* @param $uid the id of the logged user
* @param $suid the id of the administrator who has just su'd to the user
- * @param $auth authentication method for the logged user
- * @param $sauth authentication method for the su'er
* @return VOID
- function CoreLogger($uid, $suid='', $auth='', $sauth='') {
+ function CoreLogger($uid, $suid='') {
// write the session entry
$this->uid = $uid;
- $this->session = $this->writeSession($uid, $suid, $auth, $sauth);
+ $this->session = $this->writeSession($uid, $suid);
// retrieve available actions
$this->actions = $this->readActions();
* @param $uid the id of the logged user
* @param $suid the id of the administrator who has just su'd to the user
- * @param $auth authentication method for the logged user
- * @param $sauth authentication method for the su'er
* @return session the session id
- function writeSession($uid, $suid, $auth, $sauth) {
+ function writeSession($uid, $suid) {
$host = strtolower(gethostbyaddr($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']));
$browser = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '');
// optional parameters
if ($suid)
$sql .= ", suid='$suid'";
- if ($auth)
- $sql .= ", auth='$auth'";
- if ($sauth)
- $sql .= ", sauth='$sauth'";
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Polytechnique.org
- * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
-class LoggerView {
- /** Retrieves the available days for a given year and month.
- * Obtain a list of days of the given month in the given year
- * that are within the range of dates that we have log entries for.
- *
- * @param integer year
- * @param integer month
- * @return array days in that month we have log entries covering.
- * @private
- */
- function _getDays($year, $month)
- {
- // give a 'no filter' option
- $months[0] = "----";
- if ($year && $month) {
- $day_max = Array(-1, 31, checkdate(2, 29, $year) ? 29 : 28 , 31,
- 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)),
- MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start)),
- FROM logger.sessions");
- list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin, $dmax, $dmin) = $res->fetchOneRow();
- if (($year < $ymin) || ($year == $ymin && $month < $mmin)) {
- return array();
- }
- if (($year > $ymax) || ($year == $ymax && $month > $mmax)) {
- return array();
- }
- $min = ($year==$ymin && $month==$mmin) ? intval($dmin) : 1;
- $max = ($year==$ymax && $month==$mmax) ? intval($dmax) : $day_max[$month];
- for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) {
- $days[$i] = $i;
- }
- }
- return $days;
- }
- /** Retrieves the available months for a given year.
- * Obtains a list of month numbers that are within the timeframe that
- * we have log entries for.
- *
- * @param integer year
- * @return array List of month numbers we have log info for.
- * @private
- */
- function _getMonths($year)
- {
- // give a 'no filter' option
- $months[0] = "----";
- if ($year) {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)),
- MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start))
- FROM logger.sessions");
- list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin) = $res->fetchOneRow();
- if (($year < $ymin) || ($year > $ymax)) {
- return array();
- }
- $min = $year == $ymin ? intval($mmin) : 1;
- $max = $year == $ymax ? intval($mmax) : 12;
- for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) {
- $months[$i] = $i;
- }
- }
- return $months;
- }
- /** Retrieves the username for a given authentication method and user id.
- * This function caches the results of the lookups to avoid uncecessary
- * database requests.
- *
- * @return the matching username.
- * @private
- */
- function _getUsername($uid) {
- static $cache;
- if (!isset($cache[$uid])) {
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT alias FROM aliases
- WHERE id = {?} AND type="a_vie"', $uid);
- $cache[$uid] = $res->fetchOneCell();
- }
- return $cache[$uid];
- }
- /** Retrieves the available years.
- * Obtains a list of years that we have log entries covering.
- *
- * @return array years we have log entries for.
- * @private
- */
- function _getYears()
- {
- // give a 'no filter' option
- $years[0] = "----";
- // retrieve available years
- $res = XDB::query("select YEAR(MAX(start)), YEAR(MIN(start)) FROM logger.sessions");
- list($max, $min) = $res->fetchOneRow();
- for($i = intval($min); $i<=$max; $i++) {
- $years[$i] = $i;
- }
- return $years;
- }
- /** Make a where clause to get a user's sessions.
- * Prepare the where clause request that will retrieve the sessions.
