// The Bogo class represents a spam filtering level in plat/al architecture.
class Bogo
- private static $states = array('let_spams', 'tag_spams', 'tag_and_drop_spams', 'drop_spams');
+ private static $states = array(
+ 0 => 'default',
+ 1 => 'let_spams',
+ 2 => 'tag_spams',
+ 3 => 'tag_and_drop_spams',
+ 4 => 'drop_spams'
+ );
private $user;
- private $state;
+ public $state;
+ public $single_state;
+ public $redirections;
+ public $single_redirection;
public function __construct(User $user)
$this->user = &$user;
- $res = XDB::query('SELECT action
- FROM email_redirect_account
- WHERE uid = {?} AND (type = \'smtp\' OR type = \'googleapps\')',
- $user->id());
- if ($res->numRows() == 0) {
+ $res = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(action)) AS action_count, COUNT(redirect) AS redirect_count, action
+ FROM email_redirect_account
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND (type = \'smtp\' OR type = \'googleapps\') AND flags = \'active\'',
+ $user->id());
+ if ($res['redirect_count'] == 0) {
- $this->state = $res->fetchOneCell();
+ $this->single_redirection = ($res['redirect_count'] == 1);
+ $this->redirections = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT IF(type = \'googleapps\', type, redirect) AS redirect, type, action
+ FROM email_redirect_account
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND (type = \'smtp\' OR type = \'googleapps\')
+ ORDER BY type, redirect',
+ $user->id());
+ foreach ($this->redirections AS &$redirection) {
+ $redirection['filter'] = array_search($redirection['action'], self::$states);
+ }
+ if ($res['action_count'] == 1) {
+ $this->state = array_search($res['action'], self::$states);
+ $this->single_state = true;
+ } else {
+ $this->single_state = $this->state = false;
+ }
- public function change($state)
+ public function changeAll($state)
- $this->state = is_int($state) ? self::$states[$state] : $state;
+ Platal::assert($state >= 0 && $state < count(self::$states), 'Unknown antispam level.');
+ $this->state = $state;
XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account
SET action = {?}
WHERE uid = {?} AND (type = \'smtp\' OR type = \'googleapps\')',
- $this->state, $this->user->id());
+ self::$states[$this->state], $this->user->id());
- public function level()
+ public function change($redirection, $state)
- return array_search($this->state, self::$states);
+ Platal::assert($state >= 0 && $state < count(self::$states), 'Unknown antispam level.');
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE email_redirect_account
+ SET action = {?}
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND (type = {?} OR redirect = {?})',
+ self::$states[$state], $this->user->id(), $redirection, $redirection);
- function handler_antispam($page, $filter_status = null)
+ function handler_antispam($page, $filter_status = null, $redirection = null)
require_once 'emails.inc.php';
$wp = new PlWikiPage('Xorg.Antispam');
$user = S::user();
$bogo = new Bogo($user);
- if (isset($filter_status)) {
- $bogo->change($filter_status + 0);
+ if (!is_null($filter_status)) {
+ if (is_null($redirection)) {
+ $bogo->changeAll($filter_status);
+ } else {
+ $bogo->change($redirection, $filter_status);
+ }
- $page->assign('filter', $bogo->level());
+ $page->assign('filter', $bogo->state);
+ $page->assign('single_state', $bogo->single_state);
+ $page->assign('single_redirection', $bogo->single_redirection);
+ $page->assign('redirections', $bogo->redirections);
function handler_submit($page)
$(function() {
var url = '{/literal}{$globals->baseurl}/emails/antispam/{literal}';
- var msg = "Le changement de réglage de l'antispam a bien été effectué.";
+ var msg = "Le changement de réglage de l'antispam a bien été effectué pour toutes tes redirections.";
$(':radio[name=filter_status]').change(function() {
- $("#bogo-msg").successMessage(url + $(this).val(), msg);
+ var val = $(this).val();
+ $(':radio[name*=filter_status_]').removeAttr('checked');
+ $(':radio[name*=filter_status_]').attr('checked', function(i, v) {
+ if ($(this).val() == val) {
+ return 'checked';
+ }
+ });
+ $("#bogo-msg").successMessage(url + val, msg);
+ });
+ });
+ $(function() {
+ var url = '{/literal}{$globals->baseurl}/emails/antispam/{literal}';
+ var msg = "Le changement de réglage de l'antispam a bien été effectué pour ";
+ $(':radio[name*=filter_status_]').change(function() {
+ var id = $(this).attr('name').replace('filter_status_', '');
+ var redirection = $('#bogo_' + id).val();
+ $(':radio[name=filter_status]').removeAttr('checked');
+ $("#bogo-msg-mult").successMessage(url + $(this).val() + "/" + redirection, msg + redirection.replace('googleapps', 'ton compte Google Apps') + ".");
- <fieldset>
