+ * Core:
+ - Centralises email management through an email combobox -JAC
+ * Profile:
+ - #16, #528, #917: Changes job interface, updates business sectors -JAC
+ - #188: Adds informations about the Corps d'État -JAC
+ - #209: Thoroughly changes education's implementation -JAC
+ - #373: User now chooses the name we use to talk to him/her -JAC
+ - #386: Adds the possibility to fill in multiple nationalities -JAC
+ - #443: Adds concept of ordinary firstname -JAC
+ - #450: Adds marital name, thus ordinary name can be any name -JAC
+ - #891: Improves education display -JAC
+ New:
+ * Events:
+ - Reminders -JAC/VZA
+ Bug/Wish:
+ * Admin:
+ - #965: Prevents password hashes from being broadcasted by email -VZA
+ * AXLetter:
+ - Enables axletter mailings to a subset of subscribers -XEL
+ * Core:
+ - #680: Retrieve dead redirections thanks to inactive redirections -JAC
+ * Mail:
+ - Notifies the sender when a moderated message to a ML is accepted -JAC
+ - #963: Fixes notification email on removal of "nom d'usage" -VZA
+ - #972: Adds a legend on the email redirection page -JAC
+ * Payment:
+ - #669: Sends comments with the payment notifications -JAC
+ * Profile:
+ - #951: The address of a dead person is her last address -JAC
+ - #958: Fix the address in the professionnal vcard -JAC
+ - #970: Shows a confirmation message when the profile is modified -JAC
+ * Marketing:
+ - #671: Displays more statistics about marketings -JAC
+ * Survey:
+ - #794: Adds wiki syntax to surveys -PIK
+ * XnetGrp:
+ - #973: Only site administrators can allow AX aggregation -JAC
From 0.10.0 branch:
* Auth:
# db
0 5 * * * web cd $WD; ./clean.php
- 0 21 * * 1-6 web cd $WD; ./checkdb.php | mail -e -s "verifications sur la BDD de plat/al @VERSION@" br@staff.m4x.org
- 0 21 * * 0 web cd $WD; ./checkdb.php -v | mail -e -s "verifications verbose sur la BDD de plat/al @VERSION@" br@staff.m4x.org
- 0 20 * * * web cd $WD; ./emails.check.php | mail -e -s "qualite de l'annuaire" br@staff.m4x.org
+ 0 21 * * 1-6 web cd $WD; ./checkdb.php | mail -e -s "Verifications sur la BDD de plat/al @VERSION@" br@staff.m4x.org
+ 0 21 * * 0 web cd $WD; ./checkdb.php -v | mail -e -s "Verifications verbeuses sur la BDD de plat/al @VERSION@" br@staff.m4x.org
+ 0 20 2-31 * * web cd $WD; ./emails.check.php | mail -e -s "Qualite de l'annuaire" br@staff.m4x.org
+ 0 20 1 * * web cd $WD; ./emails.check.php -v | mail -e -s "Qualite de l'annuaire : verbeux" br@staff.m4x.org
+0 22 * * * web cd $WD; ./phones.check.php > /dev/null
# inscription report
0 6 * * 1 web cd $WD; ./rapports_inscription.php
require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../include/xorg.inc.php';
$platal = new Xorg('auth', 'carnet', 'email', 'events', 'forums',
- 'geoloc', 'lists', 'marketing', 'payment', 'platal',
+ 'lists', 'marketing', 'payment', 'platal',
'profile', 'register', 'search', 'stats', 'admin',
'newsletter', 'axletter', 'bandeau', 'survey',
- 'fusionax', 'gadgets', 'googleapps', 'poison', 'openid');
- 'gadgets', 'googleapps', 'poison', 'openid', 'reminder');
++ 'fusionax', 'gadgets', 'googleapps', 'poison',
++ 'openid', 'reminder');
if (!($path = Env::v('n')) || ($path{0} < 'A' || $path{0} > 'Z')) {
function handlers()
return array(
- 'phpinfo' => $this->make_hook('phpinfo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin' => $this->make_hook('default', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/ax-xorg' => $this->make_hook('ax_xorg', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/dead-but-active' => $this->make_hook('dead_but_active', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/deaths' => $this->make_hook('deaths', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/downtime' => $this->make_hook('downtime', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/homonyms' => $this->make_hook('homonyms', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/logger' => $this->make_hook('logger', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/logger/actions' => $this->make_hook('logger_actions', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/postfix/blacklist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_blacklist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/postfix/delayed' => $this->make_hook('postfix_delayed', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'phpinfo' => $this->make_hook('phpinfo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin' => $this->make_hook('default', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/ax-xorg' => $this->make_hook('ax_xorg', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/dead-but-active' => $this->make_hook('dead_but_active', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/deaths' => $this->make_hook('deaths', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/downtime' => $this->make_hook('downtime', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/homonyms' => $this->make_hook('homonyms', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/logger' => $this->make_hook('logger', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/logger/actions' => $this->make_hook('logger_actions', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/postfix/blacklist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_blacklist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/postfix/delayed' => $this->make_hook('postfix_delayed', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
