rm -rf locale banana/
make -C po clean
+ make -C mbox-helper clean
%: Makefile
sed -e 's,@VERSION@,$(VERSION) The Bearded Release,g' $< > $@
# banana package targets
pkg-build: banana/
make -C po
make -C po clean
+ make -C mbox-helper
pkg-dist: pkg-build
rm -rf $(PKG_DIST) $(PKG_DIST).tar.gz
-* banana/ : banana main file
-* --------------------------
-* This file is part of the banana distribution
-* Copyright: See COPYING files that comes with this distribution
-require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
-class Banana
-# Configuration variables
-### General ###
- static public $profile = Array( 'signature' => '',
- 'headers' => array('From' => 'Anonymous <>'),
- 'display' => 0,
- 'lastnews' => 0,
- 'locale' => 'fr_FR.UTF-8',
- 'subscribe' => array(),
- 'autoup' => 1);
- static public $boxpattern;
- static public $withtabs = true;
- static public $mimeparts = array();
-### Spool ###
- static public $spool_root = '/var/spool/banana';
- static public $spool_max = 3000;
- static public $spool_tbefore = 5;
- static public $spool_tafter = 5;
- static public $spool_tmax = 50;
- static public $spool_boxlist = true;
-### Message processing ###
- static public $msgparse_headers = array('content-disposition', 'content-transfer-encoding',
- 'content-type', 'content-id', 'date', 'followup-to',
- 'from', 'message-id', 'newsgroups', 'organization',
- 'references', 'subject', 'x-face', 'in-reply-to',
- 'to', 'cc', 'reply-to');
-### Message display ###
- static public $msgshow_headers = array('from', 'newsgroups', 'followup-to', 'to', 'cc', 'reply-to',
- 'organization', 'date', 'references', 'in-reply-to');
- static public $msgshow_mimeparts = array('multipart/report', 'multipart/mixed',
- 'text/html', 'text/plain', 'text/enriched', 'text', 'message');
- static public $msgshow_xface = true;
- static public $msgshow_wrap = 78;
- static public $msgshow_externalimages = false;
- static public $msgshow_hasextimages = false;
- static public $msgshow_withthread = true;
- /** Match an url
- * Should be included in a regexp delimited using /, !, , or @ (eg: "/$url_regexp/ui")
- * If it matches, return 3 main parts :
- * \\1 and \\3 are delimiters
- * \\2 is the url
- *
- * eg : preg_match("!$url_regexp!i", "[]", $matches);
- * $matches[1] = "["
- * $matches[2] = ""
- * $matches[3] = "]"
- */
- static public $msgshow_url = '(["\[])?((?:[a-z]+:\/\/|www\.)(?:[\.\,\;\!\:]*[a-z\@0-9~%$&i#\-+=_\/\?]+)+)(["\]])?';
-### Message edition ###
- static public $msgedit_canattach = true;
- static public $msgedit_maxfilesize = 100000;
- /** Global headers to use for messages
- */
- static public $msgedit_headers = array('Mime-Version' => '1.0', 'User-Agent' => 'Banana @VERSION@');
- /** Mime type order for quoting
- */
- static public $msgedit_mimeparts = array('multipart/report', 'multipart/mixed', 'text/plain', 'text/enriched', 'text/html', 'text', 'message');
-### Protocole ###
- /** News serveur to use
- */
- static public $nntp_host = 'news://localhost:119/';
- static public $mbox_path = '/var/mail';
-### Debug ###
- static public $debug_nntp = false;
- static public $debug_smarty = false;
-# Constants
- // Actions
- const ACTION_BOX_NEEDED = 1; // mask
- const ACTION_BOX_LIST = 2;
- const ACTION_BOX_SUBS = 4;
- const ACTION_MSG_LIST = 3;
- const ACTION_MSG_READ = 5;
- const ACTION_MSG_NEW = 9;
- const ACTION_MSG_CANCEL = 17;
- const ACTION_MSG_IMAGES = 33;
- // Box list view
- const BOXES_ALL = 0;
- const BOXES_SUB = 1;
- const BOXES_NEW = 2;
- // Spool view mode
- const SPOOL_ALL = 0;
- const SPOOL_UNREAD = 1;
-# Runtime variables
- static public $protocole = null;
- static public $spool = null;
- static public $message = null;
- static public $page = null;
- static public $group = null;
- static public $artid = null;
- static public $action = null;
- static public $part = null;
- static public $first = null;
- /** Class parameters storage
- */
- public $params;
-# Banana Implementation
- /** Build the instance of Banana
- * This constructor only call \ref loadParams, connect to the server, and build the Smarty page
- * @param protocole Protocole to use
- */
- public function __construct($params = null, $protocole = 'NNTP', $pageclass = 'BananaPage')
- {
- if (is_null($params)) {
- $this->params = $_GET;
- } else {
- $this->params = $params;
- }
- $this->loadParams();
- // connect to protocole handler
- $classname = 'Banana' . $protocole;
- if (!class_exists($classname)) {
- Banana::load($protocole);
- }
- Banana::$protocole = new $classname(Banana::$group);
- // build the page
- if ($pageclass == 'BananaPage') {
- Banana::load('page');
- }
- Banana::$page = new $pageclass;
- $types = array('multipart/report' => _b_('Rapport d\'erreur'),
- 'multipart/mixed' => _b_('Composition'),
- 'text/html' => _b_('Texte formaté'),
- 'text/plain' => _b_('Texte brut'),
- 'text/enriched' => _b_('Texte enrichi'),
- 'text' => _b_('Texte'),
- 'message/rfc822' => _b_('Mail'),
- 'message' => _b_('Message'),
- 'source' => _b_('Source'));
- Banana::$mimeparts = array_merge($types, Banana::$mimeparts);
- }
- /** Fill state vars (Banana::$group, Banana::$artid, Banana::$action, Banana;:$part, Banana::$first)
- */
- protected function loadParams()
- {
- Banana::$group = isset($this->params['group']) ? $this->params['group'] : null;
- Banana::$artid = isset($this->params['artid']) ? $this->params['artid'] : null;
- Banana::$first = isset($this->params['first']) ? $this->params['first'] : null;
- Banana::$part = isset($this->params['part']) ? $this->params['part'] : 'text';
- // Look for the action to execute
- if (is_null(Banana::$group)) {
- if (isset($this->params['action']) && $this->params['action'] == 'subscribe') {
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_BOX_SUBS;
- } else {
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_BOX_LIST;
- }
- return;
- }
- $action = isset($this->params['action']) ? $this->params['action'] : null;
- if (is_null(Banana::$artid)) {
- if ($action == 'new') {
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_MSG_NEW;
- } else {
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_MSG_LIST;
- }
- return;
- }
- switch ($action) {
- case 'new':
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_MSG_NEW;
- return;
- case 'cancel':
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_MSG_CANCEL;
- return;
- case 'showext':
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_MSG_IMAGES;
- return;
- default:
- Banana::$action = Banana::ACTION_MSG_READ;
- }
- }
- /** Run Banana
- * This function need user profile to be initialised
- */
- public function run()
- {
- // Configure locales
- setlocale(LC_ALL, Banana::$profile['locale']);
- // Check if the state is valid
- if (Banana::$protocole->lastErrNo()) {
- return Banana::$page->kill(_b_('Une erreur a été rencontrée lors de la connexion au serveur') . '<br />'
- . Banana::$protocole->lastError());
- }
- if (!Banana::$protocole->isValid()) {
- return Banana::$page->kill(_b_('Connexion non-valide'));
- }
- if (Banana::$action & Banana::ACTION_BOX_NEEDED) {
- if(Banana::$boxpattern && !preg_match('/' . Banana::$boxpattern . '/i', $group)) {
