* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: lists.globals.inc.php,v 1.1 2004-11-28 22:51:28 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: lists.globals.inc.php,v 1.2 2004-11-30 09:34:51 x2000habouzit Exp $
// {{{ class ListsConfig
var $rpchost = 'localhost';
var $rpcport = 119;
- var $spool = '***';
+ var $spool = '/var/spool/platal/archives/';
// }}}
* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: smarty.plugins.inc.php,v 1.3 2004-11-24 10:12:47 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: smarty.plugins.inc.php,v 1.4 2004-11-30 09:34:52 x2000habouzit Exp $
// {{{ function block_dynamic()
// }}}
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker:
-<img src="/images/lists_previa.png" />
+<img src="/images/lists_previa.png" alt="précedent" />
<!-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -->
+<tr class="pair"><td colspan="3" class="center"> - - - </td></tr>
<td class='subj' style="padding-left: $TLEVEL$em">$MY-SUBJ$</td>
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Polytechnique.org *
+ * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ ***************************************************************************
+ $Id: block.tidy.php,v 1.1 2004-11-30 09:34:54 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ ***************************************************************************/
+$tidy_on = Array(
+ 'drop-empty-paras',
+ 'drop-font-tags',
+ 'drop-proprietary-attributes',
+ 'hide-comments',
+ 'logical-emphasis',
+ 'output-xhtml',
+ 'replace-color',
+ 'show-body-only'
+$tidy_off = Array(
+ 'clean',
+ 'join-styles',
+ 'join-classes'
+foreach($tidy_on as $opt) { tidy_setopt($opt, true); }
+foreach($tidy_off as $opt) { tidy_setopt($opt, false); }
+tidy_setopt('alt-text', '[ inserted by TIDY ]');
+tidy_setopt('wrap', '120');
+unset($tidy_o, $tydy_off);
+ * Smarty plugin
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ * File: block.min_perms.php
+ * Type: block
+ * Name: min_perms
+ * Purpose:
+ * -------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+function smarty_block_tidy($params, $content, &$smarty)
+ return tidy_repair_string($content);
* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: archives.tpl,v 1.2 2004-11-29 21:42:08 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: archives.tpl,v 1.3 2004-11-30 09:34:55 x2000habouzit Exp $
{if $archs}
<h1>Archives de la liste {$smarty.request.liste}</h1>
+<h2>Triés par fils de discussion</h2>
+<table class="tinybicol" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+ <tr>
+ <th>Année</th>
+ <th colspan="6">
+ Mois
+ </th>
+ </tr>
+ {foreach from=$archs item=m key=y}
+ <tr class="center">
+ <td class="titre" rowspan="2">{$y}</td>
+ {foreach from=$range item=i}
+ <td>
+ {if $m[$i]}
+ [<a href="?liste={$smarty.request.liste}&rep={$y}/{$i|string_format:"%02u"}&file=threads.html">{"0000-$i-01"|date_format:"%b"}</a>]
+ {else}
+ [ ]
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ {if $i eq 6}</tr><tr class="center">{/if}
+ {/foreach}
+ </tr>
+ {/foreach}
+<h2>Triés par date</h2>
<table class="tinybicol" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
{elseif $url}
{include file="$url"}
* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: login.tpl,v 1.14 2004-11-13 15:56:35 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: login.tpl,v 1.15 2004-11-30 09:34:54 x2000habouzit Exp $
<tr class="{cycle values="impair,pair"}">
<td class="half">
+ {tidy}
+ {/tidy}
<br />
<p class="smaller">Annonce proposée par
<a href="{"fiche.php"|url}?user={$ev.forlife}" class="popup2">