'admin/postfix/regexp_bounces' => $this->make_hook('postfix_regexpsbounces', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/postfix/whitelist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_whitelist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/mx/broken' => $this->make_hook('mx_broken', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/skins' => $this->make_hook('skins', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/synchro_ax' => $this->make_hook('synchro_ax', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/user' => $this->make_hook('user', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/promo' => $this->make_hook('promo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/validate' => $this->make_hook('validate', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/validate/answers' => $this->make_hook('validate_answers', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/wiki' => $this->make_hook('wiki', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/ipwatch' => $this->make_hook('ipwatch', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/icons' => $this->make_hook('icons', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/accounts' => $this->make_hook('accounts', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/jobs' => $this->make_hook('jobs', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/postfix/whitelist' => $this->make_hook('postfix_whitelist', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/mx/broken' => $this->make_hook('mx_broken', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/skins' => $this->make_hook('skins', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/synchro_ax' => $this->make_hook('synchro_ax', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/user' => $this->make_hook('user', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/promo' => $this->make_hook('promo', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/validate' => $this->make_hook('validate', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/validate/answers' => $this->make_hook('validate_answers', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/wiki' => $this->make_hook('wiki', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/ipwatch' => $this->make_hook('ipwatch', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/icons' => $this->make_hook('icons', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/accounts' => $this->make_hook('accounts', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
++ 'admin/jobs' => $this->make_hook('jobs', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
function handlers()
return array(
- 'photo' => $this->make_hook('photo', AUTH_PUBLIC),
- 'photo/change' => $this->make_hook('photo_change', AUTH_MDP),
- 'fiche.php' => $this->make_hook('fiche', AUTH_PUBLIC),
- 'profile' => $this->make_hook('profile', AUTH_PUBLIC),
- 'profile/private' => $this->make_hook('profile', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'profile/ax' => $this->make_hook('ax', AUTH_COOKIE, 'admin'),
- 'profile/edit' => $this->make_hook('p_edit', AUTH_MDP),
- 'profile/ajax/address' => $this->make_hook('ajax_address', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'profile/ajax/tel' => $this->make_hook('ajax_tel', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'profile/ajax/medal' => $this->make_hook('ajax_medal', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'profile/ajax/job' => $this->make_hook('ajax_job', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'profile/ajax/secteur' => $this->make_hook('ajax_secteur', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'profile/ajax/skill' => $this->make_hook('ajax_skill', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'javascript/applis.js' => $this->make_hook('applis_js', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'javascript/grades.js' => $this->make_hook('grades_js', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'profile/medal' => $this->make_hook('medal', AUTH_PUBLIC),
- 'profile/orange' => $this->make_hook('p_orange', AUTH_MDP),
- 'profile/usage' => $this->make_hook('p_usage', AUTH_MDP),
- 'referent' => $this->make_hook('referent', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'emploi' => $this->make_hook('ref_search', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'referent/search' => $this->make_hook('ref_search', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'referent/ssect' => $this->make_hook('ref_sect', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'referent/country' => $this->make_hook('ref_country', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('xnet', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'vcard' => $this->make_hook('vcard', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'admin/binets' => $this->make_hook('admin_binets', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/medals' => $this->make_hook('admin_medals', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/formations' => $this->make_hook('admin_formations', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/sections' => $this->make_hook('admin_sections', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/secteurs' => $this->make_hook('admin_secteurs', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/trombino' => $this->make_hook('admin_trombino', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/ss_secteurs' => $this->make_hook('admin_ss_secteurs', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
- 'admin/fonctions' => $this->make_hook('admin_fonctions', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'photo' => $this->make_hook('photo', AUTH_PUBLIC),
+ 'photo/change' => $this->make_hook('photo_change', AUTH_MDP),
+ 'fiche.php' => $this->make_hook('fiche', AUTH_PUBLIC),
+ 'profile' => $this->make_hook('profile', AUTH_PUBLIC),
+ 'profile/private' => $this->make_hook('profile', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'profile/ax' => $this->make_hook('ax', AUTH_COOKIE, 'admin'),
+ 'profile/edit' => $this->make_hook('p_edit', AUTH_MDP),
+ 'profile/ajax/address' => $this->make_hook('ajax_address', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/tel' => $this->make_hook('ajax_tel', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/edu' => $this->make_hook('ajax_edu', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/medal' => $this->make_hook('ajax_medal', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/networking' => $this->make_hook('networking', AUTH_PUBLIC),