- Banana::$page->setPage('group');
- return Banana::$page->kill(_b_("Ce newsgroup n'existe pas ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation d'y accéder"));
- }
- }
- // Dispatch to the action handlers
- switch (Banana::$action) {
- case Banana::ACTION_BOX_SUBS:
- $error = $this->action_subscribe();
- break;
- case Banana::ACTION_BOX_LIST:
- $error = $this->action_listBoxes();
- break;
- case Banana::ACTION_MSG_LIST:
- $error = $this->action_showThread(Banana::$group, Banana::$first);
- break;
- case Banana::ACTION_MSG_IMAGES:
- Banana::$msgshow_externalimages = true;
- case Banana::ACTION_MSG_READ:
- $error = $this->action_showMessage(Banana::$group, Banana::$artid, Banana::$part);
- break;
- case Banana::ACTION_MSG_NEW:
- $error = $this->action_newMessage(Banana::$group, Banana::$artid);
- break;
- case Banana::ACTION_MSG_CANCEL:
- $error = $this->action_cancelMessage(Banana::$group, Banana::$artid);
- break;
- default:
- $error = _b_("L'action demandée n'est pas supportée par Banana");
- }
- // Generate the page
- if (is_string($error)) {
- return Banana::$page->kill($error);
- }
- return Banana::$page->run();
- }
- /** Return the CSS code to include in the headers
- */
- public function css()
- {
- return Banana::$page->css;
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* actions */
- /**************************************************************************/
- protected function action_saveSubs($groups)
- {
- Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = $groups;
- return true;
- }
- protected function action_subscribe()
- {
- Banana::$page->setPage('subscribe');
- if (isset($_POST['validsubs'])) {
- $this->action_saveSubs(array_keys($_POST['subscribe']));
- Banana::$page->redirect();
- }
- $groups = Banana::$protocole->getBoxList(Banana::BOXES_ALL);
- Banana::$page->assign('groups', $groups);
- return true;
- }
- protected function action_listBoxes()
- {
- Banana::$page->setPage('forums');
- $groups = Banana::$protocole->getBoxList(Banana::BOXES_SUB, Banana::$profile['lastnews'], true);
- Banana::$page->assign('groups', $groups);
- if (empty(Banana::$profile['subscribe']) || Banana::$profile['lastnews']) {
- $newgroups = Banana::$protocole->getBoxList(Banana::BOXES_NEW, Banana::$profile['lastnews'], true);
- Banana::$page->assign('newgroups', $newgroups);
- }
- return true;
- }
- protected function action_showThread($group, $first)
- {
- Banana::$page->setPage('thread');
- if (!$this->loadSpool($group)) {
- return _b_('Impossible charger la liste des messages de ') . $group;
- }
- if (Banana::$spool_boxlist) {
- $groups = Banana::$protocole->getBoxList(Banana::BOXES_SUB, Banana::$profile['lastnews'], true);
- Banana::$page->assign('groups', $groups);
- }
- Banana::$page->assign('msgbypage', Banana::$spool_tmax);
- return true;
- }
- protected function action_showMessage($group, $artid, $partid = 'text')
- {
- Banana::$page->setPage('message');
- $istext = $partid == 'text' || $partid == 'source'
- || preg_match('!^[-a-z0-9_]+/[-a-z0-9_]+$!', $partid);
- if ($istext) {
- $this->loadSpool($group);
- }
- $msg =& $this->loadMessage($group, $artid);
- if (is_null($msg)) {
- $this->loadSpool($group);
- $this->removeMessage($group, $artid);
- return _b_('Le message demandé n\'existe pas. Il est possible qu\'il ait été annulé');
- }
- if ($partid == 'xface') {
- $msg->getXFace();
- exit;
- } elseif (!$istext) {
- $part = $msg->getPartById($partid);
- if (!is_null($part)) {
- $part->send(true);
- }
- $part = $msg->getFile($partid);
- if (!is_null($part)) {
- $part->send();
- }
- exit;
- } elseif ($partid == 'text') {
- $partid = null;
- Banana::$page->assign('body', $msg->getFormattedBody($partid));
- } elseif ($partid == 'source') {
- $text = Banana::$protocole->getMessageSource($artid);
- if (!is_utf8($text)) {
- $text = utf8_encode($text);
- }
- Banana::$page->assign('body', '<pre>' . banana_htmlentities($text) . '</pre>');
- } else {
- Banana::$page->assign('body', $msg->getFormattedBody($partid));
- }
- if (Banana::$profile['autoup']) {
- Banana::$spool->markAsRead($artid);
- }
- if (Banana::$spool_boxlist) {
- $groups = Banana::$protocole->getBoxList(Banana::BOXES_SUB, Banana::$profile['lastnews'], true);
- Banana::$page->assign('groups', $groups);
- }
- Banana::$page->assign_by_ref('message', $msg);
- Banana::$page->assign('extimages', Banana::$msgshow_hasextimages);
- Banana::$page->assign('headers', Banana::$msgshow_headers);
- Banana::$page->assign('type', $partid);
- return true;
- }
- protected function action_newMessage($group, $artid)
- {
- Banana::$page->setPage('new');
- if (!Banana::$protocole->canSend()) {
- return _b_('Vous n\'avez pas le droit de poster');
- }
- $hdrs = Banana::$protocole->requestedHeaders();
- $headers = array();
- foreach ($hdrs as $header) {
- $headers[$header] = array('name' => BananaMessage::translateHeaderName($header));
- if (isset(Banana::$profile['headers'][$header])) {
- $headers[$header]['fixed'] = Banana::$profile['headers'][$header];
- }
- }
- if (isset($_POST['sendmessage'])) {
- $hdr_values = array();
- foreach ($hdrs as $header) {
- $hdr_values[$header] = isset($headers[$header]['fixed']) ? $headers[$header]['fixed'] : @$_POST[$header];
- }
- if ($artid) {
- $old =& $this->loadMessage($group, $artid);
- $hdr_values['References'] = $old->getHeaderValue('references') . $old->getHeaderValue('message-id');
- }
- $msg = null;
- if (empty($hdr_values['Subject'])) {
- Banana::$page->trig(_b_('Le message doit avoir un sujet'));
- } elseif (Banana::$msgedit_canattach && isset($_FILES['attachment'])) {
- $uploaded = $_FILES['attachment'];
- if (!is_uploaded_file($uploaded['tmp_name'])) {
- Banana::$page->trig(_b_('Une erreur est survenue lors du téléchargement du fichier'));
- } else {
- $msg = BananaMessage::newMessage($hdr_values, $_POST['body'], $uploaded);
- }
- } else {
- $msg = BananaMessage::newMessage($hdr_values, $_POST['body']);
- }
- if (!is_null($msg)) {
- if (Banana::$protocole->send($msg)) {
- Banana::$page->redirect(array('group' => $group, 'artid' => $artid));
- }
- Banana::$page->trig(_b_('Une erreur est survenue lors de l\'envoi du message :') . '<br />'
- . Banana::$protocole->lastError());
- }
- } else {
- if (!is_null($artid)) {
- $msg =& $this->loadMessage($group, $artid);
- $body = $msg->getSender() . _b_(' a écrit :') . "\n" . $msg->quote();
- $subject = $msg->getHeaderValue('subject');
- $headers['Subject']['user'] = 'Re: ' . preg_replace("/^re\s*:\s*/i", '', $subject);
- $target = $msg->getHeaderValue($hdrs['reply']);
- if (empty($target)) {
- $target = $group;
- }
- $headers[$hdrs['dest']]['user'] =& $target;
- } else {
- $body = '';
- $headers[$hdrs['dest']]['user'] = $group;
- }
- if (Banana::$profile['signature']) {
- $body .= "\n\n-- \n" . Banana::$profile['signature'];
- }
- Banana::$page->assign('body', $body);
- }
- Banana::$page->assign('maxfilesize', Banana::$msgedit_maxfilesize);
- Banana::$page->assign('can_attach', Banana::$msgedit_canattach);
- Banana::$page->assign('headers', $headers);
- return true;
- }
- protected function action_cancelMessage($group, $artid)
- {
- Banana::$page->setPage('cancel');