- *
- * @param $year INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given year.
- * @param $month INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given month.
- * @param $day INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given day.
- * @param $uid INTEGER Only get log entries referring to the given user ID.
- *
- * @return STRING the WHERE clause of a query, including the 'WHERE' keyword
- * @private
- */
- function _makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $uid)
- {
- // start constructing the "where" clause
- $where = array();
- if ($uid)
- array_push($where, "uid='$uid'");
- // we were given at least a year
- if ($year) {
- if ($day) {
- $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
- $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day+1, $year);
- } elseif ($month) {
- $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
- $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month+1, 1, $year);
- } else {
- $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
- $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year+1);
- }
- $where[] = "start >= " . date("Ymd000000", $dmin);
- $where[] = "start < " . date("Ymd000000", $dmax);
- }
- if (!empty($where)) {
- return ' WHERE ' . implode($where, " AND ");
- } else {
- return '';
- }
- // WE know it's totally reversed, so better use array_reverse than a SORT BY start DESC
- }
- /** Run the log viewer and fill out the Smarty variables for display.
- *
- * @param page the page that will display the viewer's data
- */
- function run(&$page)
- {
- if (isset($_REQUEST['logsess'])) {
- // we are viewing a session
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT host, ip, browser, uid, suid
- FROM logger.sessions
- WHERE id =".$_REQUEST['logsess']);
- $sarr = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
- $sarr['username'] = $this->_getUsername($sarr['uid']);
- if ($sarr['suid']) {
- $sarr['suer'] = $this->_getUsername($sarr['suid']);
- }
- $page->assign('session', $sarr);
- $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT a.text, e.data, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.stamp) AS stamp
- FROM logger.events AS e
- LEFT JOIN logger.actions AS a ON e.action=a.id
- WHERE e.session='{$_REQUEST['logsess']}'");
- while ($myarr = $res->next()) {
- $page->append('events', $myarr);
- }
- } else {
- // we are browsing the available sessions
- $loguser = isset($_REQUEST['loguser']) ? $_REQUEST['loguser'] : '';
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM aliases WHERE alias={?}',
- Env::v('loguser'));
- $loguid = $res->fetchOneCell();
- if ($loguid) {
- $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : 0;
- $month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : 0;
- $day = isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : 0;
- } else {
- $year = isset($_REQUEST['year']) ? $_REQUEST['year'] : date("Y");
- $month = isset($_REQUEST['month']) ? $_REQUEST['month'] : date("m");
- $day = isset($_REQUEST['day']) ? $_REQUEST['day'] : date("d");
- }
- if (!$year) $month = 0;
- if (!$month) $day = 0;
- // smarty assignments
- // retrieve available years
- $page->assign('years', $this->_getYears());
- $page->assign('year', $year);
- // retrieve available months for the current year
- $page->assign('months', $this->_getMonths($year));
- $page->assign('month', $month);
- // retrieve available days for the current year and month
- $page->assign('days', $this->_getDays($year, $month));
- $page->assign('day', $day);
- $page->assign('loguser', $loguser);
- // smarty assignments
- if ($loguid || $year) {
- // get the requested sessions
- $where = $this->_makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $loguid);
- $select = "SELECT id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(start) as start, uid
- FROM logger.sessions AS s
- $where
- ORDER BY start DESC";
- $res = XDB::iterator($select);
- $sessions = array();
- while ($mysess = $res->next()) {
- $mysess['username'] = $this->_getUsername($mysess['uid']);
- $mysess['events'] = array();
- $sessions[$mysess['id']] = $mysess;
- }
- array_reverse($sessions);
- // attach events
- $sql = "SELECT s.id, a.text
- FROM logger.sessions AS s
- LEFT JOIN logger.events AS e ON(e.session=s.id)
- INNER JOIN logger.actions AS a ON(a.id=e.action)
- $where";
- $res = XDB::iterator($sql);
- while ($event = $res->next()) {
- array_push($sessions[$event['id']]['events'], $event['text']);
- }
- $page->assign_by_ref('sessions', $sessions);
- } else {
- $page->assign('msg_nofilters', "Sélectionner une annuée et/ou un utilisateur");
- }
- }
- $page->changeTpl('logger-view.tpl');
- }
$page->assign('bre', XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM emails_bounces_re ORDER BY pos"));
- function handler_logger(&$page) {
- require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../classes/LoggerView.php';
+ // {{{ logger view
+ /** Retrieves the available days for a given year and month.
