--- /dev/null
+CREATE TABLE accounts (
+ # Account identifier and type
+ uid int(6) not null auto_increment,
+ hruid varchar(255) not NULL,
+ # Account type and state
+ type varchar(16) default null,
+ is_admim bool default false,
+ state enum('pending', 'active', 'disabled') not null default 'pending',
+ # Access
+ password char(40) default null,
+ registration_date datetime not null,
+ # Administrative tools
+ flags set('watch') not null default '',
+ comment varchar(255) default null,
+ # User settings
+ name varchar(255) default null,
+ sex enum('female', 'male') not null default 'male',
+ mail_format enum('plain', 'html') not null default 'html',
+ skin varchar(32) default null,
+ primary key uid (uid),
+ unique key hruid (hruid),
+ key name (name),
+ key state (state),
+ key type (type)
+CREATE TABLE account_types (
+ type varchar(16) not null,
+ perms set('mail', 'groups', 'forums', 'list', 'search', 'portal') default '',
+ primary key type (type)
+CREATE TABLE account_profiles (
+ uid int(6) not null,
+ pid int(6) not null,
+ primary key id (uid, pid),
+ key uid (uid),
+ key pid (pid)
+# vim:set syntax=mysql: