define("ERROR_LOOP_EMAIL", 4);
-define("MTIC_DOMAINS", "/etc/postfix/forward-domaines.conf");
-// }}}
-// {{{ function check_mtic()
-function check_mtic($email)
- list($local,$domain) = explode("@",$email);
- // lecture du fichier de configuration
- $tab = file(MTIC_DOMAINS);
- foreach ($tab as $ligne) {
- if ($ligne{0} == '#') continue; // on saute les commentaires
- // pour chaque ligne, on regarde si la première partie qui correspond au domaine du destinataire
- // matche le domaine de l'email donnée
- list($regexp) = explode(':',$ligne);
- if (eregi($regexp,$domain)) {
- return true; // c'est le cas, on revoie true
- }
- }
- return false;
// }}}
// {{{ function fix_bestalias()
function Bogo($uid)
global $globals;
- $res = $globals->xdb->query('SELECT email FROM emails WHERE uid={?} AND find_in_set("filter", flags)', $uid);
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query('SELECT email FROM emails WHERE uid={?} AND flags="filter"', $uid);
if ($res->numRows()) {
$this->state = $res->fetchOneCell();
} else {
global $globals;
$this->state = is_int($state) ? $this->_states[$state] : $state;
- $globals->xdb->execute('UPDATE emails SET email={?} WHERE uid={?} AND find_in_set("filter", flags)', $this->state, $uid);
+ $globals->xdb->execute('UPDATE emails SET email={?} WHERE uid={?} AND flags = "filter"', $this->state, $uid);
// }}}
var $email;
var $active;
var $rewrite;
- var $mtic;
var $panne;
// }}}
function Email($row)
- list($this->email,$this->active,$this->rewrite,$this->mtic,$this->panne)
- = $row;
+ list($this->email, $this->active, $this->rewrite, $this->panne) = $row;
// }}}
global $globals;
if (!$this->active) {
- $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE emails SET flags = CONCAT_WS(',',flags,'active')
+ $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE emails SET flags = 'active'
WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}", $uid, $this->email);
$_SESSION['log']->log("email_on", $this->email.($uid!=Session::getInt('uid') ? "(admin on $uid)" : ""));
$this->active = true;
global $globals;
if ($this->active) {
- $flags = $this->mtic ? 'mtic' : '';
- $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE emails SET flags ='$flags'
+ $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE emails SET flags =''
WHERE uid={?} AND email={?}", $uid, $this->email);
$_SESSION['log']->log("email_off",$this->email.($uid!=Session::getInt('uid') ? "(admin on $uid)" : "") );
$this->active = false;
global $globals;
$res = $globals->xdb->iterRow("
- SELECT email, FIND_IN_SET('active',flags), rewrite, FIND_IN_SET('mtic',flags),panne
- FROM emails WHERE uid = {?} AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('filter',flags)", $_uid);
+ SELECT email, flags='active', rewrite, panne
+ FROM emails WHERE uid = {?} AND flags != 'filter'", $_uid);
while ($row = $res->next()) {
$this->emails[] = new Email($row);
if (!isvalid_email_redirection($email_stripped)) {
- //construction des flags
- $flags = 'active';
- // on verifie si le domaine de email ou email est un domaine interdisant
- // les adresses internes depuis l'exterieur
- $mtic = 0;
- if (check_mtic($email_stripped)) {
- $flags .= ',mtic';
- global $page;
- $page->assign('mtic',1);
- $mtic = 1;
- }
- $globals->xdb->execute('REPLACE INTO emails (uid,email,flags) VALUES({?},{?},{?})', $this->uid, $email, $flags);
+ $globals->xdb->execute('REPLACE INTO emails (uid,email,flags) VALUES({?},{?},"active")', $this->uid, $email);
if ($logger = Session::getMixed('log', null)) { // may be absent --> step4.php
$logger->log('email_add',$email.($this->uid!=Session::getInt('uid') ? " (admin on {$this->uid})" : ""));
return SUCCESS;
- $this->emails[] = new Email(array($email,1,'',$mtic,'0000-00-00'));
+ $this->emails[] = new Email(array($email,1,'','0000-00-00'));
return SUCCESS;