+ * Obtain a list of days of the given month in the given year
+ * that are within the range of dates that we have log entries for.
+ *
+ * @param integer year
+ * @param integer month
+ * @return array days in that month we have log entries covering.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function _getDays($year, $month)
+ {
+ // give a 'no filter' option
+ $months[0] = "----";
+ if ($year && $month) {
+ $day_max = Array(-1, 31, checkdate(2, 29, $year) ? 29 : 28 , 31,
+ 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)),
+ MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start)),
+ FROM logger.sessions");
+ list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin, $dmax, $dmin) = $res->fetchOneRow();
+ if (($year < $ymin) || ($year == $ymin && $month < $mmin)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ if (($year > $ymax) || ($year == $ymax && $month > $mmax)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $min = ($year==$ymin && $month==$mmin) ? intval($dmin) : 1;
+ $max = ($year==$ymax && $month==$mmax) ? intval($dmax) : $day_max[$month];
+ for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) {
+ $days[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ return $days;
+ }
+ /** Retrieves the available months for a given year.
+ * Obtains a list of month numbers that are within the timeframe that
+ * we have log entries for.
+ *
+ * @param integer year
+ * @return array List of month numbers we have log info for.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function _getMonths($year)
+ {
+ // give a 'no filter' option
+ $months[0] = "----";
+ if ($year) {
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)),
+ MONTH(MAX(start)), MONTH(MIN(start))
+ FROM logger.sessions");
+ list($ymax, $ymin, $mmax, $mmin) = $res->fetchOneRow();
- if (!Env::has('logauth')) {
- $_REQUEST['logauth'] = 'native';
+ if (($year < $ymin) || ($year > $ymax)) {
+ return array();
+ }
+ $min = $year == $ymin ? intval($mmin) : 1;
+ $max = $year == $ymax ? intval($mmax) : 12;
+ for($i = $min; $i<=$max; $i++) {
+ $months[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ }
+ return $months;
+ }
+ /** Retrieves the available years.
+ * Obtains a list of years that we have log entries covering.
+ *
+ * @return array years we have log entries for.
+ * @private
+ */
+ function _getYears()
+ {
+ // give a 'no filter' option
+ $years[0] = "----";
+ // retrieve available years
+ $res = XDB::query("select YEAR(MAX(start)), YEAR(MIN(start)) FROM logger.sessions");
+ list($max, $min) = $res->fetchOneRow();
+ for($i = intval($min); $i<=$max; $i++) {
+ $years[$i] = $i;
+ }
+ return $years;
+ }
+ /** Make a where clause to get a user's sessions.
+ * Prepare the where clause request that will retrieve the sessions.
+ *
+ * @param $year INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given year.
+ * @param $month INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given month.
+ * @param $day INTEGER Only get log entries made during the given day.
+ * @param $uid INTEGER Only get log entries referring to the given user ID.