- $msg =& $this->loadMessage($group, $artid);
- if (!$msg->canCancel()) {
- return _b_('Vous n\'avez pas les droits suffisants pour supprimer ce message');
- }
- if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) {
- $this->loadSpool($group);
- $ndx = Banana::$spool->getNdX($id) - 1;
- if (!Banana::$protocole->cancel($msg)) {
- return _b_('Une erreur s\'est produite lors de l\'annulation du message :') . '<br />'
- . Banana::$protocole->lastError();
- }
- if ($ndx < 50) {
- $ndx = 0;
- }
- $this->removeMessage($group, $artid);
- Banana::$page->redirect(Array('group' => $group, 'first' => $ndx));
- }
- Banana::$page->assign_by_ref('message', $msg);
- Banana::$page->assign('body', $msg->getFormattedBody());
- Banana::$page->assign('headers', Banana::$msgshow_headers);
- return true;
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Spoolgen functions */
- /**************************************************************************/
- private function checkErrors()
- {
- if (Banana::$protocole->lastErrno()) {
- echo "\nL'erreur suivante s'est produite : "
- . Banana::$protocole->lastErrno() . " "
- . Banana::$protocole->lastError() . "\n";
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- static public function createAllSpool(array $protos)
- {
- foreach ($protos as $proto) {
- $banana = new Banana(array(), $proto);
- if (!$banana->checkErrors()) {
- continue;
- }
- $groups = Banana::$protocole->getBoxList();
- if (!$banana->checkErrors()) {
- continue;
- }
- print "** $proto **\n";
- foreach (array_keys($groups) as $g) {
- print "Generating spool for $g : ";
- Banana::$group = $g;
- $spool = $banana->loadSpool($g);
- if (!$banana->checkErrors()) {
- break;
- }
- print "done.\n";
- unset($spool);
- }
- print "\n";
- }
- }
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* Private functions */
- /**************************************************************************/
- protected function loadSpool($group)
- {
- Banana::load('spool');
- if (!Banana::$spool || Banana::$spool->group != $group) {
- $clean = false;
- if ($group != @$_SESSION['banana_group']) {
- unset($_SESSION['banana_message']);
- unset($_SESSION['banana_artid']);
- unset($_SESSION['banana_showhdr']);
- }
- BananaSpool::getSpool($group, Banana::$profile['lastnews'], Banana::$profile['autoup'] || $clean);
- $_SESSION['banana_group'] = $group;
- Banana::$spool->setMode(Banana::$profile['display'] ? Banana::SPOOL_UNREAD : Banana::SPOOL_ALL);
- }
- return true;
- }
- protected function &loadMessage($group, $artid)
- {
- Banana::load('message');
- if ($group == @$_SESSION['banana_group'] && $artid == @$_SESSION['banana_artid']
- && isset($_SESSION['banana_message'])) {
- $message = unserialize($_SESSION['banana_message']);
- Banana::$msgshow_headers = $_SESSION['banana_showhdr'];
- } else {
- $message = Banana::$protocole->getMessage($artid);
- $_SESSION['banana_group'] = $group;
- $_SESSION['banana_artid'] = $artid;
- $_SESSION['banana_message'] = serialize($message);
- $_SESSION['banana_showhdr'] = Banana::$msgshow_headers;
- }
- Banana::$message =& $message;
- return $message;
- }
- protected function removeMessage($group, $artid)
- {
- Banana::$spool->delId($artid);
- if ($group == $_SESSION['banana_group'] && $artid == $_SESSION['banana_artid']) {
- unset($_SESSION['banana_message']);
- unset($_SESSION['banana_showhdr']);
- unset($_SESSION['banana_artid']);
- }
- return true;
- }
- static private function load($file)
- {
- $file = strtolower($file) . '.inc.php';
- if (!@include_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/$file") {
- require_once $file;
- }
- }
-// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8:
class BananaMBox implements BananaProtocoleInterface
- private $inbox = null;
- private $file = null;
- private $filesize = null;
- private $current_id = null;
- private $at_beginning = false;
- private $file_cache = null;
+ private $debug = false;
private $_lasterrno = 0;
private $_lasterror = null;
- private $count = null;
- private $new_messages = null;
- private $messages = null;
- /** Build a protocole handler plugged on the given box
- */
public function __construct()
- $this->open();
+ $this->debug = Banana::$debug_mbox;
- /** Close the file
- */
- public function __destruct()
- {
- $this->close();
- }
- /** Indicate if the Protocole handler has been succesfully built
- */
public function isValid()
return true;
return array(Banana::$group => array('desc' => '', 'msgnum' => 0, 'unread' => 0));
- /** Return a message
- * @param id Id of the emssage (can be either an Message-id or a message index)
- * @return A BananaMessage or null if the given id can't be retreived
- */
- public function &getMessage($id)
+ private function &getRawMessage($id)
- $this->open();
$message = null;
- if (is_null($this->file)) {
- return $message;
- }
if (!is_numeric($id)) {
- if (!Banana::$spool) {
+ if (!Banana::$spool) {
return $message;
$id = Banana::$spool->ids[$id];
- $messages = $this->readMessages(array($id));
- if (!empty($messages)) {
- $message = new BananaMessage($messages[$id]['message']);
+ $options = array ('-m ' . $id);
+ if (Banana::$spool->overview) {
+ if (Banana::$spool->overview[$id]) {
+ $options[] = '-p ' . $id . ':' . Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['offset'];
+ } else {
+ $key = max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
+ if ($key < $id) {
+ $options[] = '-p ' . $key . ':' . Banana::$spool->overview[$key]->storage['offset'];
+ }
+ }
- return $message;
+ return $this->callHelper('-b', $options);
+ }
+ /** Return a message
+ * @param id Id of the emssage (can be either an Message-id or a message index)
+ * @return A BananaMessage or null if the given id can't be retreived
+ */
+ public function &getMessage($id)
+ {
+ $messages =& $this->getRawMessage($id);
+ if ($messages) {
+ $messages = new BananaMessage($messages);
+ }
+ return $messages;
/** Return the sources of the given message
public function getMessageSource($id)
- {
- $this->open();
- $message = null;
- if (is_null($this->file)) {
- return $message;
+ {
+ $message =& $this->getRawMessage($id);
+ if ($message) {
+ $message = implode("\n", $message);
- if (!is_numeric($id)) {
- if (!Banana::$spool) {
- return $message;
- }
- $id = Banana::$spool->ids[$id];
- }
- $message = $this->readMessages(array($id));
- return implode("\n", $message[$id]['message']);
+ return $message;
/** Compute the number of messages of the box
private function getCount()
- $this->open();
- $this->count = count(Banana::$spool->overview);
- $max = @max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
- if ($max && Banana::$spool->overview[$max]->storage['next'] == $this->filesize) {
- $this->new_messages = 0;
- } else {
- $this->new_messages = $this->countMessages($this->count);
- $this->count += $this->new_messages;
- }
+ $options = array();
+ if (Banana::$spool->overview) {
+ $key = max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
+ $options[] = '-p ' . $key . ':' . Banana::$spool->overview[$key]->storage['offset'];
+ }
+ $val =& $this->callHelper('-c', $options);
