$page->assign('action', $action);
if ($action == 'list') {
- $sql = "SELECT w.email, w.detection, w.state, a.alias AS forlife
- FROM email_watch AS w
- LEFT JOIN emails AS e USING(email)
- LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON (a.uid = e.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')
- ORDER BY w.state, w.email, a.alias";
- $it = Xdb::iterRow($sql);
+ $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT w.email, w.detection, w.state, s.email AS forlife
+ FROM email_watch AS w
+ INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON (w.email = r.redirect)
+ INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\')
+ ORDER BY w.state, w.email, s.email');
$table = array();
$props = array();
$page->assign('table', $table);
} elseif ($action == 'edit') {
- $sql = "SELECT w.detection, w.state, w.last, w.description,
- a1.alias AS edit, a2.alias AS forlife
- FROM email_watch AS w
- LEFT JOIN aliases AS a1 ON (a1.uid = w.uid AND a1.type = 'a_vie')
- LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (w.email = e.email)
- LEFT JOIN aliases AS a2 ON (a2.uid = e.uid AND a2.type = 'a_vie')
- WHERE w.email = {?}
- ORDER BY a2.alias";
- $it = Xdb::iterRow($sql, $email);
+ $it = XDB::iterRow('SELECT w.detection, w.state, w.last, w.description,
+ a.hruid AS edit, s.email AS forlife
+ FROM email_watch AS w
+ INNER JOIN email_redirect_account AS r ON (w.email = r.redirect)
+ INNER JOIN email_source_account AS s ON (s.uid = r.uid AND s.type = \'forlife\')
+ INNER JOIN accounts AS a ON (w.uid = a.uid)
+ WHERE w.email = {?}
+ ORDER BY s.email',
+ $email);
$props = array();
while (list($detection, $state, $last, $description, $edit, $forlife) = $it->next()) {
XDB::iterator('SELECT a.uid, a.hruid, pd.promo
- FROM accounts AS a
- INNER JOIN email_options AS eo ON (eo.uid = a.uid)
- LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (a.uid = e.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'active\', e.flags))
- LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', perms))
- LEFT JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (ap.pid = pd.pid)
- WHERE e.uid IS NULL AND FIND_IN_SET(\'googleapps\', eo.storage) = 0
- AND a.state = \'active\'
+ FROM accounts AS a
+ INNER JOIN account_types AS at ON (a.type = at.type)
+ LEFT JOIN email_redirect_account AS er ON (er.uid = a.uid AND er.flags = \'active\' AND er.broken_level < 3
+ AND er.type != \'imap\' AND er.type != \'homonym\')
+ LEFT JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.uid = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'owner\', ap.perms))
+ LEFT JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (ap.pid = pd.pid)
+ WHERE a.state = \'active\' AND er.redirect IS NULL AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', at.perms)
+ GROUP BY a.uid
ORDER BY pd.promo, a.hruid'));