#!/usr/bin/php5 debug = 0; //do not store backtraces // Convert phone prefixes from varchar to int $prefixes = XDB::iterRow("SELECT a2, phoneprf FROM geoloc_pays WHERE phoneprf IS NOT NULL"); while (list($id, $pref) = $prefixes->next()) { $pref = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $pref); if ($pref[0] == '1') { $pref = '1'; } if ($pref[0] == '7') { $pref = '7'; } if ($pref != '' && strlen($pref) < 4) { XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_pays SET tmp_phoneprf = {?} WHERE a2 = {?}", $pref, $id); } } // geoloc_pays post operations // Drops old prfix column XDB::execute("ALTER TABLE geoloc_pays DROP COLUMN phoneprf"); // Renames temporary column XDB::execute("ALTER TABLE geoloc_pays CHANGE COLUMN tmp_phoneprf phoneprf smallint unsigned NULL AFTER nat"); // Adds an index on phoneprf column XDB::execute("ALTER TABLE geoloc_pays ADD INDEX (phoneprf)"); // Adds French phone prefix XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_pays SET phoneprf = '33' WHERE a2 = 'FR'"); // Adds some phone formats XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_pays SET phoneformat = '0# ## ## ## ##' WHERE phoneprf = '33'"); //France XDB::execute("UPDATE geoloc_pays SET phoneformat = '(+p) ### ### ####' WHERE phoneprf = '1'"); //USA and NANP countries //Phone number import $warnings = 0; // Import from auth_user_quick echo "\nImporting mobile phone numbers from auth_user_quick...\n"; $phones = XDB::iterRow("SELECT user_id, profile_mobile_pub, profile_mobile FROM auth_user_quick WHERE profile_mobile <> ''"); while (list($uid, $pub, $phone) = $phones->next()) { $fmt_phone = format_phone_number($phone); if ($fmt_phone != '') { $display = format_display_number($fmt_phone, $error); if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub) VALUES ({?}, 'user', 0, 0, 'mobile', {?}, {?}, {?})", $uid, $fmt_phone, $display, $pub)) { echo "WARNING: insert of profile mobile phone number failed for user $uid.\n"; $warnings++; } } } // Import from entreprises echo "\nImporting professional phone numbers from entreprises...\n"; $phones = XDB::iterator("SELECT uid, entrid, tel, fax, mobile, tel_pub FROM entreprises ORDER BY uid"); while ($row = $phones->next()) { $request = "INSERT INTO profile_phones (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub) VALUES ({?}, 'pro', {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})"; $fmt_fixed = format_phone_number($row['tel']); $fmt_mobile = format_phone_number($row['mobile']); $fmt_fax = format_phone_number($row['fax']); if ($fmt_fixed != '') { $disp_fixed = format_display_number($fmt_fixed, $error); if (!XDB::execute($request, $row['uid'], $row['entrid'], 0, 'fixed', $fmt_fixed, $disp_fixed, $row['tel_pub'])) { echo 'WARNING: insert of professional fixed phone number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ' and entreprise ' . $row['entrid'] . ".\n"; $warnings++; } } if ($fmt_mobile != '') { $disp_mobile = format_display_number($fmt_mobile, $error); if (!XDB::execute($request, $row['uid'], $row['entrid'], 1, 'mobile', $fmt_mobile, $disp_mobile, $row['tel_pub'])) { echo 'WARNING: insert of professional mobile number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ' and entreprise ' . $row['entrid'] . ".\n"; $warnings++; } } if ($fmt_fax != '') { $disp_fax = format_display_number($fmt_fax, $error); if (!XDB::execute($request, $row['uid'], $row['entrid'], 2, 'fax', $fmt_fax, $disp_fax, $row['tel_pub'])) { echo 'WARNING: insert of professional fax number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ' and entreprise ' . $row['entrid'] . ".\n"; $warnings++; } } } //import from tels echo "\nImporting personnal phone numbers from tels...\n"; $phones = XDB::iterator("SELECT uid, adrid, telid, tel_type, tel_pub, tel FROM tels"); $conversions = array(); $autre_count = 0; while ($row = $phones->next()) { $fmt_phone = format_phone_number($row['tel']); if ($fmt_phone != '') { $display = format_display_number($fmt_phone, $error); $guess_type = guess_phone_type($row['tel_type'], $fmt_phone); switch ($guess_type) { case 'fixed': case 'fax': case 'mobile': if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub) VALUES ({?}, 'address', {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})", $row['uid'], $row['adrid'], $row['telid'], $guess_type, $fmt_phone, $display, $row['tel_pub'])) { echo 'WARNING: insert of address phone number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ', address ' . $row['adrid'] . ' and telephone id ' . $row['telid'] . ".\n"; $warnings++; } else { if ($row['tel_type'] == 'Autre') { $autre_count++; } else if (!isset($conversions[$row['tel_type']])) { $conversions[$row['tel_type']] = $guess_type; } } break; case 'conflict': echo 'WARNING: conflict for user ' . $row['uid'] . ', address ' . $row['adrid'] . ' and telephone id ' . $row['telid'] . ': type = "' . $row['tel_type'] . '", number = "' .$fmt_phone . "\"\n"; $warnings++; break; case 'unknown': default: echo 'WARNING: unknown phone type (' . $row['tel_type'] . ') for user ' . $row['uid'] . ', address ' . $row['adrid'] . ' and telephone id ' . $row['telid'] . "\n"; $warnings++; } } } echo "\nSummary of automatic phone type conversion\n"; foreach ($conversions as $old => $new) { echo "* $old => $new\n"; } echo "There was also $autre_count conversions from old type 'Autre' to a new one determined by the phone number.\n"; //end of import if ($warnings) { echo "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n" . " There is $warnings phone numbers that couldn't be imported.\n" . " They need to be manually inserted.\n"; } echo "\nAfter solving any import problem and checking automatic conversions,\n" . "you can drop useless columns and tables by these requests:\n" . "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tels`;\n" . "ALTER TABLE `auth_user_quick` DROP COLUMN `profile_mobile`;\n" . "ALTER TABLE `auth_user_quick` DROP COLUMN `profile_mobile_pub`;\n" . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `tel`;\n" . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `fax`;\n" . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `mobile`;\n" . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `tel_pub`;\n"; // auxilliary functions function guess_phone_type($str_type, $phone) { $str_type = strtolower(trim($str_type)); // special case for phone type 'autre', guessing by phone number if ($str_type == 'autre') { if (substr($phone, 3) == '336') { return 'mobile'; } else { return 'fixed'; } } if ((strpos($str_type, 'mob') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'cell') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'port') !== false)) || (strpos($str_type, 'ptb') !== false) { if (substr($phone, 3) == '336' || substr($phone, 2) != '33') { return 'mobile'; //for France check if number is a mobile one } else { return 'conflict'; } } if (strpos($str_type, 'fax') !== false) { if (substr($phone, 3) == '336') { return 'conflict'; } else { return 'fax'; } } if ((strpos($str_type, 'fixe') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'tél') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'tel') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'free') !== false)) { if (substr($phone, 3) == '336') { return 'conflict'; } else { return 'fixed'; } } return 'unknown'; } /* vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4: */ ?>