+ if (!$val) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return intval(trim($val[0]));
/** Return the indexes of the messages presents in the Box
public function getIndexes()
- $this->open();
- if (is_null($this->file)) {
- return array(0, 0, 0);
- }
- if (is_null($this->count)) {
- $this->getCount();
- }
- return array($this->count, 0, $this->count - 1);
+ $count = $this->getCount();
+ return array($count, 0, $count - 1);
/** Return the message headers (in BananaMessage) for messages from firstid to lastid
public function &getMessageHeaders($firstid, $lastid, array $msg_headers = array())
- $this->open();
- $msg_headers = array_map('strtolower', $msg_headers);
- $messages =& $this->readMessages(range($firstid, $lastid), true);
- $msg_headers = array_map('strtolower', $msg_headers);
- $headers = array();
- if (is_null($this->file)) {
+ $headers = null;
+ $options = array();
+ $options[] = "-m $firstid:$lastid";
+ if (Banana::$spool->overview) {
+ if (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$firstid])) {
+ $options[] = '-p ' . $firstid . ':' . Banana::$spool->overview[$firstid]->storage['offset'];
+ } else {
+ $key = max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
+ if ($key < $firstid) {
+ $options[] = '-p ' . $key . ':' . Banana::$spool->overview[$key]->storage['offset'];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lines =& $this->callHelper('-d', $options, $msg_headers);
+ if (!$lines) {
return $headers;
- foreach ($msg_headers as $header) {
- foreach ($messages as $id=>&$message) {
- if (!isset($headers[$id])) {
- $headers[$id] = array('beginning' => $message['beginning'], 'end' => $message['end']);
+ $headers = array();
+ while ($lines) {
+ $id = array_shift($lines);
+ if ($id === '') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $offset = array_shift($lines);
+ if ($offset === '') {
+ continue;
+ }
+ $id = intval($id);
+ $headers[$id] = array('beginning' => intval($offset));
+ while (true) {
+ $hname = array_shift($lines);
+ if ($hname === '') {
+ break;
+ }
+ $hval = array_shift($lines);
+ if ($hval === '') {
+ break;
- if ($header == 'date') {
- $headers[$id][$header] = @strtotime($message['message'][$header]);
+ if ($hname == 'date') {
+ $headers[$id][$hname] = @strtotime($hval);
} else {
- $headers[$id][$header] = @$message['message'][$header];
+ $headers[$id][$hname] = $hval;
+ if (!isset($headers[$id]['date'])) {
+ print_r($id);
+ print_r($offset);
+ print_r($headers[$id]);
+ }
- unset($this->messages);
- unset($messages);
+ array_walk_recursive($headers, array('BananaMimePart', 'decodeHeader'));
return $headers;
foreach ($messages as $id=>&$data) {
if (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$id])) {
Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['offset'] = $data['beginning'];
- Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['next'] = $data['end'];
# MBox parser
- private function open()
- {
- if ($this->inbox == Banana::$group) {
- return;
- }
- $this->close();
- $filename = $this->getFileName();
- if (is_null($filename)) {
- return;
- }
- $this->file = @fopen($filename, 'r');
- if (!$this->file) {
- $this->file = null;
- $this->filesize = 0;
- } else {
- $this->filesize = filesize($filename);
- }
- $this->current_id = 0;
- $this->at_beginning = true;
- $this->inbox = Banana::$group;
- }
- private function close()
- {
- if (is_null($this->file)) {
- return;
- }
- fclose($this->file);
- $this->inbox = null;
- $this->file = null;
- $this->filesize = null;
- $this->current_id = null;
- $this->at_beginning = false;
- $this->file_cache = null;
- $this->count = null;
- $this->new_messages = null;
- $this->messages = null;
- }
- /** Go to the given message
- */
- private function goTo($id)
- {
- if ($this->current_id == $id && $this->at_beginning) {
- return true;
- }
- if ($id == 0) {
- fseek($this->file, 0);
- $this->current_id = 0;
- $this->at_beginning = true;
- return true;
- } elseif (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$id]) || isset($this->messages[$id])) {
- if (isset(Banana::$spool->overview[$id])) {
- $pos = Banana::$spool->overview[$id]->storage['offset'];
- } else {
- $pos = $this->messages[$id]['beginning'];
- }
- if (fseek($this->file, $pos) == 0) {
- $this->current_id = $id;
- $this->at_beginning = true;
- return true;
- } else {
- $this->current_id = null;
- $this->_lasterrno = 2;
- $this->_lasterror = _b_('Can\'t find message ') . $id;
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- $max = @max(array_keys(Banana::$spool->overview));
- if (is_null($max)) {
- $max = 0;
- }
- if ($id <= $max && $max != 0) {
- $this->current_id = null;
- $this->_lasterrno = 3;
- $this->_lasterror = _b_('Invalid message index ') . $id;
- return false;
- }
- if (!$this->goTo($max)) {
- return false;
- }
- if (feof($this->file)) {
- $this->current_id = null;
- $this->_lasterrno = 4;
- $this->_lasterror = _b_('Requested index does not exists or file has been truncated');
- return false;
- }
- while ($this->readCurrentMessage(true) && $this->current_id < $id);
- if ($this->current_id == $id) {
- return true;
- }
- $this->current_id = null;
- $this->_lasterrno = 5;
- $this->_lasterror = _b_('Requested index does not exists or file has been truncated');
- return false;
- }
- }
- private function countMessages($from = 0)
- {
- $this->messages =& $this->readMessages(array($from), true, true);
- return count($this->messages);
- }
- /** Read the current message (identified by current_id)
- * @param needFrom_ BOOLEAN is true if the first line *must* be a From_ line
- * @param alignNext BOOLEAN is true if the buffer must be aligned at the beginning of the next From_ line
- * @return message sources (without storage data)
- */
- private function &readCurrentMessage($stripBody = false, $needFrom_ = true, $alignNext = true)
+ private function &callHelper($action, array $options = array(), array $headers = array())
- $file_cache =& $this->file_cache;
- if ($file_cache && $file_cache != ftell($this->file)) {
- $file_cache = null;
- }
- $msg = array();
- $canFrom_ = false;
- $inBody = false;
- while(!feof($this->file)) {
- // Process file cache
- if ($file_cache) { // this is a From_ line
- $needFrom_ = false;
- $this->at_beginning = false;
- $file_cache = null;
- continue;
- }
- // Read a line
- $line = rtrim(fgets($this->file), "\r\n");
- // Process From_ line
- if ($needFrom_ || !$msg || $canFrom_) {
- if (substr($line, 0, 5) == 'From ') { // this is a From_ line
- if ($needFrom_) {
- $needFrom = false;
- } elseif (!$msg) {
- continue;
- } else {
- $this->current_id++; // we are finally in the next message
- if ($alignNext) { // align the file pointer at the beginning of the new message
- $this->at_beginning = true;
- $file_cache = ftell($this->file);
- }
- break;
- }
- } elseif ($needFrom_) {
- return $msg;
- }
- }
- // Process non-From_ lines
- if (substr($line, 0, 6) == '>From ') { // remove inline From_ quotation
- $line = substr($line, 1);
- }
- if (!$stripBody || !$inBody) {
- $msg[] = $line; // add the line to the message source
- }
- $canFrom_ = empty($line); // check if next line can be a From_ line
- if ($canFrom_ && !$inBody && $stripBody) {