+ 'profile/ajax/job' => $this->make_hook('ajax_job', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/sector' => $this->make_hook('ajax_sector', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/sub_sector' => $this->make_hook('ajax_sub_sector', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/alternates' => $this->make_hook('ajax_alternates', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/skill' => $this->make_hook('ajax_skill', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/searchname' => $this->make_hook('ajax_searchname', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'profile/ajax/buildnames' => $this->make_hook('ajax_buildnames', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'javascript/education.js' => $this->make_hook('education_js', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'javascript/grades.js' => $this->make_hook('grades_js', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'profile/medal' => $this->make_hook('medal', AUTH_PUBLIC),
+ 'profile/name_info' => $this->make_hook('name_info', AUTH_PUBLIC),
+ 'profile/orange' => $this->make_hook('p_orange', AUTH_MDP),
+ 'referent' => $this->make_hook('referent', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'emploi' => $this->make_hook('ref_search', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'referent/search' => $this->make_hook('ref_search', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'referent/ssect' => $this->make_hook('ref_sect', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'referent/country' => $this->make_hook('ref_country', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('xnet', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'vcard' => $this->make_hook('vcard', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_HTTPS),
+ 'admin/binets' => $this->make_hook('admin_binets', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/medals' => $this->make_hook('admin_medals', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/education' => $this->make_hook('admin_education', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/education_field' => $this->make_hook('admin_education_field', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/education_degree' => $this->make_hook('admin_education_degree', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/education_degree_set' => $this->make_hook('admin_education_degree_set', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/sections' => $this->make_hook('admin_sections', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/networking' => $this->make_hook('admin_networking', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/trombino' => $this->make_hook('admin_trombino', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/sectors' => $this->make_hook('admin_sectors', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/corps_enum' => $this->make_hook('admin_corps_enum', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/corps_rank' => $this->make_hook('admin_corps_rank', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
+ 'admin/names' => $this->make_hook('admin_names', AUTH_MDP, 'admin'),
$page->setTitle('Mon Profil');
+ if (isset($success) && $success) {
+ $page->trigSuccess('Ton profil a bien été mis à jour.');
+ }
- function handler_applis_js(&$page)
+ function handler_education_js(&$page)
header('Content-Type: text/javascript; charset=utf-8');
header('Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
$res = XDB::iterRow(
"SELECT sa.alias, IF(s.nom_usage,s.nom_usage,s.nom) AS nom,
s.prenom, FIND_IN_SET('femme', s.flags) AS femme,
- GROUP_CONCAT(m.email) AS mails, MAX(m.last) AS dateDernier
+ GROUP_CONCAT(m.email SEPARATOR ', ') AS mails, MAX(m.last) AS dateDernier
FROM register_marketing AS m
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS s ON ( m.sender = s.user_id )
- INNER JOIN aliases AS sa ON ( sa.id = m.sender
- AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', sa.flags) )
+ INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS s ON (m.sender = s.user_id)
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS sa ON (sa.id = m.sender
+ AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', sa.flags))
WHERE m.uid = {?}
GROUP BY m.sender
ORDER BY dateDernier DESC", $uid);
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
-function smarty_function_geoloc_region($params, &$smarty) {
- require_once 'geoloc.inc.php';
- if(!isset($params['country']) || !isset($params['region'])) {
- return;
+function smarty_function_display_phones($param, &$smarty)
+ $txthtml = "";
+ if (count($param['tels'])) {
+ foreach ($param['tels'] as $tel) {
++ $tel_type = ($param['dcd'] ? 'Dernier ' : '');
+ switch ($tel['tel_type']) {
- case 'fixed':
- $tel_type = 'Tél';
++ case 'fixed':
++ $tel_type .= 'Tél';
+ break;
- case 'fax':
- $tel_type = 'Fax';
++ case 'fax':
++ $tel_type .= 'Fax';
+ break;
- case 'mobile':
- $tel_type = 'Mob';
++ case 'mobile':
++ $tel_type .= 'Mob';
+ break;
- default:
- $tel_type = $tel['tel_type'];
++ default:
++ $tel_type .= $tel['tel_type'];
+ }
+ $txthtml .= "<div>\n<em>" . $tel_type . " : </em>\n<strong>" . $tel['tel'] . "</strong>\n";
+ $comment = "";
+ if ($tel['comment'] != "") {
+ $commentHtml = str_replace(array('&', '"'), array('&', '"'), $tel['comment']);
+ $commentJs = str_replace(array('\\', '\''), array('\\\\', '\\\''), $commentHtml);
+ $txthtml .= "<img style=\"margin-left: 5px;\" src=\"images/icons/comments.gif\""
+ . " onmouseover=\"return overlib('"
+ . $commentJs
+ . "',WIDTH,250);\""
+ . " onmouseout=\"nd();\""
+ . " alt=\"Commentaire\" title=\""
+ . $commentHtml
+ . "\"/>\n";
+ }
+ $txthtml .= "</div>\n";
+ }
- return geoloc_region($params['country'], $params['region'], @$params['available']);
+ return $txthtml;
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
- {if $x.mobile}
- <div class="mob">
- <em class="intitule">{if $x.dcd}Dernier m{else}M{/if}obile : </em>{$x.mobile}
- </div>
+ {if $x.tels}
- {display_phones tels=$x.tels}
++ {display_phones tels=$x.tels dcd=$x.dcd}
<div class='spacer'></div>