
+ || !$hook->checkPerms()) {
+ return null;
- $s_perms = S::v('perms');
- return $s_perms->hasFlagCombination($perms);
+ return $url;
private function call_hook(PlPage &$page)
http_redirect('https://' . $globals->core->secure_domain . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
- $args = $this->argv;
- $args[0] =& $page;
- if ($hook['auth'] > S::v('auth', AUTH_PUBLIC)) {
- if ($hook['type'] & DO_AUTH) {
- if (!$session->start($hook['auth'])) {
- $this->force_login($page);
- }
- } else {
- return PL_FORBIDDEN;
- }
- }
- if ($hook['auth'] != AUTH_PUBLIC && !$this->check_perms($hook['perms'])) {
- if (self::notAllowed()) {
- return PL_FORBIDDEN;
- }
- }
- if ($hook['hook'] == PL_WIKI_HOOK) {
- return PL_WIKI;
- }
- $val = call_user_func_array($hook['hook'], $args);
- if ($val == PL_DO_AUTH) {
- // The handler need a better auth with the current args
- if (!$session->start($session->loggedLevel())) {
- $this->force_login($page);
- }
- $val = call_user_func_array($hook['hook'], $args);
- }
- return $val;
+ return $hook->call($page, $this->argv);
/** Show the authentication form.
$page->assign('platal', $this);
switch ($this->call_hook($page)) {
- $this->__mods['core']->handler_403($page);
+ $this->mods['core']->handler_403($page);
- $this->__mods['core']->handler_404($page);
+ $this->mods['core']->handler_404($page);
case PL_WIKI:
$page =& self::page();
- $this->__mods['core']->handler_403($page);
+ $this->mods['core']->handler_403($page);
$page->assign('platal', $this);
$page =& self::page();
- $this->__mods['core']->handler_404($page);
+ $this->mods['core']->handler_404($page);
$page->assign('platal', $this);
global $platal;
$modname = strtolower($modname);
- if (isset($platal->__mods[$modname])) {
+ if (isset($platal->mods[$modname])) {
if (is_null($include)) {
- $platal->__mods[$modname]->load($include);
+ $platal->mods[$modname]->load($include);
} else {
if (is_null($include)) {
require_once PLModule::path($modname) . '.php';