- $inBody = true;
- }
- $this->at_beginning = false;
+ $action .= ' -f ' . $this->getFileName();
+ $cmd = Banana::$mbox_helper . " $action " . implode(' ', $options) . ' ' . implode(' ', $headers);
+ if ($this->debug) {
+ echo $cmd . '<br />';
+ $start = microtime(true);
- if (!feof($this->file) && !$canFrom_) {
- $msg = array();
- }
- return $msg;
- }
- /** Read message with the given ids
- * @param ids ARRAY of ids to look for
- * @param strip BOOLEAN if true, only headers are retrieved
- * @param from BOOLEAN if true, process all messages from max(ids) to the end of the mbox
- * @return Array(Array('message' => message sources (or parsed message headers if $strip is true),
- * 'beginning' => offset of message beginning,
- * 'end' => offset of message end))
- */
- private function &readMessages(array $ids, $strip = false, $from = false)
- {
- if ($this->messages) {
- return $this->messages;
+ exec($cmd, $out, $return);
+ if ($this->debug) {
+ echo ' Execution : ' . (microtime(true) - $start) . 's<br />';
+ echo " Retour : $return<br />";
+ echo ' Sortie : ' . count($out) . ' ligne(s)<br />';
- sort($ids);
- $messages = array();
- while ((count($ids) || $from) && !feof($this->file)) {
- if (count($ids)) {
- $id = array_shift($ids);
- } else {
- $id++;
- }
- if ($id != $this->current_id || !$this->at_beginning) {
- if (!$this->goTo($id)) {
- if (count($ids)) {
- continue;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- $beginning = ftell($this->file);
- $message =& $this->readCurrentMessage($strip, false);
- if ($strip) {
- $message =& BananaMimePart::parseHeaders($message);
- }
- $end = ftell($this->file);
- $messages[$id] = array('message' => $message, 'beginning' => $beginning, 'end' => $end);
+ if ($return != 0) {
+ $this->_lasterrorno = 1;
+ $this->_lasterrorcode = "Helper failed";
+ $out = null;
- return $messages;
+ return $out;
return ' ' . $style . trim($attributes);
+function banana__filterCss($text)
+ $text = preg_replace("/(,[\s\n\r]*)/s", '\1 .banana .message .body .html ', $text);
+ return '.banana .message .body .html ' . $text;
function banana_filterCss($css)
- $css = preg_replace("/(^|\n|,)\s*(\w+[^\{\}\<]+\{)/s", '\1.banana .message .body .html \2', $css);
+ preg_match_all("/(^|\n|,\s*)\s*([\#\.@\w][^;\{\}\<]*?[\{])/s", $css, $matches);
+ $css = preg_replace("/(^|\n)\s*([\#\.@\w][^;\{\}\<]*?)([\{])/se", '"\1" . banana__filterCss("\2") . "\3"', $css);
$css = preg_replace('/ body\b/i', '', $css);
if (!Banana::$msgshow_externalimages) {
- if (preg_match("/url\(((ht|f)tps?:.*?)\)/i", $css)) {
- $css = preg_replace("/url\(((ht|f)tps?:.*?)\)/i", 'url(invalid-image.png)', $css);
+ if (preg_match('!url\([^:\)]+:(//|\\\).*?\)!i', $css)) {
+ $css = preg_replace('!url\([^:\)]+:(//|\\\).*?\)!i', 'url(invalid-image.png)', $css);
Banana::$msgshow_hasextimages = true;
$css = null;
if (preg_match('/<head.*?>(.*?)<\/head>/is', $source, $matches)) {
$source = preg_replace('/<head.*?>.*?<\/head>/is', '', $source);
- preg_match_all('/<style.*?type="text\/css".*?>(.*?)<\/style>/is', $matches[1], $matches);
+ preg_match_all('/<style(?:.*?type="text\/css".*?)?>(.*?)<\/style>/is', $matches[1], $matches);
foreach ($matches[1] as &$match) {
$css .= $match;
if (isset($refs['references'])) {
$text = str_replace('><', '> <', $refs['references']);
return preg_split('/\s/', strtr($text, Banana::$spool->ids));
- } elseif (isset($refs['in-reply-to'])) {
+ } elseif (isset($refs['in-reply-to']) && isset(Banana::$spool->ids[$refs['in-reply-to']])) {
return array(Banana::$spool->ids[$refs['in-reply-to']]);
} else {
return array();
$encoding = '8bit';
$charset = 'CP1252';
$content_type = 'text/plain';
- $format = strtolower($this->getHeader('x-rfc2646', '/format="?([^"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'));
+ $format = strtolower($this->getHeader('x-rfc2646', '/format="?([^ w@"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'));
} else {
$encoding = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-transfer-encoding'));
$disposition = $this->getHeader('content-disposition', '/(inline|attachment)/i');
- $boundary = $this->getHeader('content-type', '/boundary="?([^"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i');
- $charset = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/charset="?([^"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'));
- $filename = $this->getHeader('content-disposition', '/filename="?([^"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i');
- $format = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/format="?([^"]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'));
+ $boundary = $this->getHeader('content-type', '/boundary="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i');
+ $charset = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/charset="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'));
+ $filename = $this->getHeader('content-disposition', '/filename="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i');
+ $format = strtolower($this->getHeader('content-type', '/format="?([^ "]+?)"?\s*(;|$)/i'));
$id = $this->getHeader('content-id', '/<(.*?)>/');
if (empty($filename)) {
$filename = $this->getHeader('content-type', '/name="?([^"]+)"?/');
static public function &parseHeaders(array &$lines)
$headers = array();
- while (count($lines)) {
+ while ($lines) {
$line = array_shift($lines);
- if (preg_match('/^[\t\r ]+/', $line) && isset($hdr)) {
+ if (isset($hdr) && $line && ctype_space($line{0})) {
$headers[$hdr] .= ' ' . trim($line);
} elseif (!empty($line)) {
- if (preg_match("/:[ \t\r]*/", $line)) {
- list($hdr, $val) = split(":[ \t\r]*", $line, 2);
+ if (strpos($line, ':') !== false) {
+ list($hdr, $val) = explode(":", $line, 2);
$hdr = strtolower($hdr);
if (in_array($hdr, Banana::$msgparse_headers)) {
- $headers[$hdr] = $val;
+ $headers[$hdr] = ltrim($val);
} else {
case 'html': return banana_formatHtml($this);
case 'enriched': case 'richtext': return banana_formatRichText($this);
- if ($type == 'message') {
- return '<hr />' . banana_formatPlainText($this);
+ if ($type == 'message') { // we have a raw source of data (no specific pre-formatting)
+ return '<hr />' . utf8_encode(banana_formatPlainText($this));
return banana_formatPlainText($this);
--- /dev/null
+all: mbox-helper Makefile
+mbox-helper: mbox-helper.o
+mbox-helper.o: mbox-helper.c
+ -rm *.o
+ -rm mbox-helper
--- /dev/null
+/** Read an mbox
+ */
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <locale.h>
+/** Macros
+ */
+#define LTRIM(pos) while (isspace(*pos)) { pos++; }
+#define STRTOLOWER(str, ptr) for (ptr = str ; *ptr ; ptr++) { *ptr = tolower(*ptr); }
+/** Boolean
+ */
+typedef char bool;
+#define TRUE ((bool)(-1))
+#define FALSE ((bool)(0))
+/** MBox pointer
+ */
+typedef struct
+ FILE *fp; // File pointer
+ long int lastLine; // Offset of the precedent line (-1 if invalid)
+ long int currentLine; // Offset of the current line
+ long int messageId; // Current message Id
+ long int messageBeginning; // Offset of the beginning of the message (FROM_ line)
+ char *line; // Line buffer
+ bool isFrom_; // Is the current line a From_ line ?
