const JOBS_FINISHED = 0x004000;
const JOBS_CURRENT = 0x008000;
+ const NETWORKING_ALL = 0x000000;
+ const NETWORKING_WEB = 0x010000;
+ const NETWORKING_IM = 0x020000;
+ const NETWORKING_SOCIAL = 0x040000;
private $pid;
private $hrpid;
private $data = array();
+ /** Networking
+ */
+ public function getNetworking($flags, $limit = null)
+ {
+ $where = XDB::format('pn.uid = {?}', $this->id());
+ if ($flags & self::NETWORKING_WEB) {
+ $where .= ' AND pn.network_type = 0'; // XXX hardcoded reference to web site index
+ }
+ if ($this->visibility) {
+ $where .= ' AND IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
+ }
+ $limit = is_null($limit) ? '' : XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$limit);
+ return XDB::iterator('SELECT, pne.icon,
+ IF (LENGTH( > 0, REPLACE(, \'%s\', pn.address),
+ pn.address) AS address
+ FROM profile_networking AS pn
+ INNER JOIN profile_networking_enum AS pne ON (pn.network_type = pne.network_type)
+ WHERE ' . $where . '
+ ORDER BY pn.network_type, pn.nwid
+ ' . $limit);
+ }
+ public function getWebSite()
+ {
+ $site = $this->getNetworking(self::NETWORKING_WEB, 1);
+ if ($site->total() != 1) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ $site = $site->next();
+ return $site['address'];
+ }
public function owner()
return User::getSilent($this);
<div class="long">
{if !$dead}
{assign var=address value=$profile->getMainAddress()}
- {if $c.web || $profile->mobile || $ || $c.entreprise || (!$dead && !$registered)}
+ {assign var=web value=$profile->getWebSite()}
+ {if $web || $profile->mobile || $ || $c.entreprise || (!$dead && !$registered)}
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- {if $c.web}
+ {if $web}
<td class="lt">Page web :</td>
- <td class="rt"><a href="{$c.web}">{$c.web}</a></td>
+ <td class="rt"><a href="{$web}">{$web}</a></td>
{if $}