# $Id$
-use DBI;
use strict;
+use DBI();
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=deptrack;host=localhost";
my $dbh = DBI->connect($dsn,"deptrack","phptrax");
+my $mask_inc = "\\.inc(\\.php)?\$";
+my $mask_php = "(?<!\\.inc)\\.php\$";
+my $mask_img = "\\.(png|gif|jpg)\$";
# return program syntax
sub syntax {
exit 0;
+# #
+# text operations #
+# #
# worker function called by tagextract and tagstrip
sub tagcrunch {
my($tag1,$tag2,$intag,@lines) = @_;
return @out;
+# #
+# DB access #
+# #
+sub cleartable {
+ my($table) = @_;
+ my $sth = $dbh->do("delete from $table");
+sub putfile {
+ my($file,$exists) = @_;
+ my($fid,$type);
+ print "putfile($file,$exists)\n";
+ $fid=&getfileid($file);
+ if ($exists) {
+ $type = "page" if ($file =~ /$mask_php/);
+ $type = "include" if ($file =~ /$mask_inc/);
+ $type = "image" if ($file =~ /$mask_img/);
+ if ($fid) {
+ $dbh->do("update file set path='$file' where id=$fid");
+ } else {
+ $dbh->do("insert into file set path='$file',type='$type'");
+ $fid=&getfileid($file);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $dbh->do("insert into file set path='$file',type='dead'") if (!$fid);
+ $fid=&getfileid($file);
+ }
+ return $fid;
+sub getfileid {
+ my($file) = @_;
+ my($sth);
+ $sth = $dbh->prepare("select id from file where path='$file'");
+ $sth->execute();
+ if (my $ref = $sth->fetchrow_hashref()) {
+ return $ref->{"id"};
+ } else {
+ return 0;
+ }
+# #
+# file processing #
+# #
# parse a directory
sub parsedir {
my($dir,$vdir) = @_;
my @list = grep /^[^\.]/, readdir(DIRHANDLE);
- my @phpfiles=grep /\.(php|inc)$/,@list;
- map (&parsefile("$dir/$_", "${vdir}$_"), @phpfiles);
+ print "$dir\n";
+ my @incfiles=grep /$mask_inc/,@list;
+ map (&putfile("${vdir}$_", 1), @incfiles);
+ my @imgfiles=grep /$mask_img/,@list;
+ map (&putfile("${vdir}$_", 1), @imgfiles);
+ my @phpfiles=grep /$mask_php/,@list;
+ map (&parsefile("$dir/$_", "${vdir}$_", $vdir), @phpfiles);
foreach my $entry (@list) {
if ((-d $entry) && ($entry !~ /^CVS$/)) {
&parsedir("$dir/$entry", "${vdir}${entry}", "$vdir");
# parse a file
sub parsefile {
my($file,$vfile,$vdir) = @_;
- my(@lines,@phplines,@includes);
+ my(@lines,@phplines,@includes,$fid);
+ print "parsefile($file,$vfile,$vdir)\n";
+ $fid=&putfile($vfile,1);
@lines = <FHANDLE>;
-# create DB entries for a directory
-sub listdir {
- my($dir,$vdir) = @_;
- my($sth);
- # build virtual path
- $vdir="$vdir/" if (length($vdir)>0);
- opendir(DIRHANDLE, $dir);
- my @list = grep /^[^\.]/, readdir(DIRHANDLE);
- closedir(DIRHANDLE);
- my @phpfiles=grep /\.(php|inc)/,@list;
- foreach my $file (@phpfiles) {
- if ($file =~ /\.inc(\.php)?$/) {
- $sth = $dbh->do("insert into file set path='$vdir$file',type='include'");
- } else {
- $sth = $dbh->do("insert into file set path='$vdir$file',type='page'");
- }
- }
- foreach my $entry (@list) {
- if ((-d $entry) && ($entry !~ /^CVS$/)) {
- &listdir("$dir/$entry", "$vdir$entry");
- }
- }
## do the work
my $nargs = @ARGV;
$nargs || &syntax();
my $topdir = $ARGV[0];
$topdir =~ s/\/$//;