We have lost the "last_known_email" in the migration, but we need to
display it here.
Signed-off-by: Raphaël Barrois <raphael.barrois@polytechnique.org>
if (isset($this->last_known_email)) {
+ // FIXME: We should fetch the last known email as well as the pending registration email (they aren't the same !)
$infos = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT IF (MAX(m.last) > p.relance, MAX(m.last), p.relance) AS last_relance,
p.email AS last_known_email
FROM register_pending AS p
<td class="center">
{if $it->lastMarketingRelance() && $it->lastMarketingRelance() != '0000-00-00'}
Relance le : {$it->lastMarketingRelance()}
- {elseif $it.email}
+ {elseif $it->lastKnownEmail()}
En cours : {$it->lastKnownEmail()}