+/** Open a mbox
+ */
+MBox *openMBox(char *filename)
+ FILE *fp;
+ MBox *mbox;
+ fp = fopen(filename, "r");
+ if (!fp) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ mbox = (MBox*)malloc(sizeof(MBox));
+ mbox->fp = fp;
+ mbox->lastLine = -1;
+ mbox->currentLine = 0;
+ mbox->messageId = 0;
+ mbox->messageBeginning = 0;
+ mbox->line = NULL;
+ mbox->isFrom_ = FALSE;
+ return mbox;
+/** Close a mbox
+ */
+void closeMBox(MBox *mbox)
+ if (!mbox) {
+ return;
+ }
+ fclose(mbox->fp);
+ if (mbox->line) {
+ free(mbox->line);
+ }
+ free(mbox);
+/** Read a line in a file
+ */
+char *readLine(MBox *mbox)
+ int length;
+ mbox->lastLine = mbox->currentLine;
+ mbox->currentLine = ftell(mbox->fp);
+ mbox->isFrom_ = FALSE;
+ if (!mbox->line) {
+ mbox->line = (char*)malloc(1001);
+ }
+ if (!fgets(mbox->line, 1000, mbox->fp)) {
+ mbox->currentLine = -1;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ length = ftell(mbox->fp) - mbox->currentLine;
+ if (length > 1000) {
+ length = 1000;
+ }
+ if (length) {
+ while (length >= 0 && (isspace(mbox->line[length]) || mbox->line[length] == '\0')) {
+ length--;
+ }
+ mbox->line[length + 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ mbox->isFrom_ = (strstr(mbox->line, "From ") == mbox->line);
+ if (mbox->isFrom_ && mbox->messageBeginning != mbox->currentLine) {
+ mbox->messageBeginning = mbox->currentLine;
+ mbox->messageId++;
+ }
+ return mbox->line;
+/** Return to the last line
+ */
+bool lastLine(MBox *mbox)
+ if (mbox->lastLine != -1) {
+ fseek(mbox->fp, mbox->lastLine, SEEK_SET);
+ mbox->lastLine = -1;
+ readLine(mbox);
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+bool readFrom_(MBox *mbox)
+ if (!mbox->isFrom_) {
+ readLine(mbox);
+ }
+ if (!mbox->isFrom_) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/** Read a message
+ */
+void readMessage(MBox *mbox, bool display)
+ if (!readFrom_(mbox)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ while (readLine(mbox)) {
+ if (mbox->isFrom_) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (display) {
+ if (strstr(mbox->line, ">From ") == mbox->line) {
+ puts(mbox->line + 1);
+ } else {
+ puts(mbox->line);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/** Read the headers of a message
+ */
+void readHeaders(MBox *mbox, char **headers, int hdrsize)
+ char *current = NULL;
+ char *pos, *ptr;
+ int size, i;
+ if (!readFrom_(mbox)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ printf("%d\n%d\n", mbox->messageId, mbox->messageBeginning);
+ while (readLine(mbox)) {
+ if (mbox->isFrom_ || !strlen(mbox->line)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (current && strlen(mbox->line) && isspace(*(mbox->line))) {
+ pos = mbox->line;
+ LTRIM(pos);
+ printf(" %s", pos);
+ } else {
+ if (current) {
+ printf("\n");
+ free(current);
+ current = NULL;
+ }
+ pos = strchr(mbox->line, ':');
+ if (!pos || pos == mbox->line) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ size = pos - mbox->line;
+ for (i = 0 ; i < hdrsize ; i++) {
+ if (strlen(headers[i]) == size && strcasestr(mbox->line, headers[i]) == mbox->line) {
+ current = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
+ strcpy(current, headers[i]);
+ current[size] = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ if (!current && !hdrsize) {
+ current = (char*)malloc(size + 1);
+ strncpy(current, mbox->line, size);
+ current[size] = '\0';
+ STRTOLOWER(current, ptr);
+ }
+ if (current) {
+ puts(current);
+ pos++;
+ LTRIM(pos);
+ printf("%s", pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (current) {
+ printf("\n");
+ free(current);
+ current = NULL;
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+/** Go back to the beginning of the file
+ */
+void rewindMBox(MBox *mbox)
+ fseek(mbox->fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
+ mbox->messageId = 0;
+ mbox->messageBeginning = 0;
+ readLine(mbox);
+/** Go back to the beginning of the message
+ */
+bool rewindMessage(MBox *mbox)
+ if (mbox->isFrom_) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ fseek(mbox->fp, mbox->messageBeginning, SEEK_SET);
+ mbox->currentLine = -1;
+ mbox->lastLine = -1;
+ readLine(mbox);
+ return mbox->isFrom_;
+/** Move to the given offset
+ */
+bool goToOffset(MBox *mbox, int offset, int index)
+ fseek(mbox->fp, offset, SEEK_SET);
+ mbox->currentLine = -1;
+ mbox->lastLine = -1;
+ mbox->messageBeginning = offset;
+ mbox->messageId = index;
+ readLine(mbox);
+ if (!mbox->isFrom_) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+/** Move to the given message number
+ */
+bool goToMessage(MBox *mbox, int index)
+ if (mbox->messageId > index) {
+ rewindMBox(mbox);
+ } else if(mbox->messageId == index) {
+ rewindMessage(mbox);
+ return TRUE;
+ } else if (!mbox->isFrom_) {
+ while (!feof(mbox->fp) && !mbox->isFrom_) {
+ readLine(mbox);
+ }
+ if (feof(mbox->fp)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ while (mbox->messageId < index && !feof(mbox->fp)) {
+ readMessage(mbox, FALSE);
+ }
+ if (mbox->messageId == index) {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/** Display the program help
+ */
+void help(void)
+ printf("Usage: mbox-helper [action] [options] -f filename [header1 [header2 ...]]\n"
+ "Actions: only the last action given is applied\n"
+ " -c compute the number of messages. If -p is given, process the file starting à the given offset\n"
+ " -d return the headers of the messages given with the -m option. If no header is given in the\n"
+ " command line options, all the headers are returned. The headers are return with the format:\n"
+ " MSG1_ID\\n\n"
+ " MSG1_OFFSET\\n\n"
+ " MSG1_HEADER1_NAME\\n\n"
+ " MSG1_HEADER1_VALUE\\n\n"
+ " MSG1_HEADER2_NAME\\n\n"
+ " MSG2_HEADER2_VALUE\\n\n"
+ " ...\n"
+ " Messages are separated by a blank line\n"
+ " -b return the body of the message given by -m (only 1 message is returned)\n"
+ "Options:\n"
+ " -m begin[:end] id or range of messages to process\n"
+ " -p id:pos indicate that message `id` begins at offset `pos`\n"
+ " -h print this help\n");
+/** Display an error message
+ * This function display the giver error, then show the program help and exit the program
+ */
+void error(char *message)
+ fprintf(stderr, "Invalid parameters: %s\n", message);
+ help();
+ exit(1);
+/** Main function
+ */
+int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ int c, i = 0;
+ int fmid = -1, lmid = -1;
+ int pmid = 0, pos = 0;
+ char *filename = NULL;
+ char **headers = NULL;
+ char action;
+ int headerNb = 0;
+ char *endptr;
+ MBox *mbox;
+ /* getopt variables */
+ extern char *optarg;
+ extern int optind, optopt;
+ while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":bcdp:hm:f:")) != -1) {
+ switch (c) {
+ case 'f':
+ filename = optarg;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ fmid = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if (endptr == optarg) {
+ error("invalid message id");
+ }
+ if (*endptr != ':') {
+ lmid = fmid;
+ } else {
+ lmid = atoi(endptr + 1);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'p':
+ if ((endptr = strchr(optarg, ':')) != NULL) {
+ pmid = strtol(optarg, &endptr, 10);
+ if (*endptr != ':') {
+ error("invalid position couple given");
+ }
+ pos = atoi(endptr + 1);
+ } else {
+ error("invalid position given");
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'c': case 'd': case 'b':
+ action = c;
+ break;
+ case 'h':
+ help();
+ return 0;
+ case ':':
+ fprintf(stderr, "Missing argument to -%c\n", optopt);
+ break;
+ case '?':
+ fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: -%c\n", optopt);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!filename) {
+ error("no file defined");
+ }
+ setlocale(LC_ALL, "C");
+ headerNb = argc - optind;
+ headers = (argv + optind);
+ for (i = 0 ; i < headerNb ; i++) {
+ STRTOLOWER(headers[i], endptr);
+ }
+ mbox = openMBox(filename);
+ if (!mbox) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "can't open file '%s'", filename);
+ }
+ if ((fmid >= pmid || fmid == -1) && pos) {
+ if (!goToOffset(mbox, pos, pmid)) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Offset %d do not match with a message beginning\n", pos);
+ rewindMBox(mbox);
+ }
+ }
+ switch (action) {
+ case 'b':
+ if (fmid == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "you have to define a message number");
+ break;
+ }
+ goToMessage(mbox, fmid);
+ readMessage(mbox, TRUE);
+ break;
+ case 'c':
+ while (!feof(mbox->fp)) {
+ readLine(mbox);
+ }
+ printf("%d\n", mbox->messageId + 1);
+ break;
+ case 'd':
+ if (fmid == -1) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "you have to define a message number");
+ break;
+ }
+ for (i = fmid ; i <= lmid ; i++) {
+ goToMessage(mbox, i);
+ readHeaders(mbox, headers, headerNb);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ closeMBox(mbox);
+ return 0;
rm -f *.po~ *.lang
-banana.pot: ../banana/*.php
@echo Parsing Tree for new messages
- @xgettext --from-code=iso-8859-15 -j -k_b_ -o banana.pot $<
+ @echo "<?php " > template.php
+ @grep "|b" ../banana/templates/*.tpl | sed 's/\(.*\)\("[^"]*"\)|b\(.*\)/$var = _b_(\2);/g' >> template.php
+ @echo "?>" >> template.php
+ @xgettext --from-code=UTF-8 -j -k_b_ -o banana.pot ../banana/*.php ./template.php
+ @rm template.php
%.lang: banana.pot ../banana/*.php %.po
@echo Generating $(@:.lang=.po)
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: PACKAGE VERSION\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-18 21:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-21 17:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <>\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
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-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de contacter le serveur"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
-msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Les forums de Banana"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "De"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Les forums suivants ont été créés depuis ton dernier passage :"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:27
+msgid "Sujet"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Abonnements"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Forums"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'accéder au message. Le message a peut-être été annulé"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Suivi à"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Message"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "À"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Vous n'avez pas les permissions pour annuler ce message"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Copie à"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'annuler le message"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Copie cachée à"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "a écrit"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Répondre à"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Nouveau message"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:26
+msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "En-têtes"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Organisation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Nom"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Références"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Sujet"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Image"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Forums"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Abonnements"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Suivi à"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Les forums"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Organisation"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Message"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Corps"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Annulation"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de poster le message"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:17
+msgid "Répondre"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Total"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Nouveau"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Abo."
