$montant = "$champ201 $champ202";
/* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
- $res = XDB::query("
- SELECT a.prenom,a.nom,a.promo,l.alias,FIND_IN_SET('femme', a.flags)
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS a
- INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id=l.id AND type!='homonyme')
- WHERE a.user_id={?}", $uid);
- if (!list($prenom,$nom,$promo,$forlife,$femme) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ $user = User::get($uid);
+ if (!$user) {
cb_erreur("uid invalide");
/* on extrait la reference de la commande */
- if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$',$champ200,$matches)) {
+ if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$', $champ200, $matches)) {
cb_erreur("référence de commande invalide");
echo ($ref = $matches[1]);
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT mail,text,confirmation
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT mail, text, confirmation
FROM paiement.paiements
WHERE id={?}", $ref);
- if (!list($conf_mail,$conf_title,$conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ if (!list($conf_mail, $conf_title, $conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
cb_erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
/* on extrait le code de retour */
if ($champ906 != "0000") {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT rcb.text,c.id,c.text
+ $res = XDB::query('SELECT rcb.text, c.id, c.text
FROM paiement.codeRCB AS rcb
- LEFT JOIN paiement.codeC AS c ON rcb.codeC=c.id
- WHERE rcb.id='$champ906'");
+ LEFT JOIN paiement.codeC AS c ON (rcb.codeC = c.id)
+ WHERE rcb.id = {?}', $champ906);
if (list($rcb_text, $c_id, $c_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
cb_erreur("erreur lors du paiement : $c_text ($c_id)");
} else{
/* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
- XDB::execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id,uid,ref,fullref,montant,cle,comment)
- VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})",
- $champ901, $uid, $ref, $champ200, $montant, $champ905,Env::v('comment'));
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id, uid, ref, fullref, montant, cle, comment)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
+ $champ901, $user->id(), $ref, $champ200, $montant, $champ905, Env::v('comment'));
/* on genere le mail de confirmation */
- $conf_text = str_replace("<prenom>",$prenom,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<nom>",$nom,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<promo>",$promo,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<montant>",$montant,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<salutation>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<cher>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace(array('<prenom>', '<nom>', '<promo>', '<montant>', '<salutation>', '<cher>'),
+ array($user->firstName(), $user->lastName(), $user->promo(), $montant,
+ $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher',
+ $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher'), $conf_text);
global $globals;
$mymail = new PlMailer();
- $mymail->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$forlife@" . $globals->mail->domain . '>');
- $mymail->send(S::v('mail_fmt') == 'html');
+ $mymail->sendTo($user);
/* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
$mymail = new PlMailer();
$mymail->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain);
- $msg = "utilisateur : $prenom $nom ($uid)\n".
- "mail : $forlife@polytechnique.org\n\n".
+ $msg = 'utilisateur : ' . $user->login() . ' (' . $user->id() . ')' . "\n" .
+ 'mail : ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . "\n\n" .
"paiement : $conf_title ($conf_mail)\n".
"reference : $champ200\n".
"montant : $montant\n\n".
/* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
- $res = XDB::query("
- SELECT a.prenom,a.nom,a.promo,l.alias,FIND_IN_SET('femme', a.flags)
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS a
- INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id=l.id AND type!='homonyme')
- WHERE a.user_id={?}", $uid);
- if (!list($prenom,$nom,$promo,$forlife,$femme) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ $user = User::get($uid);
+ if (!$user) {
paypal_erreur("uid invalide");
/* on extrait la reference de la commande */
- if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$',$fullref,$matches)) {
+ if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$', $fullref, $matches)) {
paypal_erreur("référence de commande invalide");
$ref = $matches[1];
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT mail,text,confirmation
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT mail, text, confirmation
FROM paiement.paiements
- WHERE id={?}", $ref);
+ WHERE id = {?}", $ref);
if (!list($conf_mail,$conf_title,$conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
paypal_erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
/* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
- XDB::execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id,uid,ref,fullref,montant,cle,comment)
- VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})",
- $no_transaction, $uid, $ref, $fullref, $montant, $clef, Env::v('comment'));
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id, uid, ref, fullref, montant, cle, comment)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
+ $no_transaction, $user->id(), $ref, $fullref, $montant, $clef, Env::v('comment'));
/* on genere le mail de confirmation */
- $conf_text = str_replace("<prenom>",$prenom,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<nom>",$nom,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<promo>",$promo,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<montant>",$montant,$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<salutation>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
- $conf_text = str_replace("<cher>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace(array('<prenom>', '<nom>', '<promo>', '<montant>', '<salutation>', '<cher>'),
+ array($user->firstName(), $user->lastName(), $user->promo(), $montant,
+ $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher',
+ $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher'), $conf_text);
global $globals;
$mymail = new PlMailer();
- $mymail->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$forlife@" . $globals->mail->domain . '>');
- $mymail->send(S::v('mail_fmt') == 'html');
+ $mymail->sendTo($user);
/* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
$mymail = new PlMailer();
$mymail->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain);
- $msg = "utilisateur : $prenom $nom ($uid)\n".
