u.perms IN ('admin','user','disabled') AS inscrit, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS sexe, u.deces != 0 AS dcd, u.deces,
q.profile_nick AS nickname, q.profile_from_ax, q.profile_freetext AS freetext,
q.profile_freetext_pub AS freetext_pub,
- q.profile_medals_pub AS medals_pub,
+ q.profile_medals_pub AS medals_pub, co.corps_pub AS corps_pub,
IF(gp1.nat='',gp1.pays,gp1.nat) AS nationalite, gp1.a2 AS iso3166_1,
IF(gp2.nat='',gp2.pays,gp2.nat) AS nationalite2, gp2.a2 AS iso3166_2,
IF(gp3.nat='',gp3.pays,gp3.nat) AS nationalite3, gp3.a2 AS iso3166_3,
nd.display AS name_display, nd.tooltip AS name_tooltip
FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
INNER JOIN auth_user_quick AS q USING(user_id)
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id=a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a2 ON (u.user_id=a2.id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias',a2.flags))
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id AND a.type = 'a_vie')
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a2 ON (u.user_id = a2.id AND FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', a2.flags))
LEFT JOIN contacts AS c ON (c.uid = {?} and c.contact = u.user_id)
+ LEFT JOIN profile_corps AS co ON (co.uid = u.user_id)
LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp1 ON (gp1.a2 = u.nationalite)
LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp2 ON (gp2.a2 = u.nationalite2)
LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp3 ON (gp3.a2 = u.nationalite3)
$user['education'] .= ", " . education_fmt($name, $url, $degree, $grad_year, $field, $program, $user['sexe'], true);
+ if (has_user_right($user['corps_pub'], $view)) {
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT e1.name AS original, e2.name AS current, r.name AS rank
+ FROM profile_corps AS c
+ LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS e1 ON (c.original_corpsid = e1.id)
+ LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS e2 ON (c.current_corpsid = e2.id)
+ LEFT JOIN profile_corps_rank_enum AS r ON (c.rankid = r.id)
+ WHERE c.uid = {?} AND c.original_corpsid != 1", $uid);
+ if ($res = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ list($original, $current, $rank) = $res;
+ $user['corps'] = "Corps d'origine : " . $original . ", corps actuel : " . $current . ", grade : " . $rank;
+ }
+ }
if (has_user_right($user['medals_pub'], $view)) {
$res = XDB::iterator("SELECT m.id, m.text AS medal, m.type, s.gid, g.text AS grade
FROM profile_medals_sub AS s