return 'ajax/reminder/' . $this->name;
+ // Returns the url for the information page.
+ public function info() { return ''; }
// Static status update methods -------------------------------------------
// Marks the candidate reminder as having been accepted for user |user_id|.
return "Inscription à la lettre de l'AX";
+ public function info()
+ {
+ return 'Xorg/MailsAX';
+ }
public static function IsCandidate(User &$user, $candidate)
return 'Sauvegarde de tes emails';
+ public function info()
+ {
+ return 'Xorg/IMAP';
+ }
public static function IsCandidate(User &$user, $candidate)
return "Création d'un compte Google Apps";
+ public function info()
+ {
+ return 'Xorg/GoogleApps';
+ }
public static function IsCandidate(User &$user, $candidate)
return true;
+ public function info()
+ {
+ return 'Xorg/MesAdressesDeRedirection';
+ }
public static function IsCandidate(User &$user, $candidate)
<a href="" onclick="Ajax.update_html('reminder', '{$reminder->baseurl()}/dismiss'); return false" style="text-decoration: none">
{icon name=cross} Décider plus tard
+ {if $reminder->info()}
+ - <a class="popup2" href="{$reminder->info()}">{icon name=information} En savoir plus</a>
+ {/if}