function register_watch_op($uid, $cid, $date='', $info='')
global $globals;
- $date = empty($date) ? 'NOW()' : "'$date'";
+ if (empty($date)) {
+ $date = date('Y-m-d');
+ };
$globals->xdb->execute('REPLACE INTO watch_ops (uid,cid,known,date,info) VALUES({?},{?},NOW(),{?},{?})',
$uid, $cid, $date, $info);
if($cid == WATCH_FICHE) {
// }}}
-// {{{ function select_notifs_base
+// {{{ function _select_notifs_base
-/** function that create the sql query used for notifications
- * @param $base_watch string the table we want to look at
- */
-function select_notifs_base($base_watch, $full, $recent, $where_clause)
+function _select_notifs_base($table, $mail, $where)
- // recent : evenement recent
$cases = Array(
'contacts' => Array('wfield' => 'contact', 'ufield' => 'user_id', 'need_contact' => false,
'freq_sql' => '',
- $our = $cases[$base_watch];
- // traduction de la clause recent
- if ($recent) { $recent = " AND wo.known > q.watch_last"; }
+ $our = $cases[$table];
$sql = "
- ( SELECT, u.prenom, IF(u.epouse='',u.nom,u.epouse) AS nom,
+ (
+ SELECT, u.prenom, IF(u.epouse='',u.nom,u.epouse) AS nom,
a.alias AS bestalias,
{$our['contact_sql']} AS contact,
(u.perms IN('admin','user')) AS inscrit";
- if ($full) {
+ if ($mail) {
w.uid AS aid, v.prenom AS aprenom, IF(v.epouse='',v.nom,v.prenom) AS anom,
b.alias AS abestalias, (v.flags='femme') AS sexe";
$sql .= "
- FROM $base_watch AS w
+ FROM $table AS w
INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON(u.{$our['ufield']} = w.{$our['wfield']})
INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q ON(q.user_id = w.uid)";
- if ($full) {
+ if ($mail) {
$sql .="
INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS v ON(v.user_id = q.user_id)
INNER JOIN aliases AS b ON( = q.user_id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', b.flags))";
$sql .="
- INNER JOIN watch_ops AS wo ON(wo.uid = u.user_id".$recent.")
+ INNER JOIN watch_ops AS wo ON(wo.uid = u.user_id AND wo.known > ".($mail ? 'q.watch_last' : '{?}').")
INNER JOIN watch_sub AS ws ON(ws.cid = wo.cid AND ws.uid = w.uid)
INNER JOIN watch_cat AS wc ON( = wo.cid{$our['freq_sql']})
LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON( = u.user_id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', a.flags))
- WHERE $where_clause )";
+ WHERE $where
+ )";
return $sql;
-// récupère les evenements de $wuid, avec ou sans details, depuis $last, sous surveillance ou pas, ordonnés ou pas
-function select_notifs($wuid, $details, $last, $wflag, $order) {
- $recent = ($last == 'watch_last');
- // équivalent de FIND_IN_SET('contacts', q.watch_flags) mais en plus rapide
- $contactflag = "(q.watch_flags=1 OR q.watch_flags=3)";
- $where_clause = "";
- if ($wuid != 'all')
- $where_clause .= "w.uid = $wuid AND ";
- if (!$recent)
- $where_clause .= "wo.known > $last AND ";
- if ($wflag)
- $where_clause .= $contactflag." AND ";
- $where_clause = substr($where_clause, 0, -5);
- $sql =
- select_notifs_base('contacts', $details, $recent, $where_clause.($wflag?'':" AND $contactflag"))."
- select_notifs_base('watch_promo', $details, $recent, $where_clause)."
- select_notifs_base('watch_nonins', $details, $recent, $where_clause);
- if ($order) $sql.="
- ORDER BY cid, promo, nom";
+// }}}
+// {{{ function select_notifs
- return $sql;
+function select_notifs($mail, $uid=null, $last=null, $iterator=true)
+ global $globals;
+ $where = $mail ? 'q.watch_flags=3' : 'w.uid = {?}';
+ $sql = _select_notifs_base('contacts', $mail, $where.($mail?'':' AND (q.watch_flags=1 OR q.watch_flags=3)')) . " UNION DISTINCT ";
+ $sql .= _select_notifs_base('watch_promo', $mail, $where) . " UNION DISTINCT ";
+ $sql .= _select_notifs_base('watch_nonins', $mail, $where);
+ if ($iterator) {
+ return $globals->xdb->iterator($sql . ' ORDER BY cid, promo, nom', $last, $uid, $last, $uid, $last, $uid);
+ } else {
+ return $globals->xdb->query($sql, $last, $uid, $last, $uid, $last, $uid);
+ }
+// }}}
+// {{{ function getNbNotifs
function getNbNotifs() {
global $globals;
if (!Session::has('uid')) {
$watchlast = Session::get('watch_last');
// selectionne les notifs de uid, sans detail sur le watcher, depuis $watchlast, meme ceux sans surveillance, non ordonnés
- $res = $globals->xdb->query(select_notifs('{?}', false, '{?}', false, false), $uid, $watchlast, $uid, $watchlast, $uid, $watchlast);
+ $res = select_notifs(false, $uid, $watchlast, false);
$n = $res->numRows();
$url = smarty_modifier_url('carnet/panel.php');
return "<a href='$url'>$n évènements !</a>";
+// }}}
+// {{{ class AllNotifs
class AllNotifs {
var $_cats = Array();
var $_data = Array();
// recupère tous les watchers, avec détails des watchers, a partir du watch_last de chacun, seulement ceux qui sont surveillés, ordonnés
- $res = $globals->xdb->iterator(select_notifs('all', true, 'watch_last', 'watch_flag', true));
+ $res = select_notifs(true);
while($tmp = $res->next()) {
$aid = $tmp['aid'];
+// }}}
+// {{{ class Notifs
class Notifs {
var $_uid;
var $_cats = Array();
$lastweek = date('YmdHis',mktime() - 7*24*60*60);
// recupere les notifs du watcher $uid, sans detail sur le watcher, depuis la semaine dernière, meme ceux sans surveillance, ordonnés
- $res = $globals->xdb->iterator(select_notifs('{?}', false, $lastweek, false, true), $uid, $uid, $uid);
+ $res = select_notifs(false, $uid, $lastweek);
while($tmp = $res->next()) {
$this->_data[$tmp['cid']][$tmp['promo']][] = $tmp;
+// }}}
+// {{{ class Watch
class Watch {
var $_uid;
var $_promos;
+// }}}
+// {{{ class WatchSub
class WatchSub {
var $_uid;
var $_data = Array();
+// }}}
+// {{{ class PromoNotifs
class PromoNotifs {
var $_uid;
var $_data = Array();
+// }}}
+// {{{ class NoninsNotifs
class NoninsNotifs {
var $_uid;
+// }}}