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "La page demandée n'existe pas"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Nouveaux"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "alt"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Description"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "hier"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "De"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "(pas de sujet)"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Suivi-à"
+#: template.php:2
+msgid ""
+"Les nouveaux groupes suivants ont été créés depuis votre dernière visite"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Date"
+#: template.php:3
+msgid "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Références"
+#: template.php:4
+msgid "Annuler !"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Image"
+#: template.php:5 template.php:10
+msgid "Valider"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "hier"
+#: template.php:6
+msgid "Total"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Liste des forums"
+#: template.php:7
+msgid "Nouveaux"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Répondre"
+#: template.php:8
+msgid "Nom"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Annuler ce message"
+#: template.php:9
+msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "apercu"
+#: template.php:11 template.php:25
+msgid "Message non-lu suivant"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Auteur"
+#: template.php:12
+msgid "Message précédent"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Aucun message dans ce forum"
+#: template.php:13
+msgid "Message suivant"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid ""
-" : ce newsgroup n'existe pas ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation d'y accéder"
+#: template.php:14
+msgid "Discussion précédente"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible charger la liste des messages de "
+#: template.php:15
+msgid "Discussion suivante"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible charger la liste des messages"
+#: template.php:16 template.php:28
+msgid "Nouveau message"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'accéder à la pièce jointe."
+#: template.php:18
+msgid "Annuler"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de trouver le message à annuler"
+#: template.php:19
+msgid "Enregistrer"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Pièce jointe"
+#: template.php:20
+msgid "Versions"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Envoyer le message"
+#: template.php:21
+msgid "Afficher les images externes"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible charger le message d'origine"
+#: template.php:22
+msgid "Composer un nouveau message"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Fichier trop gros pour être envoyé : "
+#: template.php:23
+msgid "Fichier joint"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Erreur lors de l'upload de "
+#: template.php:24
+msgid "Envoyer le message"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Le fichier spécifié n'existe pas : "
+#: template.php:29
+msgid "Auteur"
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Une erreur est survenue sur le serveur lors de l'upload de "
+#: template.php:30
+msgid "Aperçu de "
msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de poster le message. Le serveur a retourné l'erreur :"
+#: template.php:31
+msgid "Aucun message dans ce forum"
msgstr ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: en\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-18 21:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-21 17:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-01-02 17:13+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Pierre Habouzit <>\n"
+"Last-Translator: Florent Bruneau <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
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-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de contacter le serveur"
-msgstr "Server unreachable"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
-msgstr "Do you really want to cancel that post ?"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "De"
+msgstr "From"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Les forums de Banana"
-msgstr "Banana's Bewsgroups"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:27
+msgid "Sujet"
+msgstr "Subject"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Les forums suivants ont été créés depuis ton dernier passage :"
-msgstr "This newsgroups are recent :"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Forums"
+msgstr "Newsgroups"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Abonnements"
-msgstr "Subscription list"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Suivi à"
+msgstr "Followup-to"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'accéder au message. Le message a peut-être été annulé"
-msgstr "The post is not reachable. It may have been canceled"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "À"
+msgstr "To"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Message"
-msgstr "Post"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Copie à"
+msgstr "Copy to"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Vous n'avez pas les permissions pour annuler ce message"
-msgstr "You are not allowed to cancel that post"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Copie cachée à"
+msgstr "Hidden copy to"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'annuler le message"
-msgstr "Impossible to cancel that post"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Répondre à"
+msgstr "Reply to"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "a écrit"
-msgstr "wrote"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Nouveau message"
-msgstr "New post"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:26
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "En-têtes"
-msgstr "Headers"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Organisation"
+msgstr "Organization"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Nom"
-msgstr "From"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Références"
+msgstr "References"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Sujet"
-msgstr "Subject"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Forums"
-msgstr "NewsGroups"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Abonnements"
+msgstr "Subscriptions"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Suivi à"
-msgstr "Followup To"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Les forums"
+msgstr "The forums"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Organisation"
-msgstr "Organization"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Message"
+msgstr "Message"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Corps"
-msgstr "Body"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Annulation"
+msgstr "Cancel"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de poster le message"
-msgstr "Impossible to post that message"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:17
+msgid "Répondre"
+msgstr "Reply"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Total"
-msgstr "Total"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Nouveau"
+msgstr "New"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Abo."
-msgstr "Sub."
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "La page demandée n'existe pas"
+msgstr "The requested page does not exist"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Nouveaux"
-msgstr "New"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "alt"
+msgstr "alt"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Description"
-msgstr "Description"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "hier"
+msgstr "yesterday"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "De"
-msgstr "From"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "(pas de sujet)"
+msgstr "(no subject)"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Suivi-à"
-msgstr "Followup To"
+#: template.php:2
+msgid "Les nouveaux groupes suivants ont été créés depuis votre dernière visite"
+msgstr "The following groups have been created since your last visit"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Date"
+#: template.php:3
+msgid "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
+msgstr "Are you sure you want to cancel this message?"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Références"
-msgstr "References"
+#: template.php:4
+msgid "Annuler !"
+msgstr "Cancel!"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Image"
+#: template.php:5 template.php:10
+msgid "Valider"
+msgstr "Valid"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "hier"
-msgstr "yesterday"
+#: template.php:6
+msgid "Total"
+msgstr "Total"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Liste des forums"
-msgstr "Newsgroups list"
+#: template.php:7
+msgid "Nouveaux"
+msgstr "News"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Répondre"
-msgstr "Answer"
+#: template.php:8
+msgid "Nom"
+msgstr "Name"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Annuler ce message"
-msgstr "Cancel post"
+#: template.php:9
+msgid "Description"
+msgstr "Description"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "apercu"
-msgstr "preview"
+#: template.php:11 template.php:25
+msgid "Message non-lu suivant"
+msgstr "Next unread message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Auteur"
-msgstr "Author"
+#: template.php:12
+msgid "Message précédent"
+msgstr "Previous message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Aucun message dans ce forum"
-msgstr "No post in this newsgroup"
+#: template.php:13
+msgid "Message suivant"
+msgstr "Next message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid ""
-" : ce newsgroup n'existe pas ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation d'y accéder"
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:14
+msgid "Discussion précédente"
+msgstr "Previous thread"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible charger la liste des messages de "
-msgstr "Impossible to post that message"
+#: template.php:15
+msgid "Discussion suivante"
+msgstr "Next thread"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible charger la liste des messages"
-msgstr "Impossible to post that message"
+#: template.php:16 template.php:28
+msgid "Nouveau message"
+msgstr "New message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'accéder à la pièce jointe."