+ *
+ * @return STRING the WHERE clause of a query, including the 'WHERE' keyword
+ * @private
+ */
+ function _makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $uid)
+ {
+ // start constructing the "where" clause
+ $where = array();
+ if ($uid)
+ array_push($where, "uid='$uid'");
+ // we were given at least a year
+ if ($year) {
+ if ($day) {
+ $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day, $year);
+ $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, $day+1, $year);
+ } elseif ($month) {
+ $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year);
+ $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, $month+1, 1, $year);
+ } else {
+ $dmin = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year);
+ $dmax = mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year+1);
+ }
+ $where[] = "start >= " . date("Ymd000000", $dmin);
+ $where[] = "start < " . date("Ymd000000", $dmax);
+ }
+ if (!empty($where)) {
+ return ' WHERE ' . implode($where, " AND ");
+ } else {
+ return '';
+ }
+ // WE know it's totally reversed, so better use array_reverse than a SORT BY start DESC
+ }
+ // }}}
+ function handler_logger(&$page, $action = null, $arg = null) {
+ if ($action == 'session') {
+ // we are viewing a session
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT ls.*, a.alias AS username, sa.alias AS suer
+ FROM logger.sessions AS ls
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.id = ls.uid AND a.type='a_vie')
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS sa ON (sa.id = ls.suid AND sa.type='a_vie')
+ WHERE ls.id = {?}", $arg);
+ $page->assign('session', $a = $res->fetchOneAssoc());
+ $res = XDB::iterator('SELECT a.text, e.data, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.stamp) AS stamp
+ FROM logger.events AS e
+ LEFT JOIN logger.actions AS a ON e.action=a.id
+ WHERE e.session={?}', $arg);
+ while ($myarr = $res->next()) {
+ $page->append('events', $myarr);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $loguser = $action == 'user' ? $arg : Env::v('loguser');
+ $res = XDB::query('SELECT id FROM aliases WHERE alias={?}',
+ $loguser);
+ $loguid = $res->fetchOneCell();
+ if ($loguid) {
+ $year = Env::i('year');
+ $month = Env::i('month');
+ $day = Env::i('day');
+ } else {
+ $year = Env::i('year', intval(date('Y')));
+ $month = Env::i('month', intval(date('m')));
+ $day = Env::i('day', intval(date('d')));
+ }
+ if (!$year)
+ $month = 0;
+ if (!$month)
+ $day = 0;
+ // smarty assignments
+ // retrieve available years
+ $page->assign('years', $this->_getYears());
+ $page->assign('year', $year);
+ // retrieve available months for the current year
+ $page->assign('months', $this->_getMonths($year));
+ $page->assign('month', $month);
+ // retrieve available days for the current year and month
+ $page->assign('days', $this->_getDays($year, $month));
+ $page->assign('day', $day);
+ $page->assign('loguser', $loguser);
+ // smarty assignments
+ if ($loguid || $year) {
+ // get the requested sessions
+ $where = $this->_makeWhere($year, $month, $day, $loguid);
+ $select = "SELECT s.id, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) as start, s.uid,
+ a.alias as username
+ FROM logger.sessions AS s
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.id = s.uid AND a.type='a_vie')
+ $where
+ ORDER BY start DESC";
+ $res = XDB::iterator($select);
+ $sessions = array();
+ while ($mysess = $res->next()) {
+ $mysess['events'] = array();
+ $sessions[$mysess['id']] = $mysess;
+ }
+ array_reverse($sessions);
+ // attach events
+ $sql = "SELECT s.id, a.text
+ FROM logger.sessions AS s
+ LEFT JOIN logger.events AS e ON(e.session=s.id)
+ INNER JOIN logger.actions AS a ON(a.id=e.action)
+ $where";
+ $res = XDB::iterator($sql);
+ while ($event = $res->next()) {
+ array_push($sessions[$event['id']]['events'], $event['text']);
+ }
+ $page->assign_by_ref('sessions', $sessions);
+ } else {
+ $page->assign('msg_nofilters', "Sélectionner une annuée et/ou un utilisateur");
+ }
- $logview = new LoggerView;
- $logview->run($page);
+ $page->changeTpl('logger-view.tpl');
$page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Administration - Logs des sessions');
<h1>Parcours des logs du site</h1>
-{if $smarty.request.logsess}
+{if $events}
<table class="bicol">
<tr class="impair">
<td class="titre">utilisateur</td>
<td>{$session.username} {if $session.suer}(suid by {$session.suer}){/if}
- [<a href="{$platal->ns}admin/logger?loguser={$session.username}">user's log</a>]</td>
+ [<a href="{$platal->ns}admin/logger/user/{$session.username}">user's log</a>]</td>
<tr class="pair">
<td class="titre">Hôte</td>
{foreach from=$mysess.events item=myevent}{$myevent}<br />{/foreach}
<td class="action">
- <a href="admin/logger?logsess={$mysess.id}">session</a>
- <a href="admin/logger?loguser={$mysess.username}">user's log</a>
+ <a href="admin/logger/session/{$mysess.id}">session</a>
+ <a href="admin/logger/user/{$mysess.username}">user's log</a>