-- 1/ Feeds email_virtual_domains from virtual_domains and aliases.
--- Note: There are some adresses on virtual that have no match on the virtual_redirect.
--- The adresses in this situation are dropped.
INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name)
VALUES ('polytechnique.org');
INSERT INTO email_virtual_domains (name)
('honey.jean-pierre.bilah.1980.polytechnique.org', 'raphael.barrois.2006@polytechnique.org', 'smtp', 'let_spams');
-- 7/ Feeds email_virtual
+-- Note: There are some adresses on virtual that have no match on the virtual_redirect.
+-- The adresses in this situation are dropped.
INSERT INTO email_virtual (email, domain, redirect, type)
SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(v.alias, '@', 1), d.id, vr.redirect, IF(v.type = 'evt', 'event', v.type)
FROM virtual AS v