- <legend><strong>Choisis ton propre réglage :</strong></legend>
- <input id='s0' type='radio' name='filter_status' value='0' {if $filter eq 0}checked="checked"{/if} />
- <label for='s0'>(1) le filtre anti-spam n'agit pas sur tes emails</label>
- <br />
- <input id='s1' type='radio' name='filter_status' value='1' {if $filter eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />
- <label for='s1'>(2) le filtre anti-spam marque les emails</label>
- <br />
- <input id='s2' type='radio' name='filter_status' value='2' {if $filter eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />
- <label for='s2'>(3) le filtre anti-spam marque les emails, et élimine les spams avec des notes les plus hautes</label>
- <br />
- <input id='s3' type='radio' name='filter_status' value='3' {if $filter eq 3}checked="checked"{/if} />
- <label for='s3'>(4) le filtre anti-spam élimine les emails détectés comme spams</label>
- </fieldset>
- <div id="bogo-msg" style="position:absolute;"></div><br />
+ <legend><strong>Choisis ton propre réglage :</strong></legend>
+ {if !$single_state}<span class="erreur">
+ Attention, tu as actuellement un réglage spécifique pour chacune de tes redirections.
+ Les modifications dans ce cadre sont globales et entraineront une uniformisation de
+ l'antispam pour toutes tes redirections au niveau demandé.
+ </span><br />{/if}
+ <input id="s0" type="radio" name="filter_status" value="0" {if $single_state && $filter eq 0}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s0"><strong>(0) fais confiance à Polytechnique.org et utilise le réglage préconisé par défaut</strong>
+ (actuellement, le niveau {#globals.mail.antispam#})</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s1" type="radio" name="filter_status" value="1" {if $single_state && $filter eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s1">(1) le filtre anti-spam n'agit pas sur tes emails</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s2" type="radio" name="filter_status" value="2" {if $single_state && $filter eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s2">(2) le filtre anti-spam marque les emails</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s3" type="radio" name="filter_status" value="3" {if $single_state && $filter eq 3}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s3">(3) le filtre anti-spam marque les emails, et élimine les spams avec des notes les plus hautes</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s4" type="radio" name="filter_status" value="4" {if $single_state && $filter eq 4}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s4">(4) le filtre anti-spam élimine les emails détectés comme spams</label>
+<div id="bogo-msg" style="position:absolute;"></div><br />
+{if !$single_redirection}
+<h1>Réglages avancés</h1>
+ Si tu le souhaites, tu peux adapter le niveau de ton antispam pour chacune de tes redirections. Par exemple,
+ tu peux éliminer tous les spams (niveau 4) vers ton adresse professionnelle, mais ne faire que marquer comme
+ spams (niveau 2) de tels emails vers ton adresse personnelle.
+<div id="bogo-msg-mult" style="position:absolute;"></div><br />
+{foreach from=$redirections key=i item=redirection}
+ <legend><strong>{$redirection.redirect|replace:'googleapps':'Compte Google Apps'} :</strong></legend>
+ <input id="bogo_{$i}" type="hidden" value="{$redirection.redirect}" />
+ <input id="s0_{$i}" type="radio" name="filter_status_{$i}" value="0" {if $redirection.filter eq 0}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s0_{$i}"><strong>(0) fais confiance à Polytechnique.org et utilise le réglage préconisé par défaut</strong>
+ (actuellement, le niveau {#globals.mail.antispam#})</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s1_{$i}" type="radio" name="filter_status_{$i}" value="1" {if $redirection.filter eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s1_{$i}">(1) le filtre anti-spam n'agit pas sur tes emails</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s2_{$i}" type="radio" name="filter_status_{$i}" value="2" {if $redirection.filter eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s2_{$i}">(2) le filtre anti-spam marque les emails</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s3_{$i}" type="radio" name="filter_status_{$i}" value="3" {if $redirection.filter eq 3}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s3_{$i}">(3) le filtre anti-spam marque les emails, et élimine les spams avec des notes les plus hautes</label>
+ <br />
+ <input id="s4_{$i}" type="radio" name="filter_status_{$i}" value="4" {if $redirection.filter eq 4}checked="checked"{/if} />
+ <label for="s4_{$i}">(4) le filtre anti-spam élimine les emails détectés comme spams</label>
{include wiki=Xorg.Antispam part=2}