a.email_format, a.is_admin, a.state, a.type, a.skin,
FIND_IN_SET(\'watch\', a.flags) AS watch, a.comment,
a.weak_password IS NOT NULL AS weak_access,
- a.token IS NOT NULL AS token_access ' . $fields . '
+ a.token IS NOT NULL AS token_access,
+ (e.email IS NULL AND NOT FIND_IN_SET(\'googleapps\', eo.storage)) AND a.state != \'pending\' AS lost
+ ' . $fields . '
FROM accounts AS a
INNER JOIN account_types AS at ON (at.type = a.type)
LEFT JOIN aliases AS af ON (af.id = a.uid AND af.type = \'a_vie\')
LEFT JOIN aliases AS ab ON (ab.id = a.uid AND FIND_IN_SET(\'bestalias\', ab.flags))
+ LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (e.uid = a.uid AND e.flags = \'active\')
+ LEFT JOIN email_options AS eo ON (eo.uid = a.uid)
' . $joins . '
WHERE a.uid IN (' . implode(', ', $uids) . ')
GROUP BY a.uid');
<div class="long">
- {if $c.wasinscrit || !$c.dcd}
- {if $c.web || $c.mobile || $c.countrytxt || $c.city || $c.region || $c.entreprise || $c.freetext || (!$c.dcd && !$c.actif )}
+ {if !$profile->deathdeate}
+ {if $c.web || $c.mobile || $c.countrytxt || $c.city || $c.region || $c.entreprise || (!$c.dcd && !$c.actif )}
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
{if $c.web}
- {if $c.freetext}
+ {if $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}
+ {if $user->state eq 'pending'}
- <td class="lt">Commentaire :</td>
- <td class="rt">{$c.freetext|nl2br}</td>
+ <td class="smaller" colspan="2">
+ {"Ce"|sex:"Cette":$user} camarade n'est pas {inscrit|sex:"inscrite":$user}.
+ <a href="marketing/public/{$user->login()}" class='popup'>Si tu connais son adresse email,
+ <strong>n'hésite pas à nous la transmettre !</a>
+ </td>
- {/if}
- {if !$c.dcd && (!$c.actif || !$c.wasinscrit) && $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}
+ {elseif $user->state neq 'disabled' && $user->lost}
<td class="smaller" colspan="2">
- {if !$c.wasinscrit}
- Ce{if $c.sexe}tte{/if} camarade n'est pas inscrit{if $c.sexe}e{/if}.
- <a href="marketing/public/{$c.hruid}" class='popup'>Si tu connais son adresse email,
- <strong>n'hésite pas à nous la transmettre !</a>
- {elseif !$c.actif}
- Ce{if $c.sexe}tte{/if} camarade n'a plus d'adresse de redirection valide.
- <a href="marketing/broken/{$c.hruid}">
+ {"Ce"|sex:"Cette":$user} camarade n'a plus d'adresse de redirection valide.
+ <a href="marketing/broken/{$user->login()}">
Si tu en connais une, <strong>n'hésite pas à nous la transmettre</strong>.
- {/if}
+ {/if}