global $globals;
// give a 'no filter' option
- $days[0] = __("all");
+ $months[0] = "----";
if ($year && $month) {
$day_max = Array(-1, 31, checkdate(2, 29, $year) ? 29 : 28 , 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
global $globals;
// give a 'no filter' option
- $months[0] = __("all");
+ $months[0] = "----";
if ($year) {
$res = XDB::query("SELECT YEAR (MAX(start)), YEAR (MIN(start)),
global $globals;
// give a 'no filter' option
- $years[0] = __("all");
+ $years[0] = "----";
// retrieve available years
$res = XDB::query("select YEAR(MAX(start)), YEAR(MIN(start)) FROM {$globals->table_log_sessions}");
$res = XDB::iterator($select);
$sessions = array();
- $odd = false;
while ($mysess = $res->next()) {
$mysess['username'] = $this->_getUsername($mysess['auth'], $mysess['uid']);
// pretty label for auth method
$mysess['lauth'] = $auths[$mysess['auth']];
// summary of events
$mysess['events'] = array();
- // actions
- $mysess['actions'] = array(
- array(__("view session"), "admin/logger?logsess={$mysess['id']}"),
- array(__("user's log"), "admin/logger?logauth={$mysess['auth']}&loguser={$mysess['username']}")
- );
- $mysess['class'] = $odd ? "odd" : "even";
$sessions[$mysess['id']] = $mysess;
- $odd = !$odd;
$page->assign_by_ref('sessions', $sessions);
} else {
- $page->assign('msg_nofilters', __("Please select a year and/or a user."));
+ $page->assign('msg_nofilters', "Sélectionner une annuée et/ou un utilisateur");
- // translations
- $page->assign('msg_session_properties', __("session properties"));
- $page->assign('msg_user', __("user"));
- $page->assign('msg_host', __("host"));
- $page->assign('msg_browser', __("browser"));
- $page->assign('msg_date', __("date"));
- $page->assign('msg_action', __("action"));
- $page->assign('msg_data', __("data"));
- $page->assign('msg_filter_by', __("filter by"));
- $page->assign('msg_start', __("start"));
- $page->assign('msg_summary', __("summary"));
- $page->assign('msg_actions', __("actions"));
- $page->assign('msg_year', __("year"));
- $page->assign('msg_month', __("month"));
- $page->assign('msg_day', __("day"));
- $page->assign('msg_submit', __("Submit"));
// if requested, assign the content to be displayed
if (!empty($outputvar)) {
$page->assign($outputvar, $page->fetch($template));
// }}}
- // {{{ function fakeDiogenes()
- function fakeDiogenes()
- {
- require_once 'diogenes/';
- $this->register_function("extval","diogenes_func_extval");
- $this->register_function("flags","diogenes_func_flags");
- $this->register_function("a","diogenes_func_a");
- $this->register_function("checkbox","diogenes_func_checkbox");
- $this->register_function("diff","diogenes_func_diff");
- $this->register_function("menu_item","diogenes_func_menu_item");
- $this->register_function("tag","diogenes_func_tag");
- $this->register_function("toolbar","diogenes_func_toolbar");
- }
- // }}}
// {{{ function changeTpl()
function changeTpl($tpl, $type = SKINNED)
<table class="bicol">
- <th colspan="2">{$msg_session_properties}</th>
+ <th colspan="2">Propriétés de la session</th>
<tr class="impair">
- <td class="titre">{$msg_user}</td>
+ <td class="titre">utilisateur</td>
<td>{$session.username} {if $session.suer}(suid by {$session.suer}){/if}
[<a href="{$platal->ns}admin/logger?logauth={$session.auth}&loguser={$session.username}">user's log</a>]</td>
<tr class="pair">
- <td class="titre">{$msg_host}</td>
+ <td class="titre">Hôte</td>
<td><em>{$}</em> <tt>IP: {$session.ip}</tt></td>
<tr class="impair">
- <td class="titre">{$msg_browser}</td>
+ <td class="titre">Navigateur</td>
<table class="bicol">
- <th>{$msg_date}</th>
- <th>{$msg_action}</th>
- <th>{$msg_data}</th>
+ <th>date</th>
+ <th>action</th>
+ <th>donnée</th>
{foreach from=$events item=myevent}
<tr class="{cycle values="impair,pair"}">
<form method="post" action="{$platal->ns}admin/logger">
<table class="bicol">
- <th colspan="2">{$msg_filter_by}</th>
- {$msg_year}
+ Année
<select name="year" onchange="this.form.submit()">
{html_options options=$years selected=$year}
- {$msg_month}
+ Mois
<select name="month" onchange="this.form.submit()">
{html_options options=$months selected=$month}
- {$msg_day}
+ Jour
<select name="day" onchange="this.form.submit()">
{html_options options=$days selected=$day}
- <td><strong>{$msg_user}</strong></td>
+ <td><strong>Utilisateur</strong></td>
<input type="text" name="loguser" value="{$loguser}" />
{html_options name="logauth" options=$auths selected=$logauth}
- <input type="submit" value="{$msg_submit}" />
+ <input type="submit" />
<table class="bicol" style="font-size: 90%">
- <th>{$msg_start}</th>
- <th>{$msg_user}</th>
- <th>{$msg_summary}</th>
- <th>{$msg_actions}</th>
+ <th>début</th>
+ <th>utilisateur</th>
+ <th>résumé</th>
+ <th>actions</th>
{foreach from=$sessions item=mysess}
<tr class="{cycle values="impair,pair"}">
{foreach from=$ item=myevent}{$myevent}<br />{/foreach}
<td class="action">
-{foreach from=$mysess.actions item=myaction}
- {a lnk=$myaction}
+ <a href="admin/logger?logsess={$}">session</a>
+ <a href="admin/logger?logauth={$mysess.auth}&loguser={$mysess.username}">user's log</a>