perfs + new database access
* improve perfs wrt html escaping :
1. I do NOT understand php refs at all : call by ref seems to be slower than call by value !?
2. Based on (1), escape_html do not pass args by refs, but by value.
-> 25% of pure speed gain on mescontacts.php
* create {iterate ...} compiler function :
- works like {foreach} but you give a XOrgIterator for 'from'
- very very very nice for database lazy copying (we don't need mysql_assign anymore).
- mescontacts.php as a proof of concept.
* database access class :
- SQL abstractors sux, they are too complex
- drupal has nice things, I've inspired myself. The desired things are :
. drop magic_quotes_gpc
. maybe have one day some features wrt table names (some ACLs ?)
-> for that, our tiny engine is enough.
-> if it's sexy enough, I plan to make it enter diogenes.
- create SQL Iterators. nice, clears the mysql_datas.
-> make them lazy would be great though (memory ...)