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:18
+msgid "Annuler"
+msgstr "Cancel"
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible de trouver le message à annuler"
-msgstr "Impossible to post that message"
+#: template.php:19
+msgid "Enregistrer"
+msgstr "Save"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Pièce jointe"
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:20
+msgid "Versions"
+msgstr "Versions"
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Envoyer le message"
-msgstr "Cancel post"
+#: template.php:21
+msgid "Afficher les images externes"
+msgstr "Show external images"
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible charger le message d'origine"
-msgstr "Impossible to cancel that post"
+#: template.php:22
+msgid "Composer un nouveau message"
+msgstr "Write a new message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Fichier trop gros pour être envoyé : "
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:23
+msgid "Fichier joint"
+msgstr "Attachment"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Erreur lors de l'upload de "
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:24
+msgid "Envoyer le message"
+msgstr "Send the message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Le fichier spécifié n'existe pas : "
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:29
+msgid "Auteur"
+msgstr "Author"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Une erreur est survenue sur le serveur lors de l'upload de "
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:30
+msgid "Aperçu de "
+msgstr "Preview of "
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible de poster le message. Le serveur a retourné l'erreur :"
-msgstr "Impossible to post that message"
+#: template.php:31
+msgid "Aucun message dans ce forum"
+msgstr "No message on this forum"
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: fr\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2006-09-18 21:50+0200\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2007-02-21 17:48+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2005-01-02 17:13+0100\n"
-"Last-Translator: Pierre Habouzit <>\n"
+"Last-Translator: Florent Bruneau <>\n"
"Language-Team: <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
-"X-Generator: KBabel 1.9.1\n"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de contacter le serveur"
-msgstr "Impossible de contacter le serveur"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "De"
+msgstr "De"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
-msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:27
+msgid "Sujet"
+msgstr "Sujet"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Forums"
+msgstr "Forums"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Suivi à"
+msgstr "Suivi à"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "À"
+msgstr "À"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Copie à"
+msgstr "Copie à"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Copie cachée à"
+msgstr "Copie cachée à"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Répondre à"
+msgstr "Répondre à"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:26
+msgid "Date"
+msgstr "Date"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Organisation"
+msgstr "Organisation"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Les forums de Banana"
-msgstr "Les forums de Banana"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Références"
+msgstr "Références"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Les forums suivants ont été créés depuis ton dernier passage :"
-msgstr "Les forums suivants ont été créés depuis ton dernier passage :"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Image"
+msgstr "Image"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
+#: ../banana/
msgid "Abonnements"
msgstr "Abonnements"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'accéder au message. Le message a peut-être été annulé"
-msgstr "Impossible d'accéder au message. Le message a peut-être été annulé"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Les forums"
+msgstr "Les forums"
-#: ../banana/
+#: ../banana/
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Vous n'avez pas les permissions pour annuler ce message"
-msgstr "Vous n'avez pas les permissions pour annuler ce message"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'annuler le message"
-msgstr "Impossible d'annuler le message"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Annulation"
+msgstr "Annulation"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "a écrit"
-msgstr "a écrit"
+#: ../banana/ template.php:17
+msgid "Répondre"
+msgstr "Répondre"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Nouveau message"
-msgstr "Nouveau message"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "Nouveau"
+msgstr "Nouveau"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "En-têtes"
-msgstr "En-têtes"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "La page demandée n'existe pas"
+msgstr "La page demandée n'existe pas"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Nom"
-msgstr "Nom"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "alt"
+msgstr "alt"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Sujet"
-msgstr "Sujet"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "hier"
+msgstr "hier"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Forums"
-msgstr "Forums"
+#: ../banana/
+msgid "(pas de sujet)"
+msgstr "(pas de sujet)"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Suivi à"
-msgstr "Suivi à"
+#: template.php:2
+msgid "Les nouveaux groupes suivants ont été créés depuis votre dernière visite"
+msgstr "Les nouveaux groupes suivants ont été créés depuis votre dernière visite"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Organisation"
-msgstr "Organisation"
+#: template.php:3
+msgid "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
+msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment annuler ce message ?"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Corps"
-msgstr "Corps"
+#: template.php:4
+msgid "Annuler !"
+msgstr "Annuler !"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible de poster le message"
-msgstr "Impossible de poster le message"
+#: template.php:5 template.php:10
+msgid "Valider"
+msgstr "Valider"
-#: ../banana/
+#: template.php:6
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Abo."
-msgstr "Abo."
-#: ../banana/
+#: template.php:7
msgid "Nouveaux"
msgstr "Nouveaux"
-#: ../banana/
+#: template.php:8
+msgid "Nom"
+msgstr "Nom"
+#: template.php:9
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "De"
-msgstr "De"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Suivi-à"
-msgstr "Suivi-à"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-msgid "Date"
-msgstr "Date"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Références"
-msgstr "Références"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Image"
-msgstr "Image"
+#: template.php:11 template.php:25
+msgid "Message non-lu suivant"
+msgstr "Message non-lu suivant"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "hier"
-msgstr "hier"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Liste des forums"
-msgstr "Liste des forums"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Répondre"
-msgstr "Répondre"
+#: template.php:12
+msgid "Message précédent"
+msgstr "Message précédent"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Annuler ce message"
-msgstr "Annuler ce message"
+#: template.php:13
+msgid "Message suivant"
+msgstr "Message suivant"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "apercu"
-msgstr "apercu"
+#: template.php:14
+msgid "Discussion précédente"
+msgstr "Discussion précédente"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Auteur"
-msgstr "Auteur"
+#: template.php:15
+msgid "Discussion suivante"
+msgstr "Discussion suivante"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Aucun message dans ce forum"
-msgstr "Aucun message dans ce forum"
+#: template.php:16 template.php:28
+msgid "Nouveau message"
+msgstr "Nouveau message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid ""
-" : ce newsgroup n'existe pas ou vous n'avez pas l'autorisation d'y accéder"
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:18
+msgid "Annuler"
+msgstr "Annuler"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible charger la liste des messages de "
-msgstr "Impossible de poster le message"
+#: template.php:19
+msgid "Enregistrer"
+msgstr "Enregistrer"
-#: ../banana/ ../banana/
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible charger la liste des messages"
-msgstr "Impossible de poster le message"
+#: template.php:20
+msgid "Versions"
+msgstr "Versions"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Impossible d'accéder à la pièce jointe."
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:21
+msgid "Afficher les images externes"
+msgstr "Afficher les images externes"
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible de trouver le message à annuler"
-msgstr "Impossible de poster le message"
+#: template.php:22
+msgid "Composer un nouveau message"
+msgstr "Composer un nouveau message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Pièce jointe"
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:23
+msgid "Fichier joint"
+msgstr "Fichier joint"
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
+#: template.php:24
msgid "Envoyer le message"
-msgstr "Annuler ce message"
+msgstr "Envoyer le message"
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible charger le message d'origine"
-msgstr "Impossible d'annuler le message"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Fichier trop gros pour être envoyé : "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Erreur lors de l'upload de "
-msgstr ""
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Le fichier spécifié n'existe pas : "
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:29
+msgid "Auteur"
+msgstr "Auteur"
-#: ../banana/
-msgid "Une erreur est survenue sur le serveur lors de l'upload de "
-msgstr ""
+#: template.php:30
+msgid "Aperçu de "
+msgstr "Aperçu de "
-#: ../banana/
-#, fuzzy
-msgid "Impossible de poster le message. Le serveur a retourné l'erreur :"
-msgstr "Impossible de poster le message"
+#: template.php:31
+msgid "Aucun message dans ce forum"
+msgstr "Aucun message dans ce forum"