$page->setTitle('Conseil Pro');
+ require_once "directory.enums.inc.php";
// Retrieval of sector names
- $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT id, name AS label
- FROM profile_job_sector_enum");
+ $sectors = DirEnum::getOptionsArray(DirEnum::SECTORS);
$sectors[''] = '';
- while (list($tmp_id, $tmp_label) = $res->next()) {
- $sectors[$tmp_id] = $tmp_label;
- }
$page->assign_by_ref('sectors', $sectors);
// nb de mentors
$page->assign('mentors_number', $res->fetchOneCell());
// On vient d'un formulaire
- $where = array();
- $pays_sel = XDB::escape(Env::v('pays_sel'));
- $sectorSelection = XDB::escape(Env::v('sector'));
- $subSectorSelection = XDB::escape(Env::v('subSector'));
- $expertise_champ = XDB::escape(Env::v('expertise'));
- if ($pays_sel != "''") {
- $where[] = "mp.country = $pays_sel";
- }
- if ($sectorSelection != "''") {
- $where[] = "ms.sectorid = " . $sectorSelection;
- if ($subSectorSelection != "''") {
- $where[] = "ms.subsectorid = " . $subSectorSelection;
- }
- }
- if ($expertise_champ != "''") {
- $where[] = "MATCH(m.expertise) AGAINST($expertise_champ)";
- }
- if ($where) {
- $where = join(' AND ', $where);
- $set = new UserSet("INNER JOIN profile_mentor AS m ON (m.uid = u.user_id)
- LEFT JOIN profile_mentor_country AS mp ON (mp.uid = m.uid)
- LEFT JOIN profile_mentor_sector AS ms ON (ms.uid = m.uid)",
- $where);
- $set->addMod('mentor', 'Référents');
+ require_once 'ufbuilder.inc.php';
+ $ufb = new UFB_MentorSearch();
+ if (!$ufb->isEmpty()) {
+ require_once 'userset.inc.php';
+ $ufc = $ufb->getUFC();
+ $set = new ProfileSet($ufc);
+ $set->addMod('referent', 'Référents');
$set->apply('referent/search', $page, $action, $subaction);
if ($set->count() > 100) {
$page->assign('recherche_trop_large', true);