require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/';
-define('BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION', '0.5.7');
+define('BANANA_SPOOL_VERSION', '0.5.9');
/** Class spoolhead
* class used in thread overviews
foreach ($updateTrees as $root=>$t) {
- $this->trees[$root] = $this->buildTree($root, true);
+ $this->trees[$root] =& $this->buildTree($root);
return true;
return Banana::$first ? Banana::$spool_tmax : Banana::$spool_tcontext;
- /** displays children tree of a post
- * @param $_id INTEGER MSGNUM of post
- * @param $_index INTEGER linear number of post in the tree
- * @param $_first INTEGER linear number of first post displayed
- * @param $_last INTEGER linear number of last post displayed
- * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current post
- * @param $_pfx_node STRING prefix used for current node
- * @param $_pfx_end STRING prefix used for children of current node
- * @param $_head BOOLEAN true if first post in thread
- *
- * If you want to analyse subject, you can define the function hook_formatDisplayHeader
- */
- private function _to_html($_id, $_index, $_first=0, $_last=0, $_ref="", $_pfx_node="", $_pfx_end="", $_head=true, $_pfx_id="")
- {
- static $spfx_f, $spfx_n, $spfx_Tnd, $spfx_Lnd, $spfx_snd, $spfx_T, $spfx_L, $spfx_s, $spfx_e, $spfx_I;
- if (!isset($spfx_f)) {
- $spfx_f = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'k1', 'alt' => 'o', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 9));
- $spfx_n = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'k2', 'alt' => '*', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 9));
- $spfx_Tnd = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'T-direct', 'alt' => '+', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12));
- $spfx_Lnd = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'L-direct', 'alt' => '`', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12));
- $spfx_snd = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 's-direct', 'alt' => '-', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 5));
- $spfx_T = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'T', 'alt' => '+', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12));
- $spfx_L = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'L', 'alt' => '`', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12));
- $spfx_s = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 's', 'alt' => '-', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 5));
- $spfx_e = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'e', 'alt' => ' ', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12));
- $spfx_I = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'I', 'alt' => '|', 'height' => 21, 'width' => 12));
- }
- $overview =& $this->overview[$_id];
- if ($_index + $overview->desc < $_first || $_index > $_last) {
- return '';
- }
- $res = '';
- if ($_index >= $_first) {
- $hc = empty($overview->children);
- $res .= '<tr id="'.$_pfx_id.$_id.'" class="' . ($_index%2 ? 'pair' : 'impair') . ($overview->isread ? '' : ' new') . "\">\n";
- $res .= '<td class="date">' . $this->formatDate($overview->date) . " </td>\n";
- $res .= '<td class="subj' . ($_index == $_ref ? ' cur' : '') . '"><div class="tree">'
- . $_pfx_node .($hc ? ($_head ? $spfx_f : ($overview->parent_direct ? $spfx_s : $spfx_snd)) : $spfx_n)
- . '</div>';
- $popup = $subject = $overview->subject;
- if (function_exists('hook_formatDisplayHeader')) {
- list($subject, $link) = hook_formatDisplayHeader('subject', $subject, true);
- } else {
- $subject = banana_catchFormats(banana_entities(stripslashes($subject)));
- $link = null;
- }
- if (empty($subject)) {
- $subject = _b_('(pas de sujet)');
- }
- if ($_index != $_ref) {
- $subject = Banana::$page->makeLink(Array('group' => $this->group, 'artid' => $_id,
- 'text' => $subject, 'popup' => $popup));
- }
- $res .= ' ' . $subject . $link;
- $res .= "</td>\n<td class='from'>" . BananaMessage::formatFrom($overview->from) . "</td>\n</tr>";
- if ($hc) {
- return $res;
- }
- }
- $_index ++;
- $children = $overview->children;
- while ($child = array_shift($children)) {
- $overview =& $this->overview[$child];
- if ($_index > $_last) {
- return $res;
- }
- if ($_index + $overview->desc >= $_first) {
- if (sizeof($children)) {
- $res .= $this->_to_html($child, $_index, $_first, $_last, $_ref,
- $_pfx_end . ($overview->parent_direct ? $spfx_T : $spfx_Tnd),
- $_pfx_end . $spfx_I, false,$_id.'_');
- } else {
- $res .= $this->_to_html($child, $_index, $_first, $_last, $_ref,
- $_pfx_end . ($overview->parent_direct ? $spfx_L : $spfx_Lnd),
- $_pfx_end . $spfx_e, false,$_id.'_');
- }
- }
- $_index += $overview->desc;
- }
- return $res;
- }
- /** Displays overview
- * @param $_first INTEGER MSGNUM of first post
- * @param $_last INTEGER MSGNUM of last post
- * @param $_ref STRING MSGNUM of current/selectionned post
- */
- public function toHtml($first = 0, $overview = false)
- {
- $res = Banana::$page->makeJs('jquery');
- $res .= Banana::$page->makeJs('spool_toggle');
- if (!$overview) {
- $_first = $first;
- $_last = $first + Banana::$spool_tmax - 1;
- $_ref = null;
- } else {
- $_ref = $this->getNdx($first);
- $_last = $_ref + Banana::$spool_tafter;
- $_first = $_ref - Banana::$spool_tbefore;
- if ($_first < 0) {
- $_last -= $_first;
- }
- }
- $index = 1;
- foreach ($this->roots as $id) {
- $res .= $this->_to_html($id, $index, $_first, $_last, $_ref);
- $index += $this->overview[$id]->desc ;
- if ($index > $_last) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return $res;
- }
- public function _buildTree($id, BananaSpoolHead &$head, $current) {
+ private function &_buildTree($id, BananaSpoolHead &$head) {
static $t_e, $u_h, $u_ht, $u_vt, $u_l, $u_f, $r_h, $r_ht, $r_vt, $r_l, $r_f;
if (!isset($spfx_f)) {
$t_e = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'e', 'alt' => ' ', 'height' => 18, 'width' => 14));
$r_f = Banana::$page->makeImg(Array('img' => 'f2r', 'alt' => 't', 'height' => 18, 'width' => 14));
$style = 'background-color:' . $head->color . '; text-decoration: none';
- $prof = 1;
- $text = '<span style="' . $style . '" title="' . banana_entities($head->name . ', ' . $this->formatDate($head->date)) . '">' .
