$res = $globals->xdb->query(
'SELECT IF(u.nom, u.nom, m.nom) AS nom,
IF(u.prenom, u.prenom, m.prenom) AS prenom,
- IF(m.email, m.email, CONCAT(a.alias, "@polytechnique.org")) as email,
+ IF(m.email <> "", m.email, CONCAT(a.alias, "@polytechnique.org")) as email,
FIND_IN_SET("femme", u.flags) AS sexe
FROM groupex.membres AS m
LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (m.uid=u.user_id AND m.uid<50000)
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.id=u.user_id and a.type="a_vie")
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.id=u.user_id and a.type="a_vie")
WHERE asso_id = {?}', $globals->asso('id'));
$tos = $res->fetchAllAssoc();