* Profile :
- One can choose precisely which fields appear on his public fiche. -Car
- Accents and special chars in name and first name -Car
+ * Register :
+ - Already subscribed members now have a warning. -MC
* Search :
- Public searches display more information. -Car
'SELECT user_id, nom, prenom, matricule
FROM auth_user_md5
WHERE promo={?} AND deces=0 AND perms="pending"', $promo);
while (list($_uid, $_nom, $_prenom, $_mat) = $res->next()) {
if (user_cmp($prenom, $nom, $_prenom, $_nom)) {
$ourid = $_uid;
- return "erreur dans l'identification. Réessaie, il y a une erreur quelque part !";
+ $res = $globals->xdb->iterRow(
+ 'SELECT user_id, nom, prenom, matricule, alias
+ FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id and FIND_IN_SET("bestalias", a.flags))
+ WHERE promo={?} AND deces=0 AND perms IN ("user","admin")', $promo);
+ while (list($_uid, $_nom, $_prenom, $_mat, $alias) = $res->next()) {
+ if (user_cmp($prenom, $nom, $_prenom, $_nom)) {
+ $ourid = $_uid;
+ $ourmat = $_mat;
+ return "Tu es vraissemblablement déjà inscrit !";
+ }
+ }
+ return "erreur: vérifie que tu as bien orthographié ton nom !";
// }}}