- '<input type="radio" name="banana_tree" '. ($id == $current ? 'checked="checked" ' : ' ' ) .
- (Banana::$msgshow_javascript ? 'onchange="window.location=\'' .
+ $text = '<span style="' . $style . '" title="' . banana_entities($head->name . ', ' . $this->formatDate($head->date))
+ . '"><input type="radio" name="banana_tree" '
+ . (Banana::$msgshow_javascript ? 'onchange="window.location=\'' .
banana_entities(Banana::$page->makeURL(array('group' => $this->group, 'artid' => $id))) . '\'"'
: ' disabled="disabled"')
- .' />' .
- '</span>';
+ . ' /></span>';
$array = array($text);
foreach ($head->children as $key=>&$child) {
$msg =& $this->overview[$child];
- list($tpr, $tree) = $this->_buildTree($child, $msg, $current);
+ $tree =& $this->_buildTree($child, $msg);
$last = $key == count($head->children) - 1;
foreach ($tree as $kt=>&$line) {
- if ($kt == 0 && $key == 0 && !$last) {
+ if ($kt === 0 && $key === 0 && !$last) {
$array[0] .= ($msg->isread ? $r_ht : $u_ht) . $line;
- } else if($kt == 0 && $key == 0) {
+ } else if($kt === 0 && $key === 0) {
$array[0] .= ($msg->isread ? $r_h : $u_h) . $line;
- } else if ($kt == 0 && $last) {
+ } else if ($kt === 0 && $last) {
$array[] = $t_e . ($msg->isread ? $r_vt : $u_vt) . $line;
- } else if ($kt == 0) {
+ } else if ($kt === 0) {
$array[] = $t_e . ($msg->isread ? $r_f : $u_f) . $line;
} else if ($last) {
$array[] = $t_e . $t_e . $line;
- if ($tpr > $prof) {
- $prof = $tpr + 1;
- }
- return array($prof, $array);
+ return $array;
/** build the spool tree associated with the given message
- public function buildTree($id, $force = false) {
- $pos = $id;
- $overview =& $this->overview[$id];
- while (!is_null($overview->parent)) {
- $pos = $overview->parent;
- $overview =& $this->overview[$pos];
- }
- if (!$force && isset($this->trees[$pos])) {
- return $this->trees[$pos];
+ public function &buildTree($id, $force = false) {
+ $id = $this->root($id);
+ if (!$force && isset($this->trees[$id])) {
+ return $this->trees[$id];
} else {
- list(, $tree) = $this->_buildTree($pos, $overview, $force ? -1 : $id);
- return '<div style="height:18px">' . implode("</div>\n<div style=\"height:18px\">", $tree) . '</div>';
+ $tree =& $this->_buildTree($id, $this->overview[$id]);
+ $tree = '<div class="tree"><div style="height:18px">'
+ . implode("</div>\n<div style=\"height:18px\">", $tree)
+ . '</div></div>';
+ return $tree;
while (true) {
$id_parent = $this->overview[$id_cur]->parent;
if (is_null($id_parent)) break;
- $pos = array_search($id_cur, $this->overview[$id_parent]->children);
+ $pos = array_search($id_cur, $this->overview[$id_parent]->children);
for ($i = 0; $i < $pos ; $i++) {
$ndx += $this->overview[$this->overview[$id_parent]->children[$i]]->desc;
public function root($id)
- $id_cur = $id;
while (true) {
- $id_parent = $this->overview[$id_cur]->parent;
+ $id_parent = $this->overview[$id]->parent;
if (is_null($id_parent)) break;
- $id_cur = $id_parent;
+ $id = $id_parent;
- return $id_cur;
+ return $id;
/** Return the last post id with the given subject