- "mail : $forlife@polytechnique.org\n\n".
+ $msg = 'utilisateur : ' . $user->login() . ' (' . $user->id() . ')' . "\n" .
+ 'mail : ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . "\n\n" .
"paiement : $conf_title ($conf_mail)\n".
- "reference : $no_transaction\n".
+ "reference : $champ200\n".
"montant : $montant\n\n".
"dump de REQUEST:\n".
$tit = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
$page->assign('titres', $tit);
- $order = Env::v('order', 'timestamp');
- $orders = array('timestamp', 'nom', 'promo', 'montant', 'comment');
- if (!in_array($order, $orders)) {
- $order = 'timestamp';
- } elseif ($order == 'comment') {
- $order = 't.comment';
- }
- $inv_order = Env::v('order_inv', 0);
- $page->assign('order', $order);
- $page->assign('order_inv', !$inv_order);
- if ($order == 'timestamp') {
- $inv_order = !$inv_order;
- }
- if ($inv_order) {
- $inv_order = ' DESC';
- } else {
- $inv_order = '';
- }
- if ($order == 'montant') {
- $order = 'LENGTH(montant) '.$inv_order.', montant';
- }
- $orderby = 'ORDER BY '.$order.$inv_order;
- if ($order != 'nom') {
- $orderby .= ', nom'; $inv_order = '';
- }
- $orderby .= ', prenom'.$inv_order;
- if ($order != 'timestamp') {
- $orderby .= ', timestamp DESC';
- }
+ // TODO: replug sort.
$trans = array();
$event = array();
foreach($tit as $foo) {
$pid = $foo['id'];
if (may_update()) {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT IF(u.nom_usage<>'', u.nom_usage, u.nom) AS nom,
- u.prenom, u.promo, a.alias, timestamp AS `date`, t.comment, montant
- FROM {$globals->money->mpay_tprefix}transactions AS t
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON ( t.uid = u.user_id )
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( t.uid = a.id AND a.type='a_vie' )
- WHERE ref = {?} ".$orderby, $pid);
- $trans[$pid] = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
- $sum = 0;
- foreach ($trans[$pid] as $i => $t) {
- $sum += strtr(substr($t['montant'], 0, strpos($t['montant'], 'EUR')), ',', '.');
- $trans[$pid][$i]['montant'] = str_replace('EUR', '€', $t['montant']);
- }
- $trans[$pid][] = array('nom' => 'somme totale',
- 'montant' => strtr($sum, '.', ',').' €');
+ $res = XDB::query('SELECT t.uid, timestamp AS `date`, t.comment, montant
+ FROM ' . $globals->money->mpay_tprefix . 'transactions AS t
+ WHERE t.ref = {?}', $pid);
+ $trans[$pid] = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs($res->fetchAllAssoc(), 'uid', 'user');
+ $sum = 0;
+ foreach ($trans[$pid] as $i => $t) {
+ $sum += strtr(substr($t['montant'], 0, strpos($t['montant'], 'EUR')), ',', '.');
+ $trans[$pid][$i]['montant'] = str_replace('EUR', '€', $t['montant']);
+ }
+ $trans[$pid][] = array('nom' => 'somme totale',
+ 'montant' => strtr($sum, '.', ',').' €');
$res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT e.eid, e.short_name, e.intitule, ep.nb, ei.montant, ep.paid
FROM